Grade Level: Preschool
Theme: The Fun In Me
Lesson Topic: Fun with Your Body
Content: Reading, Writing, Listening, Music and Health
Language: Phonics, and Book Awareness (Directionality)
The students will listen to the story, All About Me and point to the body part as the teacher inquires, “ where are your eyes?” etc.,. The students will listen to a movement song “Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes.”
The students will listen to a story read aloud to them about their bodies and will practice writing the letters in their name on their body tracing.
A labeled body part poster, and illustrations of labeled body parts within the storybook.
Thinking/Study Skills: Name writing practice, book directionality, naming body parts.
Key Vocabulary: Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes, Elbows, Tongue, Eyes, Nose, Foot, Hand, Chest, Belly Button, Leg, Arm.
Literature: This is Me by Richard Scarry
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
The Eye Book by Dr. Seuss
Materials: Markers, Crayons, puzzles, books, coloring sheets, blocks, play dough, letter cookie cutters, cassette player, tape or CD with the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” Bulleting board paper, Letter Stickers (optional) Markers, crayons.
Motivation/Preparation: Students were to play in centers at the table upon arriving. Centers included: Puzzles, Games, Play dough, Books, Coloring sheets, and Blocks. The teacher will present the students with a poster of two children and discuss the children within the poster’s anatomy. Students would then sit on the rug and listen to stories about the body.
Presentation: I presented the book and began a book talk to discuss predictions on what the book would be about. During reading I would point out each body part and the students will demonstrate different activities that the body can do, such as walk, run, skip, etc.,. The students will repeat and point to each body part as they come to it in the story. The teacher will check for comprehension by observing.
Practice/Application: Students will lie on the floor on a piece of white bulletin board covering type paper, which has been cut to the individual student’s height. A helper and the teacher will trace around the student’s body. When finished the student will color the outline to look like them. The students will then label their picture by writing his or her name on the poster.
Review/Evaluation: The teacher will ask the students to use their drawing to point out specific body parts within the drawing such as head, elbows, and feet. The teacher will check for comprehension orally by making sure the students point to the correct body part. The students will then listen to the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and go through the body movements by saying and pointing to their own head, shoulders, knees and toes during the song.
Extension: As an extension activity the children could further label their own poster with Head, shoulders, elbows, arms, etc.,.
Grade Level: Preschool
Theme: The Fun In Me
Lesson Topic: Fun with Your Body
Content: Reading, Writing, Listening, Music and Health
Language: Phonics, Book Awareness (Directionality), and Writing
The students will listen to the story, This Is Me and point to the body part as the teacher inquires, “ where are your eyes?” etc., The students will listen to a movement song “Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes.”
The students will listen to a story read aloud to them about their bodies and will practice writing the letters in their name on their body tracing.
Labeled body parts poster, labeled illustrations from the story, actual life size drawings, play that goes along with the song
Thinking/Study Skills: Name writing practice, book directionality, naming body parts.
Key Vocabulary: Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes, Elbows, Tongue, Eyes, Nose, Foot, Hand, Chest, Belly Button, Leg, Arm.
This is Me by Richard Scarry
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
The Eye Book by Dr. Seuss
Materials: Markers, Crayons, puzzles, books, coloring sheets, blocks, play dough, letter cookie cutters, cassette player, tape or CD with the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” Bulletin board paper, Letter Stickers (optional).
Motivation/Preparation: Students were to play in centers at the table upon arriving. Centers included: Puzzles, Games, Play dough, Books, Coloring sheets, and Blocks. The teacher will present the students with a poster of two children and discuss the children within the poster’s anatomy. Students would then sit on the rug and listen to stories about the body.
Presentation: I presented the book and began a book talk to discuss predictions on what the book would be about. During reading I would point out each body part and the students will demonstrate different activities that the body can do, such as walk, run, skip, etc., The students will repeat and point to each body part as they come to it in the story. The teacher will check for comprehension by observing.
