NHS SussexCQUIN Indicator, 2012/13: Non Elective Care Audacious Goal

(a) Reduction in Emergency Admissions

Coordinating Commissioner / NHS Sussex
Associate Commissioners / None
Expected financial value of Scheme / TBC
Goal no. / Description of goal / Quality Domain(s) [1] / Indicator number[2] / Indicator name / National or Regional indicator [3] / Indicator weighting
6 / A Sussex wide whole system objective of reducing non elective admissions by 15%. / Safety
Innovation / a. / Non Elective Care Audacious Goal / Locally suggested
Links to SOE Regional Priorities / 0.5% to 0.75% dependant on local agreement
Description of indicator / NHS Sussex has set an audacious goal of reducing emergency admissions by at least 15% as a whole health economy. This CQUIN is designed to incentivise whole system collaboration and achievement of the goal. The full CQUIN payment will only be achieved if LHE actions achieve the reduction in emergency admissions
The full CQUIN is therefore only payable if success can be demonstrated through reduced admissions to the main acute provider.
Numerator / Average monthly emergency admissions in baseline year for Sussex patients minus monthly number of emergency admissions for Sussex Patients to hospital for the period. (Expressed as a percentage)
By end March 2013 Organisational data (acute hospital view) reflects run rate reduction by at least 15%for Sussex patients,and this is sustained for 1 month.
Denominator / Average monthly emergency admissions for Sussex patients in baseline year
Review of progress on a quarterly basis
Rationale for inclusion / The SoE SHA has recommended that CQUINs are deployed to enable whole system innovations and change to support sustainability and improvement.
NHS Sussex agreed 3 audacious goals and this CQUIN has been developed to incentivise a whole system response to the challenges facing non elective care.
Pathway changes and a programme approach to delivering system wide improvements in non elective care are central to delivery of the CQUIN.
The central principle is that all providers and commissioners success is interdependent and payment premised on success for all.
Data source and frequency of collection / SUS or Provider Monitoring data, verified by relevant acute trust
Data to be submitted quarterly
Organisation responsible for data collection / Provider
Frequency of reporting to commissioner / Quarterly
Baseline period / date / 2010/11 outturn activity – Emergency admissions
Baseline value / TBC by CSU
Final indicator period / date (on which payment is based) / Q4 2012/13
Final indicator value (payment threshold) / £TBC from CSU
Final indicator reporting date / Q4 2012/13
Rules for partial achievement of indicator at year-end / There will be no payments of partial achievement of CQUIN.
CQUIN 6 payment schedule will be 33% if the provider achieves the goal, a further 33% if the LHE achieves the goal and a final 34% if NHS Sussex achieves the goal. Thus retaining an incentive for each provider, LHE and NHS Sussex as a whole.
Rules for any agreed in-year milestones that result in payment / N/A
Rules for delayed achievement against final indicator period/date and/or in-year milestones / 1 month tolerance

NHS SussexCQUIN Indicator, 2012/13: Non Elective Care Audacious Goal

(b) Emergency Bed Day reduction

Coordinating Commissioner / NHS Sussex
Associate Commissioners / None
Expected financial value of Scheme / TBC
Goal no. / Description of goal / Quality Domain(s) [4] / Indicator number[5] / Indicator name / National or Regional indicator [6] / Indicator weighting
6 / A Sussex wide whole system objective of reducing non elective bed days by 15%. A collective goal. / Safety
Innovation / b. / Non Elective Care Audacious Goal / Locally suggested
Links to SOE Regional Priorities / 0.5% to 0.75% dependant on local agreement
Description of indicator / NHS Sussex has set an audacious goal of reducing the costs of emergency care provision by at least 15%.
Emergency bed days will be used as a proxy for the achievement of this goal as it is data already routinely available and relatively robust. This CQUIN is designed to incentivise whole system collaboration and achievement of the goal.
Numerator / Average monthly emergency bed days for Sussex patients in baseline year minus monthly number of emergency admissions bed days for Sussex patients for hospital for the period.
By end March 2013 Organisational data (acute hospital view) reflects run rate reduction by at least 15% for Sussex patients, and this is sustained for 1 month.
Denominator / Average monthly emergency bed days in baseline year for Sussex patients
Review of progress on a quarterly basis
Rationale for inclusion / The SoE SHA has recommended that CQUINs are deployed to enable whole system innovations and change to support sustainability and improvement.
NHS Sussex agreed 3 audacious goals and this CQUIN has been developed to incentivise a whole system response to the challenges facing non elective care.
Pathway changes and a programme approach to delivering system wide improvements in non elective care are central to delivery of the CQUIN.
Data source and frequency of collection / SUS data verified by relevant trust.
Reduction of at least 15% of emergency bed days in NHS Provider, LHE and NHS Sussex as a whole.
Data to be submitted quarterly.
Organisation responsible for data collection / Provider
Frequency of reporting to commissioner / Quarterly
Baseline period / date / 2010/11 outturn activity –
Emergency admissions
Emergency Occupied Bed Days
Baseline value / TBC by CSU
Final indicator period / date (on which payment is based) / Q4 2012/13
Final indicator value (payment threshold) / £TBC from CSU
Final indicator reporting date / Q4 2012/13
Rules for partial achievement of indicator at year-end / There will be no payments of partial achievement of CQUIN.
CQUIN 6 payment schedule will be 33% if the provider achieves the goal, a further 33% if the LHE achieves the goal and a final 34% if NHS Sussex achieves the goal. Thus retaining an incentive for each provider, LHE and NHS Sussex as a whole.
Rules for any agreed in-year milestones that result in payment / N/A
Rules for delayed achievement against final indicator period/date and/or in-year milestones / 1 month tolerance

[1] Safety / Effectiveness / Experience / Innovation

[2] May be several for each goal

[3] Nationally mandated / Regionally mandated/ Regionally suggested/ No

[4] Safety / Effectiveness / Experience / Innovation

[5] May be several for each goal

[6] Nationally mandated / Regionally mandated/ Regionally suggested/ No