2016 SDCA Conference Schedule

The South Dakota Counseling Association has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 2042. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The South Dakota Counseling Association is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Wednesday, April 27th

5:00pm – 9:00pm Registration Opens

6:00pm SDCA Board Meeting

8:00pm SDSCA Board Meeting

Thursday, April 28th

8:00am Conference Registration Opens

8:00am - 8:30am SDSCA/SDMHCA Preconference Registration Opens

8:30am – 4:00pm Preconference Workshops (lunch on your own) 6.0 CEs

Thursday, April 28th

4:30pm-6:00pm Breakout Sessions Pending (possible 1.5 CE hours)


Presentation Title: “REBOUNDARIES and RESILIENCE ...Enhancing skills that foster boundary recognition, determination and GRIT!” Presenter: Julia Cook, MS
Brief Description of Program: As counselors, our ultimate goal is to make a positive difference to children and help them reach their highest potential and become the best that they can be in all they do. This goal is getting harder and harder to reach.*How do we accomplish the great task of teaching our kids the BIG LIST of everything they need to know and succeed in life when they believe that all of their needs are being met through screen time?*How do weteach our kids online safety? How do we allow technology toadd to our children’s life asopposed to taking from it?*How do we create an environment where kids genuinely "want it" more than we want it for them? This research based keynote takes a look at the things that world class counselors and educators are doing to accomplish the "ultimate goal." Participants will learn how to create a craving for knowledge, set boundaries, teach GRIT, encourage patience, and develop E.Q., helping our students to thrive with strength and confidence in their ever changing world!Participants will learn how to nurture themselves despite the kryponite- empathy overload, feeling inefficient, or perhaps mountains of paperwork.

Friday, April 29th

8:00am Conference Registration Opens

8:00am – 8:50am 60 Min Breakout Session I

Presentation Title: “Personal Stories: An Often-Neglected Super Power” Presenter: Daniel D. Maurer, M.Div

Brief Description of Program: "How do clients’ stories connect with their self-understanding?” "Is there a way counselors can help facilitate people to envision a different, super-powered outcome for their life-story?” These key questions will animate your outreach to others in a new way, taking into consideration that human beings are essentially “storied creatures.” Upon completion of the session, participants will be able to to assess whether a narrative therapeutic approach is relevant or effective to address a client’s situation. 0.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “The Power of Super Heroes” Presenter: Jeff Heavlin MA, NCC

Brief Description of Program: Participants will increase their knowledge of both the history of the American comic book/super hero as well as their impact on popular culture. Participants will also increase their knowledge of clinical application of utilizing super heroes in a therapuetic relationships based on the research and usage of other mental health professionals. 1.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “NCAA Recruiting & Eligibility for School Counselors” Presenter: Holly Borchers, MS, MASM

Brief Description of Program: The program will include discussions pertaining to using 2013-14 NCAA statistics to estimate the probability of U.S. high school prospects competing in NCAA sports. An explanation of NCAA Eligibility guidelines in Divisions I, II, & III, including upcoming 2018 changes, timeline/explanation of NCAA Clearninghouse registration and impact on Official Visits, and common college coaching recruiting philosophies at the DI and DII level will be discussed. 0.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Unlearning Helplessness – Motivating the Underachiever,”Presenter: Julia Cook, MS

Brief Description of Program: Participants will learn how underachieving occurs when people have a significant gap between their abilities and what they achieve. In this interactive session, participants will learn about the four types of underachievers, discuss the importance of executive function skills, explore the characteristics and causes of underachieving, and explore effective solutions counselors can use to assist in reversing this problem. In order to open the doors of “untapped potential,” you need to have the right keys. 1.0 CE Hours

9:00am – 10:30am Keynote address with Dr. Erford 1.5 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Coming Alive as a Counselor: Managing Stress from the Inside Out” Presenter: Bradley T. Erford, Ph.D

Brief Description of Program: Clients with overwhelming anger, anxiety, and stress are being encountered more frequently than ever before by counselors. And let's face it, working with stressed-out clients takes its toll on counselors, too! With humor and easy-to-use techniques, including the “Big Four,” participants will learn how to develop effective strategies to help children, adolescents, and adults cope with the challenges of life, while also helping participants to reflect, refocus, re-energize, re-engage, and avoid burnout!

