High School Student Program Review Survey
/ High School StudentProgram Review SurveyInstructions
Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in this survey.
Your honest response to all questions will assist in the review of the
School Counseling Program. All responses will be kept confidential.
Name (Optional) ______School ______Grade ______
Please circle the response that best answers each question.
What is your gender? Male Female
How many years have you attended this school? 1 2 3 4 5+
What is your ethnicity? African American Asian Hispanic Native American
White Other (Please specify: ______)
Approximately how many times have you interacted with a School Counselor while at this school this year? Never 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+
Please indicate all the ways that you have interacted with the School Counselors:
___ Individual Personal Counseling ___Group Counseling ___Course Advising
___ Classroom Lessons ___ Career Counseling ___ College Advising
__ Other (Please specify: ______)
Please enter the code that best reflects your opinion.
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree
Statement / CodeI feel comfortable meeting with my School Counselor.
My School Counselor has helped me select appropriate courses.
My School Counselor has helped me with personal and/or school problems.
My School Counselor has helped me think about my goals after graduation from high school.
My School Counselor has provided me with information about careers and the world of work.
My School Counselor has not helped me with future educational planning, college selection, financial aid, and placement.
Open-Ended Questions
Please list what you believe to be the most important activities performed by School Counselors.
Please list the most significant strengths that currently exist within the School Counseling Program.
Please list the most significant weaknesses that currently exist within the School Counseling Program.
What would you change?
Other comments you would like to share.
Thank you again for completing this survey.
High School Student Program Review Survey Template.docx, Page 1 of 2