Announcement of Second International Symposium on Engineering Mechanics and its Applications
(Shandong University, Oita University, University of the Ryukyus and Kyushu Institute of Technology)
January 16, 2013
We are pleased to inform you the 2nd International Symposium on Engineering Mechanics and its Applications will be held in Kitakyushu, and hosted by Kyushu Institute of Technology. The symposium covers industrial engineering applications including theoretical and analytical methods, numerical simulations and experimental techniques. One of the aims of symposium is to promote cooperation between the researchers of China and Japan.
Meeting dates:
The symposium will be held from August 31, 2013. Post symposium tour will be held in September 1-2, 2013.
Symposium will be held at General Education 1F (room number C-1B) of K. I. T.
Tobata Campus, Kyushu Institute of Technology
1-1 Sensui-cho, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu 804-8550
Time schedule:
1. August 31 (symposium)
9:30-10:50 (80 minutes): 4 presentations
11:10-12:30 (80 minutes): 4 presentations
13:30-14:50 (80 minutes): 4 presentations
15:10-16:10 (60 minutes): 3 presentations
16:30-18:00 (90 minutes): Field trip of facility of civil and mechanical engineering department at K.I.T.
19:00-21:00 (120 minutes): Banquet
9:30~10:50 [Chairman: Prof. KOSA Kenji (The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology) ]
1. The Energy Conservation Analysis and Numerical Simulation of In-plane and Out-plane Nonlinear Vibrations of Cable-stayed Beams / Prof. FENG Wei-ming(The department of civil engineering at Shandong University)
2. Pursuit of Real Contact Area up to the Complete Contact - Study on Regular Wavy Surface of Rubber under Various Environments -/ Prof. MATSUDA Kenji (The department of mechanical and control engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)
3. Effect of Nitrite Concentration and pH on Steel Corrosion Induced by Chloride in Simulated Concrete Pore Environment / Associate Prof. HIBINO Makoto・Zhonglu CAO (The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)
4. Accurate Determination of Stress Intensity Factor for Interface Crack Problem under Thermal Stress by Crack Tip Stress Method / Prof. ODA Kazuhiro (The department of mechanical &energy systems engineering at Oita University)
11:10~12:30 [Chairman: Prof. ODA Kazuhiro(The department of mechanical &energy systems engineering at Oita University)]
5. Why a Well Known Non-explosive Layered Vessel Exploded ? / Prof. WANG Weiqiang (The department of mechanical engineering at Shandong University)
6. The Uniaxial Compression Mechanical Property and Anchoring Effect of Jointed Rock Mass with Filled Crack/ LecturerZHANG Bo (The department of civil engineering at Shandong University)
7. Reynolds number effects on the steady and unsteady aerodynamic forces on a 1:10 scale bridge deck section model / Prof. MATSUDA Kazutoshi (The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)
8. Debonding Criterion Based on the Intensity of Singular Stress /Associate Prof. MIYAZAKI Tatsujirou (The department of Mechanical Systems Engineering at University of the Ryukyus)
13:30~14:50 [Chairman: Prof. MATSUDA Kazutoshi (The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)]
9. Traffic-induced Settlement of Low Liquid Limit Silt Subgrade in Yellow River Delta / Prof. CUI Xin-zhuang (The department of civil engineering at Shandong University)
10. Recent Situation and Future Agenda for the Reconstruction Dwelling Planning in the Tohoku Quake & Tsunami Stricken District / Prof. SAKUMA Osamu (The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)
11. Centrifuge Modeling on Stability of Various Types of Soil Embankments against Tsunami / Associate Prof. HIROOKA Akihiko(The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)
12. Damage Analysis of Bridge Affected by Tsunami due to Great East Japan Earthquake / Prof. KOSA Kenji(The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)
15:10~16:10 [Chairman: Associate Prof. HIROOKA Akihiko (The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)]
13. Sustainable and Smart Concrete Material / Associate Prof. GE Zhi (The department of civil engineering at Shandong University)
14. Effective Stress Law for Permeability of Tight Gas Reservoir Sandstone / Lecturer QIAO Li-ping (The department of civil engineering at Shandong University)
15. Introduction of Experimental Study in Building Structure laboratory / Prof. KEI Takahiro (The department of civil engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology)
2. September 1 - 2 (post symposium tour)
Field trip of sightseeing site around North Kyushu Island by two public cars.
1) The Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering at K. I. T (2 researchers and 2 students will participate)
Prof. NODA Nao-Aki (Mechanical and Control Engineering)
Dr. TAKASE Yasushi (Mechanical and Control Engineering)
Mr. WANG Xu (Mechanical and Control Engineering)
Mr. GUAN WenHai (Mechanical and Control Engineering)
2) The Department of Mechanical andEnergy Systems Engineering at Oita University (1 professor will participate)
Prof. ODA Kazuhiro (Mechanical Engineering)
3) The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Civil engineering at Shandong University (6 researchers will participate)
Prof. WANG Weiqiang (Mechanical Engineering)
Prof. FENG Weiming (Civil Engineering)
Prof. CUI Xin-zhuang (Civil Engineering)
Associate Prof. GE Zhi (Civil Engineering)
Lecture ZHANG Bo (Civil Engineering)
Lecture QIAO Li-ping (Civil Engineering)
Total numbers of participants will be more than 11 researchers.
Participant fee:
Participant fee 10,000yen/person (The teachers from Shandong University do not need to pay for the participant fee)
If you know any colleagues who may be interested in joining this symposium, it would be our great pleasure that you kindly inform the symposium to them.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Nao-Aki NODA
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kyushu Institute of Technology
1-1 Sensui-cho, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu 804-8550, Japan