“Support for Migration and Asylum Management in Ukraine”

Deployment of a Quality Assurance Expert to the Installation of IT Equipment and Software

for theState Migration Service of Ukraine

Tender Reference No. UA1-2018-002

Prepared by

8 Mykhailivska Street, 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine

10January, 2018


Table of Clauses

  1. General
  1. Scope of the Call for Proposal3
  2. Eligible Proponents3
  3. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive and Coercive Practices4
  1. The Call for Proposal Documents
  1. Contents of the Call for Proposal Documents5
  2. Clarification of the Call for Proposal Documents5
  3. Amendment of the Call for Proposal Documents5
  1. Preparation of Proposals
  1. Cost of the Preparation and Submission of Proposal 6
  2. Languages of the Proposal 6
  3. Documents Comprising the Proposal 6
  4. Standard Forms6
  5. Preferred Payment Schedule7
  6. Official Currencies7
  7. Establishing Proponent’s Eligibility and Qualification7
  8. Period of Validity of the Proposals7
  9. Bid Security Declaration8
  10. Format and Signing of Proposals8
  1. Submission of Proposals
  1. Sealing and Marking of Proposals8
  2. Deadline of Submission of Proposals8
  3. Late Submission of Proposals9
  4. Modification and Withdrawal of Proposals9
  1. Opening of the Proposals
  1. Opening of the Proposals9
  2. Clarification of Proposals 10
  3. Preliminary Examination10
  4. Conversion to Single Currency10
  5. Evaluation and Comparison of Proposals10
  6. Contacting IOM11
  7. Post-qualification11
  8. Purchaser’s Right to Accept and Proposal and to Reject any or All Proposals11
  1. Award of Contract
  1. Awards Criteria11
  2. Notification of Award11
  3. Signing of Contract11
  1. Addressing Complaints
  1. Venue for Addressing Proponents’ Complaints12

Call for Proposal

  1. General
  1. Scope of the Call for Proposal

1.1In the framework of “Support to Migration and Asylum Management in Ukraine”, hereinafter referred to as the “Project”, the Bids Evaluation and Awards Committee (“BEAC”) of International Organization for Migration Mission in Ukraine (IOM Ukraine) now invites interested parties to submit proposals for the Deployment of a Quality Assurance Services to the Installation and Integration of IT Equipment and Software for the State Migration Services of Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the “Services”.

1.2With funding from the European Union (EU), IOM Ukraine is working with the State Migration Service (SMS) of Ukraine to upgrade the data center of SMS. SMS prepared the technical design and plans of the data center which served as the basis for the procurement of various IT equipment and software by IOM Ukraine. To ensure the proper installation and integration of the equipment and software in accordance to the overall design and plan prepared by SMS, IOM Ukraine intends to engage the services of a qualified Service Provider who shall deploy one (1) Quality Assurance (QA) expert to work with the installation and integration contractor to cover all QA aspects of all the activities included in the terms of reference of the installation and integration contractor. The duties and responsibilities of the Service Provider and the QA expert it will deploy with Project are outlined in the Terms of Reference or ToR (Annex 1 of this Call for Proposal). However, in case a potential Proponent does not have a QA expert who can cover all the QA aspects of all the activities included in the terms of reference of the installation and integration contractor, the Proponent may propose to deploy a team of QA experts to cover all the aspects of the installation and integration activities provided that their Financial Proposal and the resulting contract value shall correspond only to the cost of deploying 1 QA expert covering all the aspects of the integration and installation activities.

1.3The successful Proponent is expected to render and complete the Services with total workload of 30 workingdays within the period of data center upgrade(tentatively expected in February –October 2018).

  1. Eligible Proponents

2.1This Call for Proposalis open to all interested parties who possess the minimum qualifications below:

  1. With at least 5 years of proven experience in providing similar services (i.e., conducting QA/audit related to reliance of IT-infrastructures) to at least three previous clients. Interested parties should provide documentary evidences to prove its experience and previous relevant engagements. Documentary evidences include but not limited to copies of its past contracts, certificates of final acceptance of the project, etc.;
  2. With qualified QA experts who possess at least the minimum qualifications outlined below who can be readily deployed to the Project. Interested parties shall submit to IOM, a list of qualified QA experts indicating their area(s) of specialization. IOM shall choose from among the QA experts proposed by the interested parties, who among the experts they would prefer to be deployed to the project. Interested parties shall submit as part of their proposal, the comprehensive resume/curriculum vitae of the experts in their pool along with their educational credentials and training certificates;
  3. With experienced technical and business managers. Interested parties shall submit as part of their proposals, copies of the resume/curriculum vitae, educational credentials and training certificates of their managing director and technical service director or equivalent officers of their companies;
  4. Properly registered with pertinent Ukrainian government agencies, or similar authorities in the country of the service provider, to perform/provide the services stipulated in the ToR;
  5. Is not subject to possible dissolution and/or lawsuit; and
  6. With financial ability to provide the Services.

