ESLP-AWP Semester Final Report

Organization: A Woman’s Place, Merced, CA

Service Learning Team Members:

Ting Chou ()

Martin Sanchez ()

Rafael Granados ()

Alex Chow ()

Ashley Chiang ()

Bryan Chiem ()

Robert Rios-Rios ()

Executive Summary

A Woman’s Place is a non-profit organization whose mission is “to shelter and help empower victims/survivors of domestic abuse to become safe, secure and self-reliant; and through education and collaboration, to mobilize our community to help prevent domestic violence.” [1]

Service Learning Team-AWP proposed this semester to purchase a new server and update A Woman’s Place website. Their current website is hard to find and needs updated information. In order to accomplish these goals we needed to create sub-goals such as creating a Donor Letter to obtain funds to purchase a new server. As the semester progressed we decided to hold off on the further development of the directory prototype because we felt that the AWP faculty and staff needed stronger computer skills. We developed a computer training script which led to a training and tutorial session for the AWP personnel.

The results of this training session will be valuable to AWP and their clients. We hope that our computer training script and computer training session can guide AWP to educate their clients. Also the future outcome of purchasing a server and updating their website will aid AWP with the organization of their business and create more awareness of their cause.

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………4
  1. Project Description…………………………………………...... ……………..5

2.1 Methods……………………………………………………………………..5

2.1.1 AWP Plone Prototype Website………………………………..11

2.2 Road Blocks…………………………………………………………….…11

2.3 Future Plans…………………………………………………………….…12

  1. Management Plan…………………………………………………………..…13

3.1 Team Website……………………………………………………………...13

3.2 Team Description Chart…………………………………………………...14

  1. Team Organization………………………………………………………..…...15
  1. Reference……………………………………………………………………….15
  1. Appendix A………………………………………………………………………17
  1. Appendix B………………………………………………………………………19
  1. Introduction

Our society is quickly becoming technology based and we are becoming more and more dependent on computers. With so many advances in technology people can be left behind, especially non-profit organizations like A Woman’s Place who do not have the efficient funding and the right knowledge to keep their organization up-to-date.

From the beginning, our Service Learning team has been devoted to helping A Woman’s Place modernize their technology within their organization. Our objectives this semester and for future semesters will be to continue on the path that was set by the service learning team of last year to generate a detailed understanding of the goals, focuses, and structure of AWP, and assist AWP in improving their communication systems, obtaining new technology and developing computer knowledge that can eventually be passed onto their clients. Our original proposal this semester consisted of plans to continue developing our directory prototype; however, we made the choice to hold off on the further development of the directory prototype and focus our time on getting a new server for AWP.

This report will outline the projects that were completed and will need to be continued on to next semester. For example the maintenance of their computers will always be an ongoing task for all Service Learning teams. In addition, one of the long-term goals was to recommend purchasing a new server for AWP but with limited funds and additional research we decided to hold off on the purchase of a server. Instead we created a Donor Letter that asks the community for help. We hope that by writing a Donor Letter, we could raise funds can get an ongoing fund that will provide money for future Service Learning teams and their projects. This report also will describe the biggest highlight and most beneficial project we could offer to AWP, which is our training session for AWP’s personnel. One other long-term goal that will be most helpful to AWP is updating AWP’s website and developing a plone website prototype. Our team wanted to create a new design for their website using Plone in order to help them update their current AWP website. Each project we started this semester was strategically planned to use as a building block for future projects.

2. Project description

  • Team Organization
  • Task Description List
  • Maintenance of all AWP’s computers
  • Purchasing of a server
  • Donor Letter
  • Evaluation of network / reconfiguration
  • Training script
  • Training sessions
  • AWP Website

2.1 Method

Organization is key in any team, any design and any team project. To help stay organized our team created a task description list, which allowed continuous updates on projects being completed. It was created through an Excel spreadsheet and organized with categories. We used a percentage column in order to keep our team posted of how much of the project was completed. We also had a column that was for any description or notes we needed to communicate to the rest of the team. Our ESL-AWP website was a vital tool that was used all the time. In addition to our task description list, we also kept all current documents for projects posted so that nothing would be lost. By posting all of our files we were able to eliminate individual e-mails and attachments that can easily get lost. We also organized a binder of past proposals, projects and other useful information to pass on to future teams. This binder will act as a reference and guide to allow for a smooth transition between each ESL-AWP Teams in the future.

