The September 19th meeting of the NDSU Saddle and Sirloin Club was called to order by President Jenna Schmidt. The secretary’s report was approved as read. The treasurer’s report read a balance of $3,085.58. We are still taking dues!

Bette Shipley came and talked to us about Riding on Angels Wings and handed out awards for those who have helped volunteer. There will be a spring session again. Thanked us for our support and time we have given.

David Buchannan our new Animal Science Department Chair came to speak to us. He commended us for the work we do with Little “I” and encouraged us that with everything we do to “be here, now.”

Committee Reports:


Next week is our first blood drive from 2:30 until 7:00 on Thursday. There are still many spots open!


Sunday co-ed FFB won-POG-Kim S. Monday women’s volleyball won-POG-Caitlin S. Men’s FFB won tonight-POG-Nick Smith. They will send out an email with next week’s schedule. Ag Olympics and Chili Cook-off is tomorrow night. Chili judging will start at 5:30. Games to follow. Bring work gloves and wear old clothes. Still need you to signup on the roster for intramurals.

New Member

New Member meeting under the horse after this meeting to discuss and go visit the Romper Room. If you’re not in a family it’s not too late-just talk to Lindsay or Richie.

Game: Started with Meg trying to get her bib on which took her a while. Opened diapers and found some nasty surprises. Kacey won by finding the penny first.


Signup sheet going around for vests. Still other shirts for sale and brown shirts will be here next week.


Send appropriate pictures if you have any for the website. Keep trying to get on listserv.

Old Business:

-Turkey Sales-discussed different proposals. Motion for Kim’s proposal where members going would receive the money for the turkeys they sold and if they sold they’re minimum number of turkeys they would receive some of the pool money. Motion passed.

-ValleyCity Steer Show committee

Committee members were selected: Megan F., Jamie M., and Brittany T. They will have a brief meeting afterwards. They will still need volunteers closer to show time.

-Motion made to discontinue the Pig and Lamb Sale

Tabled until next week.

New Business:

Reporter respectfully resigned her position due to job interferences.


Meg Stanley

Closed until next week.

Nominations for Miss NDSU-November 8th

Courtney Hawbaker

Kristi Boen

KaSondra Klein

Closed until next week

-Jenna talked about Spirit Points during Homecoming week and how the points will be awarded. Need to be present at as many functions as possible. Need 6-9 girls for the Powder Puff team…talk to Jenna if you are interested. New Member Co-chair will talk about the homecoming float to new members. Need help decorating the front of Shepperd…talk to Jenna. Yell like Hell is after Powder Puff FB-help come up with ideas for cheers. Riston and Allison both made it onto the Homecoming Court-congratulations and good luck!

-Motion to put a half page ad at $50 for the Bison Stampede program. Motion passed.

-Motion we sponsor a quarter page ad at $40 for the Blue Key Homecoming show. Motion passed.

Little “I”



Beauty tip-not a beauty tip guy.

-Last night to turn in committee signup sheets. Due Friday at the latest. We will find out committees next week.

-Band nominations:

Willie is busy that week and has declined.

October Road

The Roosters

Wes Lindvig and the Sidewinders


Nominations closed until next week. Please have a price and demo tape available.

-Theme nominations (open for 3 weeks)

Winning theme will receive gift certificate.

Nominations closed.

Cowboy Logic-Luke was walking behind a couple of old cowboys (Russ and PB). Russ asked PB what say it was and PB replied it’s Thursday. Russ said I’m thirsty too!


-Exec pictures after the meeting

-Richie announced new arrivals into families-Congratulations!

-Phonebooks are in-pick them up! The stalking may now begin.

-Dairy Judging team got 11th in Wisconsin-Great Job!

-Rodeo team-Jessie and Hallie did well at the last rodeo. Rodeo team will have their next meeting on Tuesday-they’ll need help with the NDSU rodeo in October.

-It’s Andrew D.’s 21st birthday-he wants strippers!


Kacey was playing a game of moose along with others and Cameron had to go to the bathroom so they decided to fill a juice box with you know what. Ben really wanted to drink the juice pretty bad!

Last weekend Tellan raided the NDSU corn fields and the next night they went wedding crashing. KaSondra even did the dollar dance with the groom.

Riston convinced Katie that John Denver was still alive at the dance last week.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Calli Jo Wold

07-08 S/S Secretary