·  To define the procedure for the selection of delegates and their responsibilities as representatives of MOENA at the National General Assembly.

A.  Selection of Delegates:

  1. The number of delegates to the General Assembly is determined by National ENA.
  2. The State delegation shall be composed of the State Council President, President-elect, delegates and up to two (2) alternate delegates.
  3. The President shall have the responsibility of appointing the State Delegation to the General Assembly.
  4. Delegates to the General assembly must be a participating member during the time period designated by the point system.
  5. Delegate selection will be The State Council will determined delegate selection by the point system established by the State Council:
  6. The current Point System is will be available to all MOENA members on the state website.
  7. Delegate Point System application forms must be validated and signed by the applicant and Chapter President.
  8. In the event a Chapter President applies, either the Chapter President-elect or Immediate-Past-President may co-sign.
  9. Application forms which are incomplete or do not have the required co-signature may be returned for completion.
  10. Applications received after the due date as indicated on the application form may not be considered.
  11. Delegate selection will be based on the highest number of points accrued by a participating member from June 1 of the previous year to May 31 of the current year with consideration to ensure representation from each chapter.
  12. It shall be responsibility of the Compliance Chair to validate the eligibility of candidates.
  13. It shall be the responsibility of the State Membership Chair to tally points and determine delegates.
  14. Point selection and delegate selection information shall be made available upon request of any member.
  15. In the event of a tie for the last position, a lottery will be held.
  16. In the event there are not enough applicants after the deadline to make a full delegation, including alternate delegates:
  17. The Compliance Committee chair shall be requested to submit a list of members who meet the qualifications, as outlined above, to both the President and Membership Chair. This list may include applications received after the due date.
  18. The President and Membership Chair shall choose a new deadline that allows interested members one week to respond. However, that time must be no later than two weeks before the deadline for notifying National ENA of our delegate list.
  19. The President shall then notify the members on the list provided by the Compliance Chair of the new deadline and their opportunity to apply or resubmit their application for delegate selection. Notification may occur via phone or email. A voice mail message is sufficient notification if direct contact is not made.
  20. The Membership Chair shall notify the President within one week after the new deadline who will fill the vacant positions. If this process does not result in a full delegation, no further extensions will be made and the delegate list will be submitted to National ENA.

B.  Delegate Expectations

  1. Funded delegates will attend the National Board of Directors meeting and participate in both days of the General Assembly, arriving on time, be appropriately seated, attentively participate and remain to the end of each session.
  2. Delegates are expected to be knowledgeable of the General Assembly Handbook and should be prepared to represent their Chapters and State Council at the National Level.
  3. All delegates and alternates are required to complete the delegate orientation that is provided by National ENA via the website and submit certificate of completion to the MOENA State Captain.
  4. All delegates attending the General Assembly will sign and adhere to the agreement on the delegate point system application form.
  5. In the event a delegate does not fulfill their duties:
  6. The President, at his/her discretion, may remove the delegate. If available an alternate may fill the position.
  7. If a delegate is removed, there will be no reimbursement.


Approved: 11/2011

Reviewed and updated: 11/2013

Reviewed and updated: 02/2017