Hazel Green Elementary (Week 12)

Skill: Exploration (Geography, Economics, Cultures and Societies)

Social StudiesGrade 5

This test section contains Eight multiple-choice and ONE open-response (short-answer) questions. Pleasemark your answers for the multiple-choice questions in the spaces provided on your Student Response Booklet. Mark only one answer for each question. If you do not know the answer, make your best guess. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET. WHEN YOU FINISH, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER TEST SECTION.
1. / About 500 years before Columbus reached North America, a group of Europeans had already reached North America, what group was it?
O / A. / The Dutch
O / B. / The English
O / C. / The Spanish
O / D. / The Vikings
2. / New technology improved navigation by helping sailors find longitude and latitude.
Define the wordtechnology in the sentence above?
O / A. / Scientific knowledge and tools.
O / B. / A trip taken with the goal of exploring.
O / C. / The science of planning and following a route.
O / D. / An instrument used to find direction.
3. / Which European nation sponsoredColumbus’s expedition across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492?
O / A. / Spain
O / B. / France
O / C. / Italy
O / D. / Holland
4. / What was the main reason that Columbus sailed west from Europe?
O / A. / To find a more direct water route to Asia.
O / B. / To set up colonies.
O / C. / To spread the Catholic religion.
O / D. / To discover new continents.


5. / Who was the leader of the first expedition to sail around the world?
O / A. / Balboa
O / B. / Cabot
O / C. / Magellan
O / D. / Hernando de Soto
6. / Which of the following was an impact of Columbus’s discovery and exploration of America?
O / A. / European countries decided to stop sending explorers to the New World.
O / B. / Europeans refused to claim for themselves the new lands they discovered.
O / C. / Native people were mistreated.
O / D. / The compass was invented.
7. / Which empire did the army of Hernando Cortes conquer in Mexico and why did they conquer this empire?
O / A. / The Aztec, conquered for gold.
O / B. / The Inca, conquered for religious purposes.
O / C. / The Mayan, conquered for their systems of writing and counting.
O / D. / The Ancient Puebloan, conquered for their land.
8. / Whatwas the most commonimpact that explorers had in North America?
O / A. / Land was claimed for European countries.
O / B. / Successful establishments of settlements.
O / C. / Mistreatment of Native Americans.
O / D. / The spread of disease.


Read all parts of the open-response question before you begin. Write your answers to the open-response question in the space provided on your Student Response Booklet. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET.
Spanish Missions
9. / Core Content
SS-05-2.3.1 Students will describe various forms of interactions that occurred between diverse groups in the history of the United States.
Spain had many reasons for settling North America. One of those reasons was to spread the Catholic faith, in order to do this, they built missions.
A. Explain TWO ways the Indians and Spanish initially cooperated with one another at the mission.
B. Explain how the Spanish began treating the Indians differently later on at the missions. Use evidence to justify your answer.
Do not write on this page. Please write your
answer to this open-response question in
the test answer booklet


Student Name______

Scoring Guide

4 / Student response correctly identifies two ways the Indians and Spanish cooperated. AND Explains how the Spanish began treating the Indians badly and provide an example. Answer is in depth and shows understanding.
3 / Student response correctly identifies two ways the Indians and Spanish cooperated. AND Explains how the Spanish began treating the Indians badly and provide an example. Answer shows understanding but has a few errors.
2 / Student response correctly identifies two ways the Indians and Spanish cooperated.
Explains how the Spanish began treating the Indians badly and provide an example. Answer shows some understanding.
Vaguely explains both parts A and B.
1 / Student response only explains one part with minimal understanding.
0 / Student response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
Blank / No student response.

Annotated Rubric/ Performance Expectations for ORQ

Academic Expectation:

Core Content:SS-05-2.3.1

Ceiling DOK Level: 2Question DOK Level: 3

Question Type (circle): (Scaffold), Single Dimension/Component, Two or More Relatively Independent Components, Student Choice, Respond to Provided Information

Examples to look for in student response:

A. Indians taught Spanish how to build houses. Indians taught the Spanish how to use herbs as medicine. The Spanish taught the Indians how to plow. The Spanish taught the Indians how to use tools and machines. The Spanish protected the Indians with soldiers.

B. The treatment of the Indians went from good to bad. Indians had to give up their religious traditions. Indians had to work on farms and ranches against their will. The Indians were treated cruelly.

Sample Level 3 Response:

  1. Two ways the Indians and Spanish initially cooperated with one another on the mission is that the Indians taught the Spanish how to build adobe homes and the Spanish protected the Indians.
  2. Later on the Spanish began treating the Indians badly; they made them give up their own religious traditions.

Essential Vocabulary:







(1)_HarcourtSchool Publishers. Harcourt Social Studies: The United States. Orlando: Harcourt, Inc, 2008 edition.

(2)Jefferson County Public Schools Testing Unit: Open Response Item Bank. Ed. Jim Rich. Jefferson County Public Schools. 27 May 2008 <

Exploring the World: The Age of Exploration Beginsunitedstreaming.com

Exploring the World: Spanish Explorers of North America

Exploring the World: Ferdinand Magellan and the First Voyage Around the World

Grade 5–Social Studies
Question / First
A.E. / First CC / Second A.E. / Second CC / DOK
Level of MC Question / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
1 / 2.20 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-5.2.4 Students will describe significant historical events in each of the broad historical periods and eras in U.S. history and explain cause and effect relationships. / 1 / D / In about A.D. 1000, Leif Erickson led a group known as the Vikings from what is today the country of Norway.
2 / 2.20 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-5.2.4 Students will describe significant historical events in each of the broad historical periods and eras in U.S. history and explain cause and effect relationships. / 2.19 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-4.3.2 Students will describe how advances in technology allow people to settle in places ;previously inaccessible in the United States. / 2 / A / The definition of technology is: the scientific knowledge and tools.
3 / 2.20 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-5.2.4 Students will describe significant historical events in each of the broad historical periods and eras in U.S. history and explain cause and effect relationships. / 1 / A / When Spain was united under Catholic beliefs, Columbus asked Ferdinand and Isabella to pay for his voyage. This time, the king and queen agreed to help him.
4 / 2.20 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-5.2.4 Students will describe significant historical events in each of the broad historical periods and eras in U.S. history and explain cause and effect relationships. / 1 / A / Columbus believed he could reach Asia by sailing west across the OceanSea, as the Atlantic Ocean was then known.
5 / 2.20 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-5.2.4 Students will describe significant historical events in each of the broad historical periods and eras in U.S. history and explain cause and effect relationships. / 1 / C / Magellans’s expedition was the first expedition to sail around the world.
6 / 2.20 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-5.2.4 Students will describe significant historical events in each of the broad historical periods and eras in U.S. history and explain cause and effect relationships. / 2 / C / The Native people were captured several Taino and took them to Spain to be used as slaves.
7 / 2.20 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-5.2.4 Students will describe significant historical events in each of the broad historical periods and eras in U.S. history and explain cause and effect relationships. / 3 / A / Cortes conquered the Aztec for their gold.
8 / 2.20 / DOK Ceiling Level: 3
SS-05-5.2.4 Students will describe significant historical events in each of the broad historical periods and eras in U.S. history and explain cause and effect relationships. / 2 / A / Columbus’s trips inspired several European rulers to send ships west to claim land.