USEF /USDF # 315097 Opening date: 8/10/15

LEVEL 4 DRESSAGE SHOW Closing date: 9/15/15

October 8-11, 2015





CBLM Qualifying period: 9/22/14 – 9/1/15

Horse Park of New Jersey, 626 Route 524, Allentown, NJ, 08501

A qualifying competition for

2016 USDF/Great American Insurance Group Championships

2016 Col Bengt Ljungquist Memorial Championships

ESDCTA Perpetual Trophies

Instructor’s / Coach’s Award


ESDCTA, INC. Lisa Toaldo, President Rose Sinn

81 Summit Drive

MANAGER Tabernacle, NJ, 08088

Centerline Events/Debra Reinhardt 609-868-3110



Kem Barbosa, S, NJ Joyce Hardesty R

Barbara Ebner, S, NJ

Kari McClain, S, WA

Pam Wooding, S, NJ

Susanne Handler, R, CT

Susan Jones Sinelink, r, NJ

Show office phone: 609-259-1881 Oct 8-11, 2015 only

Online entries accepted at:

GARDEN STATE CLASSIC CLASS LIST: state open / AA/ Jr YR / GAIG Q as applicable

1.  Training level test 1 / open / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
2.  Training level test 2 / Open / CBLM Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
3.  Training level test 3 / Open / GAIG Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
11. First level test 1 / Open / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
12.  First level test 2 / Open / CBLM Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
13.  First level test 3 / Open / GAIG Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
21.  Second level test 1 / Open / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
22.  Second level test 2 / Open / CLBM Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
23.  Second level test 3 / Open / GAIG Q/ Dover Medal* / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
31.  Third level test 1 / Open / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
32.  Third level test 2 / Open / CBLM Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
33.  Third level test 3 / Open / GAIG Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
41.  Fourth level test 1 / Open / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
42.  Fourth level test 2 / Open/ CBLM Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
43.  Fourth level test 3 / Open/GAIG Q / Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun
51.  FEI PSG / Open / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Fri/Sat/Sun
52.  FEI Intermediate 1 / Open/CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Fri/Sat/Sun
53.  FEI Intermediate 2 / Open/CBLM Q/ GAIG Q / Fri/Sat/Sun
54.  FEI Grand Prix / Open / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Fri/Sat/Sun
50.  FEI TOC**** / Open / CBLM Q/GAIG Q**** / Thu/Fri/ Sat
61.  USDF MFS** Training – 4th lv / Open / CBLM Q / GAIG Q
State level- Training level is a CBLM Q only / Sun
62.  FEI MSF ** / Open/CBLM Q/GAIG Q
State level / Sun
63.  Pas de Deux / Open / CBLM Q / Fri/ Sat
70.  Dressage Seat Eq / Open /AA/Jr-YR / Sun

* Dover Medal – offered for highest score of AA in Second level test 3 on Sat Oct 10, 2015

**USDF and FEI MFS classes will be divided by level. Training Level MFS are CBLM Q only

*** FEI TOC class- Please note test on entry form. Tests maybe CBLM and GAIG Qualifier if applicable

- Classes will be split if entries warrent

COL BENGT LJUNGQUIST MEMORIAL CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS LIST: all CBLM Championship classes are 2016 qualifiers- as indicated. Include qualifying on entry and include GAIG Q fee with payment.

