Physics Honors - Dr. Naumoff

Additional wave problemset 1

1) If a wave has a wavelength of 25.4 cm and a frequency of 1.63 kHz, what is its speed?


2) If a wave has a speed of 362 and a period of 4.17ms. What is its wavelength?1.51 m

3) The speed of sound in steel is 5000 . What is the wavelength of a sound wave of frequency 660 Hz in steel?7.58 m

4) Crests of an ocean wave pass a pier every 10.0 s. If the waves are moving at 5.6 , what is the wavelength of the ocean waves?56 m

5) Transverse waves propagate at 43.2 in a string that is subjected to a tension of 60.5 N. If the string is 15.9 m long, what is its mass?0.515 kg

6) The density of aluminum is 2700 . If transverse waves propagate at 38 in a 4.6 mm diameter aluminum wire, what is the tension on the wire?65 N

7) A 2.31 kg rope is stretched between supports 10.4 m apart. If one end of the rope is tweaked, how long will it take for the resulting disturbance to reach the other end? Assume that the tension in the rope is 49.2 N.0.699 s

8) A uniform bar of metal, 0.40 m long, with a diameter of 2.0 cm, has a mass of 1.1 kg. A 1.5 MHz longitudinal wave is propagated along the length of the bar. A wave compression traverses the length of the bar in 0.12 ms.What is the wavelength of the longitudinal wave in the metal? 2.2mm

9) A string, 30 cm long and having a mass of 45 g, is attached to a 810 Hz vibrator at one end. The other end of the string is fixed and the string is kept under tension. The vibrator produces a transverse wave in the string, whose amplitude is 7.0 mm, and which propagates with a velocity of 76 . The energy of the wave is absorbed at the fixed end. In this situation, what is the tension in the string, in SI units?870N

10) A wire, 6.0 m long, with a mass of 10 g, is under tension. A transverse wave is propagated on the wire, for which the frequency is 280 Hz, the wavelength is 0.60 m, and the amplitude is 8.4 mm. What is the timeneeded , in ms, for a crest of the transverse wave to travel the length of the wire? 36ms

11) A wire, 1.0 m long, with a mass of 90 g, is under tension. A transverse wave is propagated on the wire, for which the frequency is 890 Hz, the wavelength is 0.10 m, and the amplitude is 6.5 mm. The tension in the line, in SI units, is closest to:710N

Figure 12.1

12) In Figure 12.1, which of the curves best represents the variation of wave speed as a function of tension for transverse waves on a stretched string?

Answer: B

13) A crane lifts a 2500 kg mass using a steel cable whose mass per unit length is 0.65 kg/m. What is the speed of transverse waves on this cable? Assume that the speed of the waves is constant throughout the length of the cable.


Chapter 15 terminology

  1. Mechanical wave
  2. Medium
  3. Electromagnetic wave
  4. Transverse wave
  5. Longitudinal wave
  6. Surface wave
  7. Pulse
  8. Wavelength
  9. Crest
  10. Trough
  11. Frequency
  12. Amplitude
  13. Principle of superposition
  14. Interference
  15. Standing wave
  16. Node
  17. Antinode
  18. Law of reflection
  19. Diffraction
  20. Interference pattern
  21. Refraction