Checklist/Rubric for Problem-Solution Paper

Name: ______Hour______

Materials to be completed and turned in for credit on ______:

_____ Research Essay Packet

_____ Source Analysis Forms

_____ Interview Questions

_____ Rough Draft with Peer Comments

_____ Checklist/Rubric (this sheet)

_____ Final Essay

Peer Review of Research Essay

Name of Reviewer: ______

Use the following scale to complete the rubric below:

4: Excellent 3: Adequate 2: Some Errors 1: Needs Improvement 0: Not included


_____ four secondary sources that support your ideas

_____ one primary source that sheds light on the problem


_____ First page formatting: Name, Class Info, Assignment, Due Date, Creative Title

_____ Entire essay is double-spaced, normal looking,/size 12 font

_____ 1” margins, pages numbered


_____ Attention-getter

_____ Problem is clear and understandable

_____ Thesis is strong, clear, includes problem & solution


_____ Topic sentences are clear and included in all body paragraphs of essay

_____ Topic sentences relate back to thesis statement

_____ Both (all) sides of the issue are defined clearly

_____ Statement of the issue supported by facts/statistics

_____ Transition at beginning/end of each paragraph

_____ Causes of the problem provided and supported by facts/statistics

_____ Defines who/what is affected and supported by facts/statistics

_____ Explains how these people are affected and supported by facts/statistics

_____ Clearly, effectively argues for a solution to the problem supported by facts/statistics

_____ Addresses other solutions, even if those solutions aren’t reasonable


_____ Restates thesis without repeating exact thesis sentence structure

_____ Summarizes the best solution to the problem

_____ Ends with a strong reason why it is so important to solve this problem

What do you think the student has done well in this paper? Please be specific.

What needs to be improved? Please be specific.

With what part of the essay did you most agree?

Is the solution reasonable?

What part of the essay was the least supported by facts/statistics/explanation?