2000 Computer Applications Page 5

1. She left home to live on her own at the age of twenty-two. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
2. The organization celebrated its one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
3. The couple was married on June 9th, 1970. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
4. The clerk ordered nine staplers, six tape dispensers, and 15 file folders for the office. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
5. The final score of the game was 3 to 1. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
6. The report states that 56 percent were correct, 38 percent were incorrect, and 6 percent were questionable. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
7. Her address was listed as 2447 - 5th Avenue South. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
8. He handed the teller 82 twenty-dollar bills. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
9. He handed the cashier eight 20-dollar bills. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
10. Seven runners participated in a total of twenty-three races. / A. Sentence is correct / B. Sentence is incorrect
11. Which word is misspelled? / A. congradulations / B. questionnaire / C. calendar / D. deficit
12. Which word is misspelled? / A. personnel / B. lien / C. embarass / D. occasion
13. Which word is misspelled? / A. deductible / B. maintainence / C. inconvenience / D. clientele
14. Which word is misspelled? / A. beneficiary / B. exaggerate / C. received / D. harrassed
15. Which word is misspelled? / A. cancelation / B. traveling / C. accommodate / D. separate
16. Working at home or anywhere other than the office and connected by means of electronic devices is called? / A. Telecommuting / B. Teledynamics / C. Telenet / D. Teleconferencing
17. A software package that contains two or more software programs made by the same company (for example, a word processing, a spreadsheet, and a presentation software program all in one package) is called / A. multipackage programs. / B. a Suite. / C. prepackaged software. / D. an Office.
18. Which database application would NOT be suitable for batch processing? / A. Payroll / B. Loan payment / C. Airline reservations / D. Student grades
19. What does DOS stand for? / A. Desktop Operating System / B. Disk Operating System / C. Drive Operating System / D. Default Operating System
20. The place on a disk's surface where data is written is called a/an / A. cylinder. / B. sector. / C. track. / D. index.
21. What does HTML stand for? / A. Hyper Text Media Laser / B. Hydro Test Markup Leader / C. Hyper Text Markup Language / D. High Tech Machine Language
22. All of the following are computer hardware components EXCEPT / A. scanner. / B. CPU. / C. printer. / D. Internet Browser.
23. LAN stands for / A. Last Available Number. / B. Local Area Network. / C. Lost Area Network. / D. Local Arranged Network.
24. In terms of a database, a student's information card would represent a / A. database. / B. file. / C. field. / D. record.
25. Which is the best resolution? / A. 640x480 / B. 280x480 / C. 1074x680 / D. 1074x480
26. Organizations that provide Internet connections to the general public are called? / A. Guide organizations / B. Software companies / C. Content providers / D. Service providers
27. Using a standard sheet of typing paper, your margins would be ___ top and ___ bottom if you wanted to have a five and a half inch vertical line? / A. 3",3" / B. 3.5", 3.5" / C. 2.75", 2.75" / D. 2", 2"
28. Using a standard sheet of typing paper, your margins would be ___ left and ___ right if you wanted to have a 7-inch horizontal line? / A. .5", .5" / B. .75",.75" / C. I",1" / D. 1.25", 1.25"
29. The standard for communication between computers and digital musical instruments is / A. DOS. / B. MIDI. / C. MPC. / D. CADD.
30. The word processing feature that provides synonyms and antonyms is a / A. spell checker. / B. thesaurus. / C. grammar program. / D. style program.
31. A word processing program predetermines features automatically, unless overridden by a user, with / A. default settings. / B. page justification. / C. headers and footers. / D. Options.
32. The feature that permits a document on the screen to look just like it will when printed is called / A. justification. / B. leading. / C. WYSIWYG. / D. page layout.
33. Physically, if a bit is 1, then the electrical circuit is / A. off. / B. both on and off. / C. on. / D. empty.
34. Approximately one million bytes equal a / A. word. / B. megabyte. / C. kilobyte. / D. gigabyte.
35. The standard American code for representing characters with bits is / A. binary digits. / B. semiconductor storage. / C. ASCII. / D. gigabyte.