The first goal this semester was getting all of AWP’s computers on the same page by downloading up-to-date programs, running anti-viruses and making sure each computer was connected to the Internet. It’s a goal that we will continue to have throughout future semesters because we need to continue maintaining their computers in order to accomplish any future projects we plan to implement. Our team also went through all the computers and helped fixed any troubleshooting when needed throughout the semester. We finished sorting through the ten computers they received from a grant and made sure that the working computers were up-to-date and connected to the Internet.

Purchasing a server for AWP is one of our long-term projects. They currently have a server; however, it is not working to its full potential. AWP needs a server that will fit the requirements of their organizations. Last semester we were given a budget of $600 to purchase a new server and through some research we found a server that was the minimum of what AWP needed. The team last semester recommended the XSERIES 306M SS, which was about $668 before tax. This semester we decided that $600 just was not enough money. We wanted AWP to have a server that will last them a long time and that could be expanded if needed. We also knew they would need a way to back up their information so an external hard-drive was another product that needed to be purchased. We were able to find three different servers, one of them being a basic, entry level server, another being a more advanced server and the third being a high performance server. The three servers fit into three different budgets we set. We also researched on a few external hard drives that will fit the budget. Below is a list of the three servers and two external hard drives that we proposed purchasing.

Entry Level Server – Power Edge SC1430

  • Meets basic needs for file and print sharing, e-mail and application server
  • Ideal for small businesses

Cost: $730


Storage:Up to 3TB

Speed:2 Quad-Core 64-bit Intel at 1.86GHz

Advanced Server- Power Edge 1900

  • Great for e-mail (messaging), Application server, Database, Web Server, and file and print sharing.
  • Ideal for businesses with up to 50 employees

Cost: $980


Storage:Up to 6TB

Speed:2 Quad-Core 64-bit Intel at 2.66GHz

Performance- Power Edge 2900

  • Meets more than just file and print sharing needs a large amount of room to expand.
  • Multi-tasking, Database, E-mail and Web server



Storage:Up to 6TB

Speed:2 Quad-Core Intel at 2.66GHz

External Hard Drives:

250 GB 7200 RPM External Portable Hard Drive

  • E-Z touch One Button Backup System

250 GB 7200 RPB FireWire External Hard Drive

  • Simple setup, easy to use

We set a low, medium and high budget even though we do not currently have the funds to support the medium and high budget. In order to obtain these funds we decided to create a Donor Letter (See Appendix A). The idea of a Donor Letter came up and seemed like the most ideal way of obtaining funds for AWP. We obtained a Donor List from A Woman’s Place because we wanted to ask the community for help. In the letter we described our goals and what our Service Learning team was all about. We attached a brief description of the different servers we want to purchase in order to give our donors a concrete reason to make a contribution. This donor letter is also the stepping-stone to future projects because it will hopefully create an on going fund that will help future teams reach their goals. It will allow teams to think of more ways to help AWP without the limiting factor of money.

The donor letter was suppose to be sent out, we were suppose to receive additional funds and we were suppose to purchase the server; however, our re-evaluation of AWP’s network forced us to change our plans. Upon working more in-depth with our clients at AWP this semester, we discovered several new variables that were overlooked before. Of these small things that were overlooked in previous semesters, we discovered that the main problem lies in our client’s network throughout their complex. We took immediate action in addressing the problem and have laid out the first few steps to rebuilding their network to be fully functional and secure. Hopefully, if the network is not restored to good condition by the end of this semester, the logs we have kept shall assist next semester’s team in finishing our project. In turn, the network will give availability to future projects, such as implementing a local server or network hard-disk drive, and leave more room for expansion upon projects of the service-learning program with AWP to come.