139A. Third Level / Senior A – USEF 3-2 / CBLM Q / Thur
139B. Third Level / Senior B – USEF 3-2 / CBLM Q / Thur
159A. PSG Level / Senior A – FEI PSG / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Thur
159B PSG Level / Senior B – FEI PSG / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Thur
179. Intermediate 2 / FEI I -2 / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Thur
229A. Second Level / Senior Div A & YR – 2-2 / CBLM Q / Fri
229B. Second Level / Senior Div B – 2-2 / CBLM Q / Fri
249A. Fourth Level / Senior Div A USEF 4-2 / CBLM Q / Fri
249B. Fourth Level / Senior Div B USEF 4-2 / CBLM Q / Fri
269. Intermediate 1 / FEI I-1 / CBLM Q / GAIG Q / Fri
289. Grand Prix / FEI GP / CBLM Q / GAIG Q / Fri
291. First Level MFS / USDF First MFS / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Fri
293. Third Lv. MFS / USDF Third MFS / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Fri
319A. First Level / Senior Div A & YR– USEF 1-2 / CBLM Q / Sat
319B. First Level / Senior B – USEF 1-2 / CBLM Q / Sat
319J. First Level / Junior – USEF 1-2 / CBLM Q / Sat
339J. Third Level / Junior / Young Rider – USEF 3-2 / CBLM Q / Sat
390. Training Lv. MFS / USDF Training MFS / CBLM Q / Sat
394. Fourth Lv. MFS / USDF Fourth MFS / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Sat
396. Intermediate 1 MFS / FEI I-1 MFS / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Sat
398. Grand Prix MFS / FEI GP MFS / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Sat
409A. Training Level / Senior Div A & YR USEF T-2 / CBLM Q / Sun
409B. Training Level / Senior B USEF T-2 / CBLM Q / Sun
409J. Training Level / Junior – USEF T-2 / CBLM Q / Sun
429J. Second Level / Junior – USEF 2-2 / CBLM Q / Sun
449J. Fourth Level / Junior / Young Rider – USEF 4-2 / CBLM Q / Sun
492. Second Level MFS / USDF Second MFS / CBLM Q/GAIG Q / Sat
499. Pas de Deux / USDF Pas de Deux / CBLM Q / Sun


NO SHOWS: any competitor who is a no-s how for one class will be considered a no-show for all subsequent classes. Management reserves the right to fill those ride times and the no-show competitor forfeits all fees including USEF /USDF and Qualifying fees.

CLASS FEES: Garden State Classic Dressage – open classes

USEF Training – Second, USDF MFS $45

USEF Third & Fourth, USDF MFS $50

FEI Open classes, FEI MFS $60

Dressage Seat Equitation $35

CLASS FEES: CBLM Championship classes

All Championship class fees………………………………………………………. $70


USEF Show Pass fee (formerly-USEF non- member fee) $30

USDF non-member fee $25

USEF drug fee ($8drug/$8USEF fee) –per horse $16

Office Fee (non-refundable) $35

Trailer in fee (applies to non-stabled horses) $20

Stabling – daily horse or tack stall $75

Stabling-Duration Thurs noon-Sunday evening $180

Non-Compete horse fee, plus office fee $40

Class change fee (if granted by Secretary) $20

Late Entry fee (all entries RECEIVED after closing) $50

Bounced check fee $25

Shavings* Pre ordered $8

Shavings* On site $10

Camper hook up (per day) $45

GAGI Qualifying fee where applicable $10


GAIG: If entering as Great American/USDF Qualifying, please so indicate on your entry form and include the $10 Qualifying fee. Copies of USEF and USDF participating or business member- ship cards for both rider and owner, and copies of USEF Lifetime or Annual Horse Recording and the USDF full Lifetime Horse Registration must be included with entry. Riders must be Participating Members; owners may be Participating or Business members of USDF.

CBLM: Results of this class will be used to qualify horse/rider combination for the 2016 Finals of the Colonel Bengt Ljungquist Memorial Championships. Riders must be members of a participating organization at the time of the show to be eligible. For complete info:

LEVELS/CLASSES: Garden State Classic – open - Training through Grand Prix. AA and Jr/YR classes offered if entries warrant. 2016 GAIG/USDF/USEF and BLM Qualifying classes offered. Management reserves the right to combine, divide or cancel any class.

CBLM Championship classes: Training through Grand Prix Division A and B depending upon level of experience. Jr/YR classes offered. FEI levels (Exc MFS) Jr/YR classes will be divided if there are 3 or more Juniors or Young Riders.

See for complete qualifying and entry information.