36. Which of the following is NOT an information utility? / A. Prodigy / B. Ethernet / C. CompuServe / D. America Online
37. Paying for goods and services by having money transferred from bank accounts using computer technology is called / A. electronic mail. / B. voice mail. / C. electronic funds transfer. / D. computer conferencing.
38. Sending messages directly from one computer to another is called / A. modulation. / B. electronic mail. / C. demodulation. / D. videoconferencing.
39. A unit of text in a document is called a / A. font. / B. block. / C. mark. / D. menu.
40. Which of the following is the block command that deletes a block of text from its original location and places it in another location? / A. Copy / B. Transfer / C. Reverse / D. Move
41. A set of characters of the same design is called a / A. font. / B. type design. / C. type category. / D. typeface.
42. Which of the following centers a document on the page? / A. Print preview / B. Vertical centering / C. Line spacing / D. Justification
43. An on-screen list of command choices is called the / A. page. / B. function. / C. header. / D. menu.
44. If there is NOT enough room for a word on the current line, which of the following features will automatically start the word at the left margin of the next line? / A. Scrolling / B. Formatting / C. Automatic reformatting / D. Word wrap
45. The software that comments on your writing style is called / A. desktop publishing. / B. thesaurus. / C. spell checker. / D. grammar/style checker.
46. The spaces between lines on a page are called / A. formatting. / B. leading. / C. typeface. / D. kerning.
47. Typefaces that include small marks on each character are referred to as / A. boldface. / B. serif. / C. ragged. / D. sans serif.
48. Which of the following is NOT an example of formatting in word processing? / A. Line centering / B. Spell checking / C. Justification / D. Boldface
49. Data that is a single letter is a / A. record. / B. field. / C. database. / D. character.
50. The kind of processing in which data is processed as it occurs is / A. batch. / B. memory. / C. transaction. / D. master.
51. A group of related fields makes up a / A. database. / B. file. / C. field. / D. record.
52. In a relational database, another name for a record is a/an / A. relation. / B. row. / C. column. / D. operator.
53. In a database, only true or false conditions may be found in which type of field? / A. Time / B. Row / C. Character / D. Logical
54. In a database, the process of moving side to side in a database is known as / A. modeling. / B. panning. / C. comparing. / D. operating.
55. Which of the following is an internal computer device that performs both modem and facsimile functions? / A. Node / B. BBS / C. Ring / D. Fax modem
56. In which kind of network do all computers have equal status and share files and peripheral devices? / A. Bus / B. WAN / C. Star / D. Peer-to-peer
57. The kind of network most likely to be used for computers that are geographically widely dispersed is a / A. WAN. / B. LAN. / C. peer-to-peer. / D. ring.
58. A preprogrammed formula in a spreadsheet is called a / A. value. / B. procedure. / C. function. / D. label.
59. In a spreadsheet, which of the following is NOT one of the three types of information that can be in a cell? / A. Label / B. Range / C. Value / D. Formula
60. If a spreadsheet user wants to use a range of cells that includes rows 3, 4, and 5 for columns B, C, and D, the range specified would be / A. C4:D5. / B. B1:D5. / C. D3:B5. / D. B3:D5.
61. The active cell in a spreadsheet is the / A. current cell. / B. label cell. / C. range cell. / D. function cell.
62. Text information in a cell is called a / A. label. / B. formula. / C. value. / D. displayed value.
63. The term that describes the changed result of a formula if a value of one of the cells in the formula has changed is / A. analysis. / B. automatic recalculation. / C. electronic business. / D. functioning.
64. On a graph, the vertical graph line that normally shows amounts such as dollar value is the / A. legend. / B. y-axis. / C. x-axis. / D. title.