2.2The QA expert which the Service Provider shall deploy to the Project shall possess at least the minimum qualification outlined below:

  1. Degree (masters or bachelor) in engineering, in informatics, telecommunication, IT or equivalent;
  2. Experienced and knowledgeable in the area of resilient infrastructures (e.g. large-scale IT systems set up in redundant infrastructures, on different sites and with an active-active mode that ensures high availability – above 99.95%) and related products/techniques. The relevant experience should be demonstrated by references to at least three assignments, similar in their nature to what is mentioned in this Call for Proposals, having been carried out in the last five years;
  3. Experienced in carrying out audits, studies, QA in relation to technical infrastructures. The experience should be shown by at least three assignments related to auditing and QA having been carried out in the last five years;
  4. Have a good general knowledge of technology and IT in large organization;
  5. Experienced with working in international environments; and
  6. Fluent in English. Preference shall be given to QA experts who can read, write and speak in Ukrainian and Russian including relevant technical terminologies in the mentioned languages.

2.3Cognizant with the Ukrainian legislation, this Call for Proposal is not open to companies with shareholders with ties to or registered within Russian Federation. Consequently, no QA experts who are Russian nationals shall be deployed by the winning Proponent to the Project, neither Service Provider could be registered within Russian Federation.

  1. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive and Coercive Practices

3.1IOM requires that all IOM staff, bidders, manufacturers, suppliers or distributors to observe the highest standard of ethics during procurement and execution of all contracts. IOM shall reject any bid put forward by Bidders or where applicable terminate their contract, if it is determined that they have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. In pursuance of this policy, IOM:
(a)defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:
(i)“corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting directly or indirectly anything of value to influence the action of the Procuring/Contracting Entity in the procurement process or in contract execution;
(ii)“fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, the Procuring/Contracting Entity in the procurement process or the execution of a contract, to obtain a financial gain or other benefit to avoid an obligation;
(iii)“collusive practice” is an undisclosed arrangement between two or more Bidders designed to artificially alter the results of the tender procedure to obtain a financial gain or benefit;
(iv)“coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any participant in the tender process to influence improperly its activities in a procurement process, or after the execution of a contract.
(b)will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for the contract in question;
(c)will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded an IOM-financed contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, an IOM financed contract.
  1. The Call for Proposal Documents
  1. Contents of the Call for Proposal Documents
  2. The following documents are integral part of this Call for Proposal documents:

(a)Annex 1 - Terms of Reference of the Service Provider and the QA Expert

(b)Annex 2 –Official Proposal Form

(c)Annex 3 - Proposal Checklist

(d)Annex 4 – List of Similar Projects Implemented/Currently Implementing

(e)Annex 5 - Vendor Information Sheet

(f)Annex 6 - Code of Conduct for the Suppliers

(g)Annex 7 - Service Agreement Template

(h)Annex 8 – Bid Security Declaration Form

4.2The Proponent is expected to examine all instructions and forms in the Call for Proposal documents. Failure to furnish all information required in the Call for Proposal documents or to submit a proposal not substantially responsive to the Call for Proposal documents in every respect will be at the Proponent’s risk and may result in the rejection of its proposal.

  1. Clarification of the Call for Proposal Documents
  2. Proponents may seek clarifications regarding these Call for Proposal documents by sending their request for clarification to with subject line: “Clarification Request # (indicate request number)/UA1-2018-002/Applicant’s company name” not later than 17:00 hours – EET, 23January2018. Written explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry and IOM’s official response to the query, will be posted in form of Call for Proposal Bulletins in the IOM Ukraine website. Proponents are therefore advised to regularly check the ad where this Call for Proposal is posted to check for any Call for Proposal Bulletins.
  1. Amendments of the Call for Proposal Documents
  2. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, IOM, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Proponent, may modify the Call for Proposal documents by amendment.
  3. All amendments to this Call for Proposal shall be posted in the same ad where this Call for Proposal was initially posted. All Proponents therefore are advised to regularly check the ad at the IOM Ukraine website to check for any amendment to the Call for Proposal.
  4. In order to allow prospective Proponents reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their proposals, IOM, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of proposals.
  1. Preparation of Proposals
  1. Cost of the Preparation and Submission of Proposals
  2. The Proponent shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its proposal, and IOM will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Call for Proposal process.
  1. Languages of the Proposal
  2. The proposal prepared by the Proponent, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the communication exchanged between any Proponent and IOM, shall be written in English. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Proponent may be provided in another language but accompanied withan official translation of the relevant passages in English, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the proposal, the English translation shall govern.
  1. Documents Comprising the Proposal
  2. The proposal prepared by the Proponent shall comprise the following components:

(a)Official Proposal Form (use Annex 2 of this Call for Proposal as guide);

(b)Proposal Checklist (use Annex 3 of this Call for Proposal as guide);

(c)Company Business Profile;

(d)Business Registration Permits, Tax Registration Documents and Proof of Tax Payment for 2016;

(e)List of Similar Projects Implemented or Currently Implementing (use Annex 4 of this Call for Proposal as guide);

(f)Vendor Information Sheet (use Annex 5 of this Call for Proposal);

(g)Copies of the Resume or Curriculum Vitae, educational and training certificates of all the QA experts in the Proponent’s pool of experts;

