History of Governorship in North Carolina

We the People, of the United States,

in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,

provide for the common defense,

promote the general welfare and

secure the Blessings of Liberty

to ourselves and our posterity,

do ordain and establish this Constitution

for the United States of America.

We, the people of the State of North Carolina,

grateful to Almighty God,

the Sovereign Ruler of Nations,

for the preservation of the American Union

and the existence of our civil,

political and religious liberties,

and acknowledging our dependence upon Him

for the continuance of those blessings to us

and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and

for the better government of this State,

ordain and establish this Constitution.

History of the North Carolina Constitution

Branches of Government

Legislative / Executive / Judicial

Why is it important that all branches of government work together?

What could happen if there were not different branches of government?

Legislative Branch – Scavenger HuntName: ______

Use the North Carolina Constitution to find the answers to the following questions.

How many senators make up the North Carolina Senate? ______

Are senators elected or appointed? ______

How many representatives make up the North Carolina House of Representatives? ______

Are representatives elected or appointed? ______

How old must you be to become a senator? ______

Are there more qualifications to be a senator or a representative? ______

Why do you think this is? ______



How often are the elections for senators and representatives? ______

When members take an oath, what do they promise to uphold? ______

Why do you think the President of the Senate does not get a vote?



Who elects the Speaker of the House? ______

From reviewing the rest of the constitution, what do you think the Legislative Branch’s main job is?

You Be the Judge!

The job of a Supreme Court Judge is to make sure that all laws uphold the Constitution.

Read the scenarios below. Use the Constitution to determine which side you agree with. Include your verdict, as well as your reasoning, on the lines provided. If you need additional room you may use an extra sheet of paper.

Scenario 1:

The state of North Carolina legislature passes a measure that shuts down all public schools for five years. The state intends to take the money saved from schools and use it towards building new cancer research hospitals, homeless shelters, elderly care centers, as well as repaving damaged roads. A group of parents calling themselves the “Coalition for Public Education” sue the state arguing that it is unconstitutional to eliminate public schools. The state argues that parents still have access to education through private schools and home schooling. It is up to the North Carolina Supreme Court to decide if the state should provide universal public schooling for all children.

Verdict ______

Explanation ______





Scenario 2:

A group, called “We Hate America BeCauseOffensive (WHACO)” is going around the country to funerals and celebrating Americans’ deaths. They claim that death is rightful punishment for all of “America’s offenses,” which include polluting the earth, watching Sesame Street, inventing baseball, and breaking away from Great Britain. This group peacefully protests by holding signs that say “The Only Good American Is a Dead One,” or “Death to America.” As a result of numerous protests throughout North Carolina, the General Assembly passes a law that bans WHACO. WHACO sues the state saying that the government is infringing on their rights. The state argues that WHACO is offensive, ignorant, and hurtful towards people. It is the job of the North Carolina Supreme Court to determine if the state is allowed to pass a law that can ban WHACO.

Verdict ______

Explanation ______





Scenario 3:

Undergoing tough economic times, Hoke County is having trouble paying for the local education system. In an attempt to increase revenue to fund schools, the town council passes a law called the “Voting Appropriations Supplemental Act (VASA).” It states that, “one must pay an appropriation of no less than one dollar but no more than five dollars to the polling precinct where there ballot is being cast. Appropriation levels are to be determined the Hoke County Board of Elections.” Gregg Hughes, a Hoke County bus driver, sues the county for inhibiting his natural right of voting by forcing him to pay to vote. The state argues that it is allowed to place a miniscule fee for voting if it has the intention of benefiting the public good. It is the job of the North Carolina Supreme Court to determine if Hoke County is allowed to pass and enforce VASA.

Verdict ______

Explanation ______





Scenario 4:

In order to increase revenue to build more roads and schools, the state of North Carolina passes a law that increases the income tax rate from 6.5% to 9%. A group of citizens calling themselves, “Carolinians Against Taxes (CATs)” sue the state saying “the tax rate is way too high and the state government is trying to raise taxes without our approval.” The state argues that as long as they use the money for its stated purpose, schools and roads, they are legally allowed to raise income taxes to 9%. It is the job of the North Carolina Supreme Court to determine if the tax increase is within the bounds of the law.

