Meeting on Wednesday 24th February 2016


  1. Present–Jane Budd, Sharon Boyce, RickeshHirani, DarshnaKotecha, Colette Mitchell, Sarina Price, Sally Ramsden-Morris, Sheryl Roberts, Louisa Sillett, Laura Sutton

Apologies for absence - Jo Burton, Vikki Covey, Fiona Gauden, Sylvia Moss, Nan Simmonds

  1. Bingo night. – brief feedback & update funds raised:

£1,139.32 raised and Vodafone match fund letter is underway to try and get further £350.00.

There was positive feedback all round, on Facebook and from the Senior Leadership Team.

There were no complaints about prices, so the ticket prices and drink prices were thought to be ok.

The committee worked well together.

One improvement for future events is to make sure the children know what events are going on, so they can encourage their parents to come along. This could be done in CCR (Community Common Room) time at school.

It has been suggested that we stick to the same prices for future events so parents know what to expect. If we laminate the price list, we can just pull it out for each event.

Action:Laurato laminate the price list.

3.Phil the bag / car boot sale discussion

It was discussed about tying in a car boot sale with the Big Lunch being organised by school on Sunday 12th June. The Friends would organise the car boot sale side, and school run different events and games.

People have bags collected already that they are ready to get rid of. Laura will speak to Vikki about organising Phil the bag before Easter holidays. Mr Booth is happy for us to store bags for a short space of time in the storeroom. It may be that any quality goods could be picked out for car boot sale?? Any other goods collected after Easter will go to the car boot sale.

Action:Vikki to organise Phil the bag.

Action: Sheryl to check Mr Booth is happy with Car Boot Sale idea & also storeroom is still in position to be used before Easter.

  1. Croxley Revels – June 18th

Enough people are interested enough to see this happen (Jane, Sally, Sarina, Sharon, Laura & Fiona). Many ideas were thrown around: sweet tombola, pocket money toys, umbrellas, ponchos. It was felt the best idea was to keep it simple. This will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting. We will use the opportunity to use banners available, and canvas screens to advertise the school. If we go down the route of a sweet tombola, the school has a tombola.

Action: Sheryl please could you speak to Mr Booth about the children bringing in sweets for this event? It would be good to make it a class competition. If it’s not too primary schoolish, in our last school each form lined up the sweets and the longest line wins a prize. I think even secondary school kids may like this.

  1. Upcoming refreshments – Parents evenings:

Wednesday 2/3 Year 7

Wednesday 9/3 Year 9

Wednesday 16/3 Year 8

Shifts will be split roughly 4.30-7 & 7-9

Suggested that water be placed on tables where people are waiting

Action:Laura mail round and post on Facebook to get help & get refreshments for each evening , draw up signs (suggested donation 50p), & organise float.

Action: Sheryl to organise urn being left on & dishwasher on.

  1. Quiz night update – committee??

Date is set for July 2nd quiz-master is booked.

Sue Reynolds will help on the day & Sharon, Fiona & Laura will be on the committee to organise. Laura, Sharon & Fiona to meet before next PTA meeting. There are some prizes that can easily be sought for raffle or auction. A photo-shoot prize has already been offered,Morrisons and Tescos have said they are willing to donate every time.

Action:Sharon, Laura & Fiona to fix date.

Action: Sheryl please can you just confirm the date is in the diary.

Action: Laurato email Sharon list of drinks that sold for Bingo night.

  1. Any other business


The Treasurers report confirms that £1,139.32 was raised from Bingo night and we have £1,579.05in the bank.

Vikki has tendered her resignation as Co-Chair due to increasing family commitments; she is still willing to help out where possible. We are very grateful to Vikki for all the energy, enthusiasm & work she has given to see the PTA set up – Thanks Vikki.

Karran Bertram-Frysent in an email mentioning 6 things that could be implemented by the PTA. Her email was read out & these were the suggestions.

1st. A Car boot sale - the school has ample parking space and if we charged £5 per car to park there and let it take place on a Saturday morning withplenty of advertising in the local area (flyers on lamp-posts, notices around the offices around us etc) then I think this could be a great money spinner - perhaps the PTA could also run a tea/coffee stall and maybe the kids could run some craft tables in the school foyer with all proceeds from that also going to the school.

2nd Sports Relief is coming up - perhaps the school could get involved with this and any money raised could be shared between the Charity and our School.

I know you can apply for a Sports Relief pack (which is free of charge) and can give fundraising ideas - perhaps the school could have a totally "sport related" day where parents & friends sponsor the kids to do things - for example.

3rd Another bake sale, but rather than do this on a Friday after school perhaps do it on a Thursday (I understand more kids get coaches/buses home on a Friday so we're more likely to get parents there on a Thursday)..

4th I understand the bingo night was a huge success - well done - but one where people could bring their children and maybe include a "fish and chip supper" could also be a money spinner - again just an idea

5th - Spring Fair - most schools do a "Summer Fair" so lets be different and do a Spring one - we may have more chance of getting local companies to donate raffle prizes etc if we're at a different time..

6th -Maybe once a term, we could have a "Second Hand uniform sale" where parents send in the clothes their kids have outgrown and then the school can resell them on to those that are now "that size".

It was acknowledged that there are some good suggestions and some are already in the pipeline, but our biggest problem at the moment is manpower; we are therefore unable to take on more until more people are able and willing to help out. Laura has written to Karran, thanking her for taking time to put pen to paper and explaining that her suggestions are things that will be considered in the future when more help is available.

Advertising Friends (PTA)

Despite having many people wanting to be kept in the loop with things in the PTA we are short of willing hands. It was discussed how we could advertise more with flyers, getting our www. page up to date and having a slot in the end of term newsletter (already in the pipeline).

  1. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20th April 7.00 AGM

To be discussed in more detail: Croxley Revels & Quiz