In addition to finding a server for AWP, obtaining funds to purchase the server and attempting to restore their network, we also decided to help AWP’s staff and faculty. This was not in our original plans and proposal, but it was a necessary project to pursue because technology is advancing so quickly that we want AWP to have a stronger foundation to build off on. This goal was the highlight of the semester because not only will we be able to help AWP but also it will one day allow AWP to help their clients, which is the most important goal for both our Service Learning Team and A Woman’s Place. We first began with a training script (see Appendix B), which was basic guideline for AWP’s faculty to follow and use when needed. We hope that our training script will act as an instruction manual or user guide to using a computer. Now that all their computers are somewhat stable, our Service Learning Team proposed setting up a basic computer session with AWP that would teach them fundamental computer skills that can be used on a daily bases. We sponsored a training session, at UCM in the Linux Lab, which taught them fundamentals like how to turn on the computer. We also introduced them to the Linux setup and showed them how to use Open Office, Word and Power Point. AWP had some background information already on Word because they knew how to use the Microsoft version but they did not know as much about Power Point. We gave them the basic break down of how to setup a slide show and create a presentation, which might help them obtain more funds in the future. Next, we showed them how to use the Internet. We had them do an exercise of how to use a certain database such as Google. The importance of this training and tutorial session is so much greater than any project completed. Our goal as a Service Learning Team is to help the community. Not only are we helping AWP but we will be helping their clients as well. Finally while showing them how to use the Internet we showed them their website and the website we have been using to work on our projects.

AWP’s current website has not been updated in a few years. Our team this semester decided that it needed updating; however, we lacked familiarity with how to use and create a website through Plone. Some of our team members attended sessions taught by Dr. German Gavilan, which gave our team members the knowledge they needed to create a new website for AWP. Our Plone prototype of their website is ready to launch but we still need to decide where to host their website. Our service learning team is trying to get UCM to host AWP’s website but it is still a work in progress.

2.1.1 AWP Plone Prototype Website

2.2 Road Blocks

Our team faced a few setbacks this semester but overall accomplished a lot. We had such a small group this semester with many different talents; however, we were not able to up-date AWP’s website as fast as we would like. Dr. German Gavilan provided Plone training to resolve our team’s limited familiarity with Plone and updating websites. Our team members proudly took sessions and learned how to update AWP’s website and manage to over come our minor setback. One of our biggest problems that arose at the end of our semester was a perceived problem with funds. Our donor letter was complete and ready to be sent but there some minor delays. We re-accessed the immediate need for a server in a place of re-evaluating issues AWP has with their network. While money seemed to be our biggest limitation and has caused roadblocks for many projects in the past, we need to understand the root at the problems AWP has in order to recommend solutions. This is a continual learning experience.

2.3 Future Plans

This report outlined the projects that were accomplished and set for next semester, which we plan to complete. We hope to get back to working on the directory prototype and solve security issues along with physically updating and improving their network and getting a new server for AWP. We know that it will take time for us to set it up but we have high hopes of getting funding for next semester to make improvements to their technology. In addition we hope that our training session can be modified and perfected for future sessions with AWP’s Personnel and their clients. Moreover we anticipate to get their new website launched and have AWP be able to utilize their website to further help their clients in the future.

3.Management Plan

Below is our team website and task description list, which aided our communication between our team. We were able to keep it update and refer to it whenever we needed. It made it easier than sending individual e-mails and attachments to each other.

3.1 Team Website

3.2 Task Description Chart

Contains a “Task Description,” “Lead Member,” “%Complete,” “Deadline,” and “Comments” column that can be updated at any time.

4. Team Organization

Leader: Ting Chou

Communications Officer: Martin Sanchez

Recorder: Alex Chow

Information Technician: Bryan Chiem

Documentation Specialist: Ashley Chiang

Webmaster: Rafael Granados

Security: Robert Rios-Rios

All team members will contribute to the team tasks.

5. References


A Woman’s Place, Merced, CA, headquarters

Online sources

[1] A Woman’s Place, inc. 2007 < April 2007

[2] Creative Commons Attribution2.5 License, Tutorials for Open Office, August 06, 2006. <

[3] Microsoft Corporation, Using Windows 98, April 27, 2000.

[4] MozillaZine, Firefox, October 27, 2006. <

[5] Internet Tutorials, Basic Internet, April 2007. <

A Special Thank You…

To the Foster Family for their on going support, Phil Moose for his network recommendation and last but not least, Dr. German Gavilan for his excellent technology training and insightful guidance