(h)Copies of the Resume or Curriculum Vitae of the Proponent’s managing director and technical director or equivalent officers;

(i)Code of Conduct of Supplier signed by the authorized person of the Proponent-company and stamped with the company’s official stamp; and

(j)Bid Security Declaration (use Annex 8 of this Call for Proposal)

  1. Standard Forms
  2. A list of standard forms is provided for in Article 4.1 as annexes to this Call for Proposal. Wherever standard forms are provided for specific purposes, the Proponent is required to use them when preparing the corresponding documentsto be submitted as part of its official proposal.
  3. The Proponent is required to fully fill up all the required information in all the standard forms provided for in this Call for Proposal. All forms should be filled up in English.
  1. Preferred Payment Schedule

11.1 IOM’s preferred payment schedule is 100% due15calendar days after IOM’s acceptance of the final report of the QA Expert. In case this is not feasible to the Proponent, the Proponent shall submit its proposed payment schedule.

  1. Official Currencies

12.1 The official currency for this Call for Proposal process shall be Euro (EUR). All proposals must be submitted in EUR. The resulting contract shall likewise be in EUR. However, if the winning Proponent is based in Ukraine and prefers to be paid in Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH), the invoice amount due for payment shall be converted to UAH using the official foreign exchange rateof the United Nations for the month when the payment will be made. For reference of the Proponent, the UN Operational Rates of Exchange can be found by the link: IOM shall not be responsible for any loses the winning Proponent may incur due to the fluctuation of the currency exchange.
  1. Establishing Proponent’s and QA Expert’s Eligibility and Qualification
  2. The eligibility and qualification of the Proponentshall be determined against the mandatory minimum qualification outlined in Article 2.1 above.
  3. The eligibility and qualification of the QA experts the Proponents shall put forward to IOM for consideration shall be determined by the minimum qualifications outlined in Article 2.2 above.
  4. Once the Proponent is identified and selected, IOM shall choose from among the eligible and qualified QA experts put forward by the winning Proponent, the QA expert to be deployed to the project.
  1. Period of Validity of Proposals
  2. The proposals shall remain valid for the period of 30 calendar days after the date of the opening of the proposals by the BEAC. IOM Ukraine reserves the right to reject any or all bids with shorter validity period.
  3. In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the validity of the proposal, IOM may request that the Proponents extend the period of validity for a specified additional period of fifteen (15) calendar days. IOM shall communicate the request for validity extension in writing. The Proponents likewise shall respond to IOM’s request in writing.
  4. Proponents may refuse IOM’s request for extension of the validity of the Proposal. Proponents who will agree to extend the validity of their proposals shall not be allowed to revise their proposals.
  1. Bid SecurityDeclaration
  2. The Proponent shall furnish, as part of its proposal submission, a Bid SecurityDeclaration form (Annex 8). The Bid Security Declaration shall be signed by the Proponent’s Managing Director or equivalent officer and stamped with the Proponent company stamp.
  1. Format and Signing of Proposals
  2. Proponents shall prepare their proposals in accordance to the requirements of thisCall for Proposal documents. Where standard bid forms and templates are provided in the Call for Proposal documents, the Proponents shall use the standard forms and templates when preparing their proposals.
  3. All proposals shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the person duly authorized to bind the Proponent to the contract. All pages of the proposal, shall be initialed by the person signing the proposal.
  4. Any interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are initialed by the person or persons signing the proposal.
  1. Submission of Proposals
  1. Sealing and Marking of Proposals
  2. All pages of the documents referred to in clause 9.1 should be signed by the Proponent’s official representative and stamped with the Proponent’s official company stamp.
  3. Proponent shall place the original copies of the documents comprising its official proposal submission in sealed envelope bearing the marking described below:

Proposal in Response to UA1-2018-002

Proponent’s Company Name

Do Not Open Before: ______

17.3The official representative of the Proponentshall sign across the flap of all the sealed envelope containing their Proposal. The official company stamp of the Proponent shall likewise be stamped across the sealed flap of the envelope containing the official proposal.

17.4Each Proponent shall submit only one proposal. If a Proponent submits more than one proposal, IOM reserves the right to either disqualify the Proponent or accept only the first proposal received from the Proponent and reject all the other proposals.

  1. Deadline for Submission of Proposals

18.1Proponents are required to send by courier, the original copies of all the documents comprising their official proposal and a CD containing the scanned signed copies in pdf format of all the documents listed in clause 9.1 above in properly sealed and marked envelopes as stipulated in clause 17 to:

International Organization for Migration

Mission in Ukraine

8 Mykhailivska Street,

Kyiv, 01001


The original copies of the proposaland the CD referred above should be received at the office of IOM Ukraine not later than 17:00 hours – EET, 26 January 2018.

18.2All submitted proposals shall be registered with IOM Ukrainetender registration book at exact time of its arrival to IOM Ukraine. The official date and time record in IOM Ukraine’s registry shall serve as the basis in determining the actual date and time of the receipt of the proposals.

18.3IOM may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of proposals by amending the Call for Proposal documents in accordance with clause6, in which case all rights and obligations of IOM and Proponentspreviously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.