Armathwaite Community School

Home to School Agreement - October 2017

As a school we will:

  • Provide a high standard of interesting, fun, exciting and challenging education to all our pupils
  • Develop each individual so theyknow ‘how’ to learn, feel confident and have ownership of their learning
  • All see ourselves as life-long learners
  • Provide a safe and secure environment for children, staff, helpers and visitors
  • Offer a broad and rich curriculum to children
  • Continue to involve the community in learning opportunities outside school hours and the curriculum
  • Provide guidance on safe and appropriate behaviour, and respect for ourselves and each other
  • Implement our behaviour policy with a focus on positive behaviour reinforcement and modelling of the behaviours we are fostering in our children
  • Provide genuine opportunities for student voice through weekly good news/ issues assemblies and full student involvement in carrying out risk assessments , decision & policy making

Signed for the school

The Children in our school will:

  • Make school times happy
  • Take care and be careful at school
  • Look after the school and keep it tidy
  • Try their best to work and concentrate at school, demonstrate motivation, engagement and persistence – drive to learn and succeed
  • Be willing to listen and learn – active learners
  • Treat everyone with care, kindness and respect
  • Develop confidence, self-belief and independence
  • Collaborate positively with those around them

Signed by the child

As Parents we will:

  • Positively encourage our children to learn, support them with all the learning that happens in everyday life and home learning tasks from school
  • Ensure that children get to school on time and notify the school before 9.15am if they are to be absent.
  • Support school activities and promote the school within the community
  • Make sure children start each day well fed, appropriately dressed and having had enough sleep
  • Model the positive behaviour and attitudes we would like to see in our children
  • Support the school behaviour policy
  • Teach our children to respect others and to have self-respect
  • Write in the children’s learning logs

Signed by Parent(s)

As Governors we will:

  • Support the work of staff and children
  • Effectively lead and manage the school
  • Encourage 3 way communication with parents and staff
  • Create an environment that encourages parental and community involvement
  • Involve parents as much as possible in the development of the school
  • Plan the future development of the school
  • Ensure the implementation, regular reviews and updating of the school behaviour policy

Signed for the Governors