Verdict ______

Explanation ______





Challenge – Use both the North Carolina and US Constitutions to determine your verdict for this scenario:

Gordon Harper, a Quebecker who grew up speaking French, just became a citizen of the United States and North Carolina after living here for 2 years. On Election Day he goes to the polls to vote and when he gets there he is forced to read and write a section of the North Carolina Constitution chosen by an election worker. Although fluent in speaking English, he has difficulty reading and writing and is unable to pass the test. As a result he is unable to vote. Gordon sues the state for disenfranchisement arguing that he meets all of the requirements to vote in North Carolina. The state argues that it is reasonable to test someone’s literacy skills before voting. It is up to the North Carolina Supreme Court to decide if the state can require a literacy test before voting.

Verdict ______

Explanation ______





Boy: Woof! You sure gotta climb a lot of steps to get to this Capitol Building here in Washington. But I wonder who that sad little scrap of paper is?

I'm just a bill.
Yes, I'm only a bill.
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey
To the capital city.
It's a long, long wait
While I'm sitting in committee,
But I know I'll be a law someday
At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.

Boy: Gee, Bill, you certainly have a lot of patience and courage.

Bill: Well I got this far. When I started, I wasn't even a bill, I was just an idea. Some folks back home decided they wanted a law passed, so they called their local Congressman and he said, "You're right, there oughta be a law." Then he sat down and wrote me out and introduced me to Congress. And I became a bill, and I'll remain a bill until they decide to make me a law.

I'm just a bill
Yes I'm only a bill,
And I got as far as Capitol Hill.
Well, now I'm stuck in committee
And I'll sit here and wait
While a few key Congressmen discuss and debate
Whether they should let me be a law.
How I hope and pray that they will,
But today I am still just a bill.

Boy: Listen to those congressmen arguing! Is all that discussion and debate about you?

Bill: Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones. Most bills never even get this far. I hope they decide to report on me favourably, otherwise I may die.

Boy: Die?

Bill: Yeah, die in committee. Oooh, but it looks like I'm gonna live! Now I go to the House of Representatives, and they vote on me.

Boy: If they vote yes, what happens?

Bill: Then I go to the Senate and the whole thing starts all over again.

I'm just a bill
Yes, I'm only a bill
And if they vote for me on Capitol Hill
Well, then I'm off to the White House
Where I'll wait in a line
With a lot of other bills
For the president to sign
And if he signs me, then I'll be a law.
How I hope and pray that he will,
But today I am still just a bill.

Boy: You mean even if the whole Congress says you should be a law, the president can still say no?

Bill: Yes, that's called a veto. If the President vetoes me, I have to go back to Congress and they vote on me again, and by that time you're so old...

Boy: By that time it's very unlikely that you'll become a law. It's not easy to become a law, is it?

Bill: No!

But how I hope and I pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill.

Congressman: He signed you, Bill! Now you're a law!

Bill: Oh yes!!!

How a Bill Becomes a Law

Comparing State and Local Governments

Name ______

State Government / Both / Local Government

Final ProjectName ______

Task: Create a public service announcement that will encourage others to be a responsible citizen.

  • Focus your PSA on one responsibility (voting, obeying laws, serving on a jury, being informed, etc.)
  • Be sure to explain to your audience why it is important to be a responsible citizen, and how this responsibility affects the rights of others.


  1. Create a plan below for what your PSA will be about and what format you will use. Ask your teacher for options if you aren’t sure what to try.
  2. Show your plan to your teacher for approval.
  3. Create your rough draft of your PSA. (If you are creating a skit or video, you will need to have a written script)
  4. Create your final draft of your PSA.

Public Service Announcement Planning

My public service announcement will teach others that they can be a responsible citizen by

______. (Focus on one responsibility)

This is important so that ______


This protects the rights of others by ______


The format I would like to use to create my PSA is ______

Materials I will need to create my PSA are: