Progressing a framework for Supported Employment
Update on Development of Supported Employment Framework
1.This paper provides an update on the work outlined in the joint COSLA and Scottish Government paper on the development of a Supported Employment Framework for Scotland.
2.In December 2006, the report of the Scottish Parliament’s Equal Opportunities Committee ‘Removing Barriers and Creating Opportunities’ contained a series of recommendations relating specifically to Supported Employment. Recommendation 24 stated that the then Scottish Executive establish a framework for supported employment for disabled people in Scotland. The Committee considers that this framework should contain national standards as a key element in its development.
3.The Scottish Government has been working with COSLA and the Scottish Union of Supported Employment (SUSE) to develop a Supported Employment framework.
Current Achievements
4.A Strategic Task Group has been convened comprising key strategic stakeholderswith an interest in the development of a supported employment framework and the ability to influence others to highlight the importance of this work. In addition to this, three workstreams have been developed to inform the development of the framework. These workstreams are:
- Staffing & Qualifications;
- Standards in Quality Improvement and Regulation; and
- Finance and Implementation.
5.The development of the Framework is supported politically by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, and COSLA’s Health and Well-being spokesperson. The political commitment is beginning to result in a raised profile for supported employment in Scotland. In the long-term it is envisaged this will encourage public agencies to lead by example in providing employment opportunities for disabled people.
6.The Strategic Task Group has met three times and have agreed the remit of the work for each of the Workstreams; which to date are progressing at different rates. The initial thinking of what needs to be done have been well established but we realise there is a lot more work is required on next steps. For example the Staffing and Qualifications workstream have made good progress in identifying Job description and Person specifications for an employment support worker and now needs tolook atthe options for fitting this into the wider qualifications framework. It is also looking at the complex array of funding streams used for supported employment.
7.In order to establish a clear baseline of evidence around the current delivery of Supported Employment, a scoping exercise has been undertaken. It aims to illustrate the current situation within Supported Employment and to offer some insight into supported employment within the Scottish context. An internet/web based survey has been sent to all 32 Local Authorities to secure this information.In addition a more in depth study of supported employment provision is being undertaken in 5 local authority areas. Initial findings confirm the need to ensure consistency about the wayServices, Standards and Outcomes are defined in different areas across Scotland as well the need to clarify and simplify the wide range of arrangements forFunding, Staffing and Service User involvement.
8.Findings from the scoping exercise will provide the Strategic Task Group and the workstreams with valuable information on next steps but have highlighted the scale of the challenges that need to be addressed. However, despite the current economic climate there is a great willingness among funders, providers and practitioners to address these challenges. In addition to the framework there is an emerging desire from practitioners for clear guidance.
9.To ensure engagement with the appropriate range of interested stakeholders as work progressesthe Task Group has produced a stakeholder consultation strategy which will communicate the work of the task groups and associated workstreams on an ongoing basis. The main communications of the work will be delivered through an employability learning network. It will include use of a dedicated website for employability in Scotland, an e-bulletin and inclusion of information on partners’ website such as COSLA, SUSE and disability organisations. We plan to hold targeted events in 2009 to wider disseminate progress.
Next Steps
10.The next steps will include work on the following.
- Analysing responses from all areas to understand fuller picture on supported employment in Scotland;
- Identifying gaps in knowledge and how these could be addressed;
- Beginning the process of standardising approach to supported employment;
- Raising awareness with local and national politicians as well as directors of services in Local Authorities to ensure a strategic approach to supported employment is adopted; and
- Increasing awareness among local politicians and senior officers of the role supported employment plays in a number of cross cutting agendas such as Equally Well, Independent Living etc.
Scottish Government/COSLA – December2008
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