First year AQUACHEMMeeting

Lisbon, February 4-5th, 2005

Friday, February 4th(sessions at the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon)

8.15: / Bus departure from the Hotel A.S. Lisboa to the Academy of Sciences
8.45-9.15: / Registration
9.15-9.20: / Opening: Welcome (Armando Pombeiro)
9.20-10.00: / General Presentation (Maurizio Peruzzini and Luