Study Guide for
Chapter 14
/ Name ______

1.  In what part of the Indian subcontinent was Mohenjodaro?

A.  the northwest

B.  the northeast

C.  the southwest

D.  the southeast

2.  Archeologists found beaded necklaces and toys among the ruins at Mohenjodaro. What might these objects suggest about the city?

The people of Mohenjodaro were artistic and creative. In addition, they allocated time to express their artistic and creative abilities.

3.  Archeologists found a structure that was 39 feet long and 8 feet deep. What evidence did they find that made them think it was a pool?

There were several pieces of evidence to suggest the structure was a pool. There were water proof bricks, dressing rooms, a room which was used as a well, and a drain which archeologists believed was used to get rid of dirty water.

4.  What do these seals reveal about Mohenjodaro?

The seals in Mohenjodaro were used for several purposes. They were used to ward off evil spirts; merchants also used them to tag goods, and to possibly illustrate the types of animals found in the city.

5.  What was one feature of Mohenjodaro that was different from other settlements built at the same time?

The city’s complex sewer system set them apart from other settlements at the time.

6.  The homes of people in Mohenjodaro had from 1 to 12 rooms. This suggests that

The number of rooms in a home in Mohenjodaro was a sign of the family’s economic standing in the city. That is, families who were poor probably had fewer rooms and families who were wealthier had homes with more rooms.

7.  Archeologists found a clay model of a bull pulling a cart. What might the artifact say about Mohenjodaro's people?

It is possible that the carts were used as a means of transportation by the farmers.

8.  Part of Mohenjodaro was raised and had walls around it. If this were all you knew about Mohenjodaro, what is your best educated guess about what it means?

It is possible that the walls were used a means of protection to keep invaders out of the city.

9.  Weights and scales found in Mohenjodaro were used for

Weights and scales in Mohenjodaro to weigh the grains which used for trading.

10.  What do some archeologists think the Great Bath was used for besides bathing?

Archeologists also believed the Great Bath was used for religious ceremonies.

11.  What did archeologists find in Mohenjodaro's lower city?

In the lower city, archeologists discovered a statue suggesting how men dressed as well as beads which were possibly used as jewelry.

12.  What type of object found at Mohenjodaro might have been used for the purposes listed below?

o  charms to keep away evil

o  tags to identify property

Seals were used as charms to keep away evil as well as tags to identify property.

13.  What did Mohenjodaro possess that was different from other Indian cities of the time?

Mohenjodaro had a complex sewer system.

14.  What features did Mohenjodaro's homes contain?

The homes in Mohenjodaro were made of mud bricks, had flat roofs, were two stories, faced the alley, doors opened to courtyards, and the second floor windows had screens made of terra-cotta or alabaster.

15.  Artifacts have been found that suggest the people of Mohenjodaro relaxed by

The people would go to the Great Bath on a hot day. They also played games as way to relax.

16.  Archeologists believe that a clay model found in Mohenjodaro shows how its people did something. What?

Scientists believed the clay model could have been used to transport farm goods to the city market.

Follow the directions to complete the item(s) below.

17.  Archeologists have found many artifacts at Mohenjodaro. Complete the chart below with information about what the objects suggest about life in the city.