A principal supervisor must have a so called ‘green light’ from the department before recruiting a doctoral student or in any other way initiating a doctoral project.
An approved ‘green light’-decision is a mandatory attachment to the application for admission to doctoral education
Applicant (principal supervisor)
Name / E-mail
Unitetc. / Research group
KI SLL Other, namely: / Academic title
Dr Docent Professor
Doctoral project
Preliminary title of doctoral project
Supervision experience
Number of doctoral students you are presentlysupervising: as principal supervisor: as co-supervisor:
List of doctoral students you presently are the principal supervisor for:(more than four: attach a list)
Name / Admission year / Planned dissertation
Number of hours per week available for supervising a new doctoral student:
Total number of doctoral students you have supervised to a doctoral degree (or licentiate degree)
as principal supervisor: as co-supervisor:
Current financial resources
Sources of financing / Sum / Period


I can provide goodsupervision to a new doctoral student
I have time to supervise a new doctoral student
There is enough financing to cover the cost of a new doctoral student
Date / Signature applicant
Approved (=’green light’)1
Approved subject to the following condition(s)2:
Denied3, due to the following reason(s):
A written motivation is attached
Date / Signature, Director of doctoral studies
Date / Signature, Head of administration
Date / Signature, Head of department (prefekt)

1Approved:It is OK to recruit a doctoral student. Please be aware that the ‘green light’-decision applies only to one doctoral student and only at this department.

2 Approved subject to the following condition(s): It is OK to recruit a doctoral student, but the conditionshave to be fulfilled before an application to the admission seminar can be filed. Normally, you can go ahead as planned but the conditions can be of such nature that you have to postpone the initiation of the doctoral project.Please contact the director of doctoral studiesif you have questions.

3Denied:The reason(s) must be clearlystated,either above or in an attached document. If the situation is changed the applicant has the right to apply again.



The purpose with ‘green light’ is to assure that all doctoral students at KI have the opportunities and resources needed for a high quality doctoral education. ‘Green light’is a tool for interfering at an early stage to avoid situations wheresome of the prerequisites for a good doctoral educationare missing.


To get a‘green light’ means that the department has given its approval to an intended supervisor to recruit a doctoral student. All supervisors must apply for a‘green light’even if the doctoral student is recruited in other ways than through advertising, for example when the intended doctoral studentis employed by SLL.

The ‘green light’routine does not replace the admission seminar. The green light assessment is performed at a much earlier stage The admission board will make a full assessment of all aspects(the doctoral student, the scientific project, time plan, co-supervisors etc), at a later stage, while the ‘green light’is only focused on the supervisor and is made ina much earlier stage.

A ‘green light’ is normally only valid for a specific doctoral project and should not be considered as a general approval to supervise. One application is needed for each potential new doctoral student.

Assessment of supervisor

Suitability as supervisor

The most important criteria areprevious trackrecords and available time for supervision. Theinformation that the department collects and how the track record is assessed can vary, but if an application for ‘green light’ is denied the decision has to be accompanied by a clear and articulate written motivation.

Supervisors without a previous trackrecord have to be assessed on other grounds, e.g. teaching/supervision of students, general compliance with rules, ability to cooperate etc.

Financial resources

A doctoral student is a financial commitment for the department. It is therefore important to assess the financial situation of the intended principal supervisor.

Please note that there are costs involved also for doctoral students with scholarships or with financing from a second part. External scholarships usually have to be combined with complementary funding in order to reach the income level for doctoral students at KI.

2017-03-13 KV