Vocabulary for: Chapter 4-8: I Survived The Bombing of Pearl Harbor by Lauren Tarshis

Target word / Story context / Student friendly definition
p. 18 / Danny flung open the back door. / To move something with force in a fast motion.
p.19 / And he was clutching a little animal of some knid. / To grip or hold onto something tightly.
p. 24 / Danny managed to grab Aki by the seat of his pants and hoist him just in time. / To raise, lift, or pull up something.
p. 28 / The sound startled Danny. / A feeling of being surprised or shocked.
p. 31 / Danny thought he would fall asleep, tuckered out by all of the excitement. / A feeling of exhaust or being tired.
p.31 / But then a formation of bomber planes flew over them. / A specific layout or pattern that is formed.

Word Associations:

Which word could go with throwing something? (flung)

Which word describes squeezing something tightly? (clutching)

Which word goes with raising something up? (hoist)

Which word is the opposite of energized? (tuckered)

Which word means you made a pattern of some kind? (formation)

Which word goes with surprised? (startled)

Have you ever…? Turn and Talk… :

Have you ever felt startled. When?

Have you ever felt tuckered out?

Have you ever made a formation somehow? When?

Have you ever flung something?

Have you ever had to hoist something up? What was it?

Have you ever clutched something in your hands? What was it?

Which Would?

*What would you rather be startled by…. A surprise birthday party?...or your parents coming to school to eat lunch with you?

*Which would make you feel the most tuckered out … shopping for a whole day?….or playing basketball for a whole day?

*Which would you rather be clutching right now… a baseball? Or a rump rope?

Engage in Conversation about Word Meanings:

What is something that has made you feel tuckered out?

What is something that might be in a formation?

Name a time when you had to hoist something up?

What are some items you could be clutching in your hands?

When is a time that you have flung something?

What would cause someone to feel startled?

When is a time that you ever startled someone else?---Was it on purpose, or accident?

Vocabulary Test Name ______#

Chapter 4-8: I Survived The Bombing of Pearl Harbor by Lauren Tarshis

Match the vocabulary word to its meaning.

1. ____flung a. A feeling of being surprised or shocked

2. ____hoist b. A feeling of exhaust or being tired

3. ____clutchingc.To raise, lift, or pull up something

4. ____tuckered d. To grip or hold onto something tightly

5. ____formation e. A specific layout or pattern that is formed

6. ____startledf. To move something with force in a fast motion

7. When you walk in a line, that is a ______.

8. The children were all ______out after playing the basketball game.

9. I was ______my purse as the robber tried to steal it away.

10. I always have to ______my pants up, because they keep falling down.

11. Describe how a person could feel startled:



Draw a picture below of something being flung.