CBLM Championship classes will be conducted according to Level 4 Regional Championship guidelines with the following exceptions: 1) the gate at A may remain open 2) horses entered in the championship may trailer –in daily rather than stable on show grounds 3) horses entered in the championship may be entered in open classes and ridden by a different rider after their championship ride and mounted awards ceremony is complete. 4) Judging Panel maybe comprised of more than 50% of officials from Region 1.

MFS CLASSES: times for music sound checks will be posted in the show office or sent by email to competitors if the MFS classes are scheduled prior to the lunch break on the first day of the show.

AWARDS: Garden State Classic -Trophy and six ribbons in each class. Trophy will be awarded only in classes with 3 or more entrants.

AWARDS: CBLM Championship classes –prize money for 1-3rd places in each class. Trophy to each Champion.

Ribbons: Training & First place – 1 -10 (exc freestyles); All other levels 1-8; AA high score ribbon for each Senior Division

CBLM AWARDS CEREMONY: there will be mandatory mounted awards ceremonies for each CBLM championship class. Riders are to appear in complete show attire / horses are to be fully tacked. Leg wraps are permitted. A no show at the awards ceremony- without permission from show management – forfeits placing and awards. An Awards Ceremony schedule will be posted in the show office 1 day prior to the start of the competition.

DAILY INSTRUCTOR’S / COACH’S AWARD: one award each day to the instructor/coach whose students compete in the greatest number of rides.

USDF/Dover Adult Amateur Medal will be awarded on Second Level Test 3 on Sat 10/10/15.

All entries MUST submit USEF and USDF documents for rider, owner, trainer and horse as appropriate for entry, non-refundable office fee, a negative Coggins dated within 12 months of show, and payment. If not stabling, haul-in fee must be paid per horse per day. Please include USEF non-member fee or any other membership/horse registration fee(s) if applicable. All entry forms must have three signatures including emergency info. . Checks payable to ESDCTA, Inc. or fill out Credit Card info on the entry form. Mastercard and Visa only. Entries can be mailed, faxed, emailed or online via Faxed, emailed or online entries are only accepted with CC as payment. ESDCTA’s Volunteer Bucks cannot be used for any part of show fees. Do not send entries registered or signature required, as you will receive entry confirmation via email or by providing a SASE.

FOOTING: sand with stone dust additive

ARENA: classes will be offered in 20x40 or 20x60 arenas as appropriate for the class

REFUND POLICY: Full refunds, minus the $30 office fee, will be given for cancellations received in writing, email, or fax before the closing date. Any unused USEF and USDF fees will be returned to competitors who withdraw. Partial refunds will be given after closing, minus the office fee, if ride times can be filled from the waiting list and on stabling if the stall can be re-rented. No refunds after closing date for ‘acts of god’ which require management to cancel classes or day(s) of competition.

TIMES: Times and stall assignments will be on the websites and at least one week prior to the competition. Sound check times will be posted at the show office and CDs must be in .MP# or .WAV format.

STABLING: 276 permanent 10 x 10 stalls with full doors (board on bottom and chain link fencing on top). No initial bedding provided. Use of straw bedding will incur a $20/stall additional fee by the Horse Park. Earlier arrivals and later departures must get permission from management.

VET / FARRIER: on grounds or on-call. Contact info will be posted in the show office

PONY MEASUREMENT: Requests by owners /agents for pony measurement must be made in writing to show management a minimum of 5 days prior to the competition. A $100 measurement fee will be charged.

HEALTH CERTIFICATE: all horses traveling into NJ must carry a Certificate of Good Health dated within 30 days of the competition.

ACCOMODATIONS: all hotels located at exit 8 (route 33 E) off NJ Turnpike

Holiday Inn: 609-448-7000; Hampton Inn: 609-426-160; Days Inn: 609-448-3200;

ENTERTAINMENT: food available on show grounds starting at 7am daily

DIRECTIONS: New Jersey Tpk to exit 7A-Route 195East to exit 11. Follow signs for Horse Park of NJ. Garden State Pky to exit 98 – Route 195 West to exit 11. Follow signs for Horse Park of NJ