Please complete and return this form to:


fax: 617-523-7618

mail: 31 Bowker St., Boston, MA 02114

Please call 617-371-3020 if you require more information.

Date of Referral:

Contact Information:




INSURANCE: Card Number (RID#):


Referral Source (Name, Phone, Address):

Relationship to Client:

Discharge date from current service (if applicable):

Other referrals being made (e.g. clubhouse, vocational services, DMH etc.):


Treatment/Professional Contacts:

Psychiatrist/ Prescribing Physician or Nurse:(Name, Agency, Phone):

Therapist: (Name, Agency, Phone):

Case Manager: (Name, Agency, Phone):

CSP or CBFS worker: (Name, Agency, Phone):

P.C.P.: (Name, Agency/Clinic, Phone):

Other treatment contacts: (Name, Agency, Phone, Relationship to client):

Legal Guardian? Yes No If yes, name, phone/email, relationship to client:

Diagnostic Information: (please list all diagnoses with ICD 10 codes)


Current Medications (include dosage)

Income Source (salary, family, disability income, etc.)

Living Arrangements (group home, alone, w/family, etc.)

Please describe Reason for Referral/ Treatment Goals relevant to Day Treatment :

Psychiatric symptoms (check all that apply):

Depression Positive Sx of Psychosis Dissociative Sx

Anxiety Negative Sx of Psychosis Emotional Dysregulation

Mania OCD Sx Sleep Disturbance

Self-injurious behaviors Suicidal ideation Homicidal ideation

Please elaborate on any box checked:

History of Psychiatric Treatment & precipitants to hospitalization: (include inpatient and outpatient, please include dates):

Risk Assessment :

Hx of suicidal ideation Hx of homicidal ideation Hx of violence

Hx of suicide attempts Hx of psychosis Verbal aggression

Hx of tx non-compliance Hx of fire setting Family violence Medical risk issues

Please elaborate on any box checked:

Alcohol/ Drug Use History & Substance Abuse Treatment History:

Longest period of sobriety:

Current length of sobriety:

History of abuse/trauma:

Current or History of Disordered Eating Behavior (i.e. restricting food intake, bingeing, purging or other compensating behaviors)

Medical History (Please include significant illnesses, conditions, any ongoing physical illnesses):

Current or History of involvement with Criminal Justice system (Please include any Arrests, Incarcerations, Court orders, names of parole officers, etc.)

Current probation issues (if applicable):

Educational and Occupational History (highest grade completed; competitive, sheltered, volunteer work):

Has this person ever served in the military? YES NO

(if yes, in what capacity/current military status?):

Family Relationships and Social Supports :

Cultural/religious background/ Sexual orientation

Client strengths/ Additional Referral Information

Name of Referral Source

Signature of Referral Source

Agency and Telephone Number

ð To set up INTAKE interview, please contact (check box):

Referral Source Client

CHDTP Referral Revised 8/2017 3