10:45am – 11:45am 60 Min Breakout Session II

Presentation Title: “Managing Kryptonite: Fundamentals for Understanding ADHD (Basic)” Presenters: Brian Eclov, EdS, LPC-MH, QMHP & Anne Dilenschneider, PhD, LPC-MH, QMHP

Brief Description of Program: Participants will be able to articulate a basic understanding of ADHD as a neurodevelopmental disorder of executive functioning; distinguish ADHD myths and misconceptions from facts; recognize the negative impacts of untreated ADHD; explain the function of medication in the treatment of ADHD; and select and implement appropriate behavioral treatments for ADHD. 1.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Lakota Circles of Hope – Culture specific prevention curriculum for Elementary grades 2nd to 5th” Presenters: James Kinyon, MS,LPC-MH, LMFT, QMHP & Gwen Holmes, MA Ed./Ling,

Brief Description of Program: Participants will learn about the Lakota Circles of Hope program which is a cultural based prevention program for 2nd to 5th grade. Participants will learn about teaching a ten lesson curriculum to each grade on making healthy decisions for themselves in the context of Lakota/Dakota traditions and values. This program is principally taught in a school-based environment. Parents, educators and community members have identified this program as a first step in helping to introduce young people, families and educators to substance abuse, depression and antisocial behavior prevention efforts. Participants will learn how this program is designed to reduce these early risk behaviors by enhancing appreciation for the Lakota/Dakota values and traditions as a framework for making decisions and choices that contribute to a healthy and safe environment. 1.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Captain Obvious Learns Something New About Anxiety” Presenters: Seth Olson, PhD, LPC, NCC & Alexis Gartner, graduate student

Brief Description of Program: Anxiety disorders are one of the most prevalent mental health conditions, yet can mistakenly be viewed as less problematic when compared to other disorders. This presentation is intended to provide participants with the most current research on anxiety-related processes in the brain and treatment considerations. Participants will learn the “not-so-obvious” information related to anxiety and its treatment and be able to apply learning to their work. 1.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Child Sexual Abuse: Support for Parents Who Have Had a Child Disclose” Presenter: Jessica Haefner, MS. LPC

Brief Description of Program: Participants will increase their understanding of how Child Sexual Abuse disclosures impact the Family System as well as support options available to parents who have had a child disclose sexual abuse. 1.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Supervision of Super Heroes in School Counseling” Presenters: Hande Briddick, Ph.D. & Andrea Bjornestad, Ph.D., LPC, NCC

Brief Description of Program: Participants will engage in a discussion related to critical elements of supervision in school counseling as well as cultural issues that might impact their supervision relationship. Participants will learn about the ACA Code of Ethics as it applies to supervision. Participants will also be able use supervision concepts by applying the concepts to scenarios presented during the session. 1.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “The Counselor’s Survival Kit”Presenter: Julia Cook, MS

Brief Description of Program: Participants will learn techniques on how to use common objects to give client tips on how to navigate each and every day successfully. A simple item - such as a toothpick - helps remind you to “pick” out the good qualities in everyone... including yourself. What about a “tissue?” A tissue helps remind you to dry someone’s tears - maybe your own - and be aware of the tears of others. A rubber band?...It reminds you to become more flexible. You’ll laugh and learn as Julia shares her stories and many insightful tips.1.0 CE Hours

12:00pm – 1:30pm SDSCA/SDMHCA Luncheon

1:30pm – 3:00pm 90 Min Breakout Session III

Presentation Title: “More than Sad: Suicide Prevention Education for Teachers & Other School Personnel” Presenter: Anna Eidem, MS, LPC, NCC

Brief Description of Program: This program teaches staff to recognize signs of mental health distress in students and how to refer them for help. The first film is made specifically for adults. It provides an overview of the causes and treatment of suicidal behavior in teens, and emphasizes the role of teachers in identifying and referring at-risk students. The second film was made primarily for use with teens themselves and does not focus directly on the topic of suicide. Its primary aim is to educate students about depression, an illness that can lead to suicide. It can also be instructive for adults, to show the various way depression can be manifested in adolescents, and to help teachers and other school personnel more readily identify students who may be at risk for suicide due to this common and treatable disorder. 1.5 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Hidden in Plain Sight: Girls & Women with Asperger’s (High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder)” Presenter: Anne Dilenschneider, PhD, LPC-MH, QMHP