Practice/Application: Students will lie on the floor on a piece of white bulletin board covering type paper, which has been cut to the individual student’s height. A helper and the teacher will trace around the student’s body. When finished the student will color the outline to look like them. The students will then label their picture by writing his or her name on the poster.
Review/Evaluation: The teacher will ask the students to use their drawing to point out specific body parts within the drawing such as head, elbows, and feet. The teacher will check for comprehension orally by making sure the students point to the correct body part. The students will then listen to the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and go through the body movements by saying and pointing to their own head, shoulders, knees and toes during the song.
Extension: As an extension activity the children could further label their own poster with Head, shoulders, elbows, arms, etc.,
Grade Level: Preschool
Theme: The Fun In Me
Lesson Topic: Fun with the Alphabet
Content: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Art
Phonics, Letter Recognition and Book Awareness (Directionality), Alphabet
The students will listen to the story, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and repeat the chat, “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” as the teacher reads aloud.
The students will listen to a story read aloud to them about their bodies and will practice writing letters in their alphabet books.
Structures: The students will say each letter of the alphabet as he or she walks on the letter around the circle rug in the floor.
Thinking/Study Skills: Letter writing practice, letter names, name writing practice, book directionality and awareness, phonemic awareness through letter “sounds”
Key Vocabulary: alphabet, coconut, tree, skinned, knee, top, meet, chicka, boom
Literature: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by John Archambault
Albert’s Alphabet by Leslie Tryon
Alphabet City by Stephen T. Johnson
Materials: Markers, Crayons, puzzles, books, coloring sheets, blocks, play dough, letter cookie cutters, cassette player, tape or CD with the song, letter cutouts, or flashcards, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Letter Stickers (optional)
Motivation/Preparation: Students were to play in centers at the table upon arriving. Centers included: Puzzles, Games, Play dough, Books, Coloring sheets, and Blocks.
The teacher will ask the students “Who can tell me what these are?” (Holds up letter cutouts). The teacher will then explain that today they are going to see all of the letters of the alphabet.
Presentation: I asked the students to join me on the rug for a story. We began by reviewing and discussing key vocabulary. I presented the book and began a book talk to discuss predictions on what the book would be about. I explained that as we read the story the students needed to cheer on the letters by repeating “ Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”. After reading the story orally, we revisited our predictions to see if they were accurate. At the student’s request, we reread the story. The teacher will check for comprehension by observing.
Practice/Application: Students will return to their seats and color pages 12, 13 in their alphabet book. The teacher will ask the students to name the letter on each page and trace it with their crayon. The teacher will then pass out play dough to each student and place letter cookie cutters in the middle of the table. The students will practice making letters from play dough. The teacher will encourage the students to create a play dough tree and move the letters up the tree as in the book. The students will also practice making the letters in their names and compare the same or different letters in each.
Review/Evaluation: The teacher will ask the students to name the letters of the alphabet and their sounds as they walk around the circle rug and as they create letter using play dough and letter cookie cutters.
Extension: An extension activity might include giving children a celery stalk with peanut butter and have them “glue” the various letters as they are read onto the celery. An additional activity might include creating a paper coconut tree and adding the letters to the tree as they are read in the story.
Grade Level: Pre-K
Theme: The Science in Me
Lesson Topic: Bugs/Insects (Ladybugs)
Content: Science, Reading, Art, Math
Language: Phonics
Students will listen and sing songs about ladybugs.
Students will listen to read alouds. Students will write their names on their papers and trace letters of the alphabet.
Structures: Illustrations of ladybugs and other various insects, models of bugs.
