WOOD GREEN SCHOOL Bursary Application Form 2015

Adviza recognises that quality careers information, advice and guidance should be available to all young people regardless of their circumstances. As such we have created a bursary scheme for young people (and their parents) who are not in receipt of our contracted services and who would not be in a position to pay for those services directly. This bursary has now been extended to cover adults currently working with the NCS.

To be eligible for a bursary you must:

Be a young person aged 13 to 19 (or up to 25 if you have a Learning Difficulty or Disability) who is not able to access free Adviza services or support

•ANDbe facing economic disadvantage or from a low income family (evidence of household income of £26,000 gross per annum or below may be requested at a later stage)

•AND(for individual guidance interviews) not be in receipt of contracted services through schools or colleges

•ANDLive in, or be attending school or college in,Adviza’s geographic coverage (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Swindon, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire)

ORBe an adult who is referred through an Adviza National Careers Service Adviser

• AND be facing economic disadvantage or from a low income family (evidence of household income of £26,000 gross per annum or below may be requested)

•AND live in Adviza’s geographic coverage (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Swindon, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire)

The funds will cover distinct activities:

•1:1 guidance interview for young people, not eligible for contracted services (at a cost of £49 per session)

•1:1 guidance interview for adults and graduates who have been referred by the NCS (at a cost of £49 per session)

•Psychometric testing (Morrisby Profile at a cost of £99 per face to face sessionor £70 foron-line delivery)

Please note all bursaries awarded are at the company’s discretion and are dependent on available funds. If you would like to apply please complete the application form below.

To be completed by the Client re Wood Green School

Name / Date of Birth
Home Address
Email Address
Contact Number


I confirm that I meet the eligibility criteria outlined above and I understand that money can be claimed back if I give information that I know to be false.Eligibility Criteria please select (Free School Meals, Benefits,
Low Income) ______.

Signed______Date ______

To be completed by the Adviser

Centre Location/NCS Region
Referrer Name / Date of Referral
Service Req’d / 1:1 Guidance Interview / £49 / Please tick
Morrisby Psychometric Test Face to Face / £99 / Please tick
Morrisby Psychometric Test Online Delivery / £70 / Please tick

Once approved return to Sam Cherrington at Ocean House for tracking & reimbursement to local budget

Adviza Partnership

Ocean House, The Ring, BRACKNELL, Berkshire RG12 1AX

Tel: 0845 408 5002 Fax: 0845 408 5003


Adviza Partnership. Company No. 6534168 Registered Charity No. 1132201

Registered in England. Registered Office: Ocean House, The Ring, BRACKNELL, Berkshire RG12 1AX