Brief Description of Program: This workshop is designed to help participants articulate a basic understanding of Asperger’s Syndrome (High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder); distinguish Asperger’s (ASD) myths and misconceptions from facts; and identify clues girls and women with Asperger’s Syndrome present as they “hide in plain sight” in school, social settings, and home. The program will also describe how girls and women camouflage their social confusion, and then become particularly vulnerable to exploitation, by following these dangerous social rules: “Don’t get angry. Be nice. Share.” Finally, an explanation pertaining to the difference between a meltdown and a tantrum will be provided as well as what is needed to support girls when meltdowns happen. An interpretation of the behavior of girls and women with Asperger’s Syndrome as the communication of sensory needs, social/emotional needs, and physical needs will be given. 1.5 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Extending the Reach of Clinical Supervisors: An Overview of Technology-Based Clinical Supervision” Presenter: Duane Kavanaugh, NCC, CCMHC, LPC/MH, SWA, QMHP

Brief Description of Program: The presentation addresses the use of technology in the delivery of counseling supervision. This presentation is a national presentation presented by National Rural and Frontier ATTC (Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network) and will familiarize audience with technology-based clinical supervision (TBCS) research, demonstrate its utility, and provide examples of clinical supervision services using different types of technology. 1.5 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Counseling Sexually Abused Men; Counselor Effectiveness” Presenter: John Paul, Ph.D., LPC (WI)

Brief Description of Program: The presentation has three learning goals for attendees. First, participants will learn more about an underserved client population that is reluctant to come forward and share their story. Second, participants will discuss the impacts on counselors who work with this client population. A review of published research will be provided in which counselors shared information about their experience with clients and how they were personally and professionally impacted. Third, participants will be trained on current sexuality/sexual abuse issues. Many state licensure boards require competence in areas of human sexuality. 1.5 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Racial Justice: White Privilege Transformed to White Allies” Presenter: Margie Neugebauer, MA, LPC

Brief Description of Program: This presentation will meet the requirements of Counselor Self-Awareness of the multicultural and social justice counseling competencies. Privileged and marginalized counselors develop self-awareness, so that they may explore their attitudes and beliefs as well as develop knowledge, skills, and action relative to their self-awareness and worldview. 1.5 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “DSM 5 for School Counselors” Presenter: Betsy Atwood, MS, LPC, LAC, Certified School Counselor

Brief Description of Program: Participants will learn the major changes from the DSM-IV-TR to the DSM 5 with a greater focus on disorders affecting youth. 1.5 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “An Alternative to Traditional Counseling Practices: SPOOFED Drama Troupe

Supporting Players Offering Opportunities For Educational Development” Presenter: Erin Fowkes, MALPC and SPOOFED Advisor

Brief Description of Program: Participants will observe the role of drama in assisting students dealing with contemporary, social, and cultural issues. Participants will learn from student perspectives about the following subjects: bullying/cyberbullying, isolation, depression, domestic abuse, GLBT, and drug use/abuse. Partcipants will also engage with the SPOOFED troupe in the processing component of the skits to determine audience perceptions of skits/issues of concern. 0.0 CE Hours

3:00pm – 3:30pm Poster Sessions/Break

3:30pm – 4:30pm 60 Min Breakout Session IV

Presentation Title: “Beyond Willpower: Strategies for Dealing with ADHD” (Advanced) Presenters: Brian Eclov, EdS, LPC-MH, QMHP & Anne Dilenschneider, PhD, LPC-MH, QMHP

Brief Description of Program: Note: It will help if participants have already attended Managing Kryptonite: Understanding Fundamentals of ADHD.

Participants will be able to recommend appropriate behavioral treatments for ADHD in home and classroom settings; describe how ADHD impacts family systems and classroom systems; articulate a basic understanding of willpower; and articulate a basic understanding of ADHD as a neurodevelopmental disorder of executive functioning 1.0 CE Hours

Presentation Title: “Managing Identity and Striving for Achievement: Helping Student-Athletes Develop Adaptive Motivation and Creating a School Culture that embraces the Same!” Presenter: Jessie Daw, Ph.D.

Brief Description of Program: Taking a psychosocial perspective, this session will examine the impact of athletics in the school setting, and focus on the school counselor’s role in helping athletes maintain a well-balanced perspective of sports, school, and life, using achievement goal theory as a framework. 1.0 CE Hours