Positive Bradford Logo Competition

What is Positive Bradford?

Positive Bradford has been formed by a group of people fed up of seeing their city unfairly criticised. They have resolved to do something about it. Set up by Jane Vincent, founder of recruitment company Candelisa People and Saleem Kader, Managing Director of international business Bombay Stores Group. The Positive Bradford Group includes volunteers from the arts, business, communities and education who share a mission to change perceptions of Bradford and highlight positive aspects of the city.

Positive Bradford’s objective is easily defined: we’re going to speak up for Bradford

A ‘Positive Bradford Day’ will be held on Wednesday, September 21 to coincide with the opening of the new City Park. Centenary Square will be filled with displays, music and dancing performed by groups who promote Bradford’s cultural strength at home and overseas. It will be a day to celebrate all that is great about Bradford. Sceptics will be especially welcome!

Positive Bradford will be professionally turned into a brand by ‘this is Chemistry’, a successful Design and Marketing Agency based in Little Germany, Bradford. We would like young people from across the district to be involved in this process. Therefore we are holding a competition for young people to help design the ‘Positive Bradford’ logo.

Who can enter the competition?

Any young person aged between 13 -19 yrs can enter the competition through their school, youth club or setting.

What do you need to do?

1. Come up with a design/picture for ‘Positive Bradford’ – What does ‘Positive Bradford’ look like to you?

2. Write a short paragraph on how and why you came up with the design/picture i.e. the thinking behind it

3. Submit a positive fact about Bradford.

4. Include your name, school and age

How do I enter my design/picture?

You need to submit your entry electronically, so you will need to scan your picture and attach it to an email then send it to:

or on

More details on ‘this is chemistry’ can be found on www.thisischemistry.co.uk

Make sure you also include your paragraph and positive fact in your email.

When is the deadline?

You need to ensure you have emailed your entry to Emma by16.00 hourson Friday 11 March 2011.

What happens then?

The designs will then be judged by ‘this is Chemistry’ and Darren Baker, a graduate of Bradford Art College, one of the country’s leading painters within the classical realism genre. He is also the official artist of the 2012 Olympic Games and he has received numerous awards including best artist at The fine art trade guild ceremony in London and The Garrick Prize, Christies, London.

To find out more about Darren please visit his website:

Darren Baker will pick the top three designs as follows:

Category / Prize
1) Winner / £100 Cash & £50 HMV Vouchers
2) Runner Up / £60 Cash
3) Highly Recommended / £40 Cash

What happens to the winning design/picture?

The winning design/picture will then be developed by ‘this is Chemistry’ into the official Positive Bradford brand, which will be used at the launch of the Positive Bradford event, in the media, advertising and promotion around the event and on the day itself.

Presentation of Prizes:

This will take place during the day, week commencing the 21st March 2011 – the venue and time is yet to be confirmed. Darren Baker will present the prizes to all three categories. The developed logo will be available on the day and there will be full press coverage, including a photo opportunity with Darren Baker.


The three winning pupils and schools will be notified and invited to the presentation of the prizes.

For more information please contact one of the following:

Amerjeat Sarai – Step Up Enterprise, Tel: 01274 436835 / 07814 833431

Email: /


Emma Brockbank – this is Chemistry

Tel: 0845 64 34 034

Email: /