Date of issue: 21 November 2008 / ISDR/C/17/2008
Location:anywhere in virtual contact
Duration2 months
Vacancy Notice number: ISDR/C/17/2008
Deadline for applications:24 November 2008
Start Date:15 December 2008
United Nations Core Values:
Integrity ● Professionalism ● Respect for diversity
The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) is a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder platform to enable societies to increase their resilience to natural, technological and environmental disasters and to reduce associated environmental, human and economic and social losses. A range of United Nations organizations and international partners participate in cooperation with Governments and civil society organizations.
The main functions of the secretariat are policy coordination, advocacy and information management, at the international and regional levels, to ensure synergy between disaster reduction strategies and those in the socio-economic and humanitarian fields.
In January 2005, the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR, 18-22 January 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan) took place and represents a landmark in worldwide understanding and commitment to implement a disaster risk reduction agenda. This commitment was captured in the Hyogo Declaration and the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters adopted at the WCDR.
The Hyogo Framework is the essential guide for implementation of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction in the coming years and it constitutes an unprecedented conceptual shift that takes account of the complexity of action in disaster risk reduction and the large variety of actors whose inputs are required in the pursuit of this objective. It provides the basic concepts and prescribes and expected outcome; details three strategic goals for disaster risk reduction and a set of five priority areas for action; and assigns tasks to stakeholders at difference operational levels to reach the expected outcome.
Disaster risk reduction requires the engagement of organizations and actors from diverse specializations, spanning the development, humanitarian and technical/environmental fields, and the development of coherent strategies, programmes and policies across these fields and tailored to the circumstances and needs of specific sectors. The concepts and tools of disaster risk reduction offer significant means to protect development gains, to reduce the demands for humanitarian relief and response, and to cope with the future changes in risks arising from climate change.
Two of the main challenges in advancing on disaster risk reduction issues are given but the luck of knowledge on the topic – multisectoral by nature – and the luck of coordination among actors at the national level. Both these challenges are highlighted in the Hyogo Framework for Action indicating as activities to address these issues: the development of training packages and workshops on disaster risk reduction and the establishment at the national level of national coordination mechanisms: National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction.
The issue of training and workshops to share knowledge and understanding on disaster risk reduction and coordination on the topics has been highlighted as a gap in South Easter Europe, Central Asia and Europe in general.
Objectives and targets
The objective of the proposed assignment is to develop a 2 days workshop package, based on already existing material and draft 2 days programmeto address the development of National Platforms. The task will be undertaken in close collaboration with CADRI (UNDP/UNOCHA/UNISDR). The task will require:
a) Review of existing material (Power Points Presentation, Information and Background material) collected and elaborated by DKKV within e collaboration with UNISDR; Review of CADRI training material, Power Points Presentation and developed training packages.
b) Based on the above prepare a 2 days workshop package inclusive of:agenda, Power Point presentations, Working Group Sessions, Material and Background Information.
c) Development of 2-4 pagers presentation document on the workshop context, objectives, expectations and outcomes and cover letter.
Specific Functions/Tasks/Duties
a) Review of existing material (Power Points Presentation, Information and Background material) collected and elaborated by DKKV within e collaboration with UNISDR; Review of CADRI training material, Power Points Presentation and developed training packages.
b) Based on the above prepare a 2 days workshop package inclusive of:agenda, Power Point presentations, Working Group Sessions, Material and Background Information.
c) Development of 2-4 pagers presentation document on the workshop context, objectives, expectations and outcomes and cover letter.
Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment
(a) Development of draft material by the end of the first months of consultancy
(b) Delivery of 2 days workshop package inclusive of agenda, Power Point presentations, Working Group Sessions, Material and Background Information as well workshop presentation package letter.
Education: Advanced university degree in social science, teaching or equivalent combination of education and experience in a related area.
Experience: At least 4 years experience in field related to disaster risk reduction training material and or related education or experience in this field.
Language: Fluency in written and spoken English.
Other skills: Familiarity with disaster risk reduction, the ISDR system CADRI and its partners and the Hyogo Framework for Action. Experience in UN training material and familiarity with UN terminology a plus.
Applicants will be contacted only if they are under serious consideration.
Applications from qualified female candidates and from nationals of non- and under-represented countries are particularly encouraged.
Please email the following documents to the ISDR secretariat at :
- Cover letter, explaining why you consider yourself qualified and motivated for this particular assignment.
- Completed P-11 Form.
It would be appreciated your stating your full name and the ISDR consultancy vacancy notice number (ISDR/C/17/2008) as the subject in your e-mail of application.
Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.