65. The kind of graph that is limited to just one value per variable is a / A. pie chart. / B. cluster-bar graph. / C. stacked-bar graph. / D. line graph.
66. A chart notation that explains the colors, shadings, and symbols used on the chart is called the / A. title. / B. variable. / C. value. / D. legend.
67. Each dot or symbol on a line graph is a/an / A. legend. / B. data point. / C. plot area. / D. axis.
68. When the lines of type are parallel to the long edge of the paper, the document is printedin ______mode? / A. binding / B. portrait / C. landscape / D. master page
69. When a graphic moves with a paragraph in a document, it is ______. / A. anchored / B. framed / C. cropped / D. formatted
70. In font size, the unit of measure is referred to as / A. kem. / B. space. / C. point. / D. lead.
71. Which formatting issue would NOT be included in a style sheet? / A. Word wrap / B. Fonts / C. Column widths / D. Margin spacing
72. If the letter "I" requires less space than the letter "M", the font is / A. monospaced. / B. proportional. / C. kemed. / D. leaded.
73. In a spreadsheet, a task that requires inserting a column and then copying formulas to thatcolumn can be handled with a/an / A. function. / B. macro. / C. icon. / D. status symbol.
74. In a spreadsheet, when 14.95 is entered into an active cell, a ______has been entered. / A. label / B. formula / C. address / D. value
75. In a spreadsheet, when using an at sign "@" or an equal sign "=" and a range, a ______is entered into a cell. / A. label / B. value / C. address / D. function
76. In a spreadsheet, a cell address is composed of______. / A. labels and values / B. column and row designators / C. alphabetic characters / D. the current cell contents
77. The primary purpose of a spreadsheet is to ______. / A. create text documents / B. solve complex math formulas / C. organize large files of data / D. control the operation of the computer
78. A type of database structure useful for a student schedule or a class roster is a/an database. / A. Network / B. Hierarchical / C. Objective / D. Curricular
79. The four basic kinds of database structures are / A. hierarchical, flat file, network, and object-oriented. / B. flat file, network, relational, and object-oriented. / C. hierarchical, indexed, network, and relational. / D. hierarchical, network, relational, and object-oriented.
80. The two steps involved in creating a database are / A. choosing a database language and designing the record layouts. / B. defining the database structure and defining the record formats. / C. defining the structure and entering the data. / D. choosing the database language and entering the data.
81. Multimedia systems unite all the following EXCEPT / A. text. / B. touch. / C. sound. / D. video.
82. The special effect, ______, is demonstrated by a computer smoothly transforming a character into something totally different before your eyes. / A. toasting / B. morphing / C. CAD / D. JIT
83. The four essential functions of a PIM (personal information manager) are / A. contact management, calendar/schedule management, task/project management, and time-and billing capabilities. / B. contact management, calendar/schedule management, task/project management, and financial tracking. / C. contact management, calendar/schedule management, mail merge with printing, and task/project management. / D. calendar/schedule management, mail merge with printing, task/project management, and financial tracking.
84. In the task/project management function in a PIM, a user should be able to view tasks by / A. cost, client, and personnel. / B. project, deadline date, and priority. / C. project cost, deadline date, and personnel. / D. deadline date, priority, and position on the "to do" list.
85. Vector graphics is a technique used in / A. painting programs. / B. drawing programs and painting programs. / C. photo-editing programs. / D. drawing programs.
86. Which is NOT an advantage of telecommuting? / A. Advancement within the company is easier for telecommuters. / B. Telecommuting can facilitate work for people who have disabilities that limit mobility. / C. Telecommuters do work-related tasks at home. / D. If one-fourth of all workers were to telecommute, air quality would improve.
87. Bandwidth relates to the / A. transmission mode. / B. number of messages the medium can carry at one time. / C. wireless media. / D. fall back rate.
88. If you want to make information available to others over the Web, you put the information on a/an / A. internet. / B. client. / C. D.A.W.G. / D. server.