Thinking/Study Skills: Alphabet practice, vocabulary modeling, oral discussion
Key Vocabulary: Wing, leg, antennae, body, ladybug, spots, leaf, fly-(verb)
Literature: Creatures at My Feet by: Sherry Neidigh
I Love to Eat Bugs! by: John Strejan
Crickwing by: Janell Cannon
The Very Lazy Ladybug by: Isobel Finn and Jack Tickle
Miss Spider’s ABC by: David Kirk
Pipe Cleaners
Plastic bugs (assorted)
Rocks Coloring Sheets
Insects Video Bug Collecting containers
Bug Songs (Ladybugs, Ants, etc.) Paper Plates
Play dough Paint
Finger paint Butcher Paper
Paint brushes Kidsongs CD
Motivation/Preparation: Students were to play in centers at the table upon arriving. Centers included: Puzzles, Games, Insects, and coloring sheets. Students would then have circle time. Circle Time included: Alphabet, Numbers 1-20, Colors, Names, and a brief introduction on today’s topic “Ladybugs”.
Presentation: I presented each bug/insect first by holding the plastic ladybug in my hand and repeating the vocabulary word for it. I would have the students to then repeat the word after me. Then I showed a picture of the ladybug and had the students repeat again. I chose a read aloud appropriate for the age group and learning level that related to the topic.
Practice/Application: Students would practice ladybug rhymes, poems, and songs together aloud. I would say them then the students would repeat. Students then went to the table for a craft and coloring activity. Students would paint rocks to look like ladybugs and color ladybugs and place spots on them. Then count how many spots their ladybugs have.
Review/Evaluation: In the afternoon students sat on the rug and we reviewed the songs, poems, and rhymes together aloud. We practiced saying the word Ladybug again. I chose another read aloud level appropriate associated to the bug they were learning Ladybugs. The students would return to the table and paint paper plates to look like ladybugs and attach wings.
Extension: Students would go outside at home with their bug containers in search of ladybugs and bring them in to share with the class.
Grade Level: Pre-K
Theme: The Science in Me
Lesson Topic: Bugs/Insects (Ants)
Content: Science, Reading, Art, Math
Language: Phonics
Students will listen and sing songs about ants
Students will listen to read aloud. Students will write their names on their papers and trace letters of the alphabet.
Audio visual aides, illustrations of ants, models of ants to increase tactile comprehension.
Thinking/Study Skills: Alphabet practice, oral discussion, letter tracing
Key Vocabulary: Leg, antennae, picnic, anthill, together, body, hungry
Literature: The Big Bug Ball by: Dee Lillegard
Animal Feet by: Carolyn MacLulich
Wild, Wild World Spiders and Other Creepy-Crawlies by: Denny Robson
Wings, Stings and Wriggly Things by: Martin Jenkins
The Ants Go Marching by: Jeffrey Scherer
100 Hungry Ants by:
Hey, Little Ant by:
TV/VCR Coloring Sheets
ANTZ Video Pipe Cleaners
Gummi Bug snack Bug Collecting containers
Bug Songs (Ladybugs, Ants, etc.) Plastic Bugs (assorted)
Play dough Kidsongs CD
Paint Butcher Paper
Finger paint
Paint brushes
Motivation/Preparation: Students were to play in centers at the table upon arriving. Centers included: Puzzles, Games, Insects, and coloring sheets. Students would then have circle time. Circle Time included: Alphabet, Numbers 1-20, Colors, Names, and a brief introduction on today’s topic “Ants”.
Presentation: I presented each bug/insect first by holding the plastic ant in my hand and repeating the vocabulary word for it. I would have the students to then repeat the word after me. Then I showed a picture of the ant and had the students repeat again. I chose a read aloud appropriate for the age group and learning level that related to the topic.
Practice/Application: Students would practice ant rhymes, poems, and songs together aloud. I would say them then the students would repeat. Students then went to the table for a craft and coloring activity. Student fingers painted ants on an anthill and traced the letter A.
Review/Evaluation: In the afternoon students sat on the rug and we reviewed the songs, poems, and rhymes together aloud. We practiced saying the word ANT again. I chose another read aloud level appropriate associated to the bug they were learning ANTS. The students would return to the table and color ants to cut and paste them to the letter A they traced previously.
Extension: Students would go outside with their bug containers in search of ants and observe ants in their environment.
Grade Level: Pre-school/1
Theme: The Environment in Me
Lesson Topic: Paper
Content: To teach students about their surroundings.
oral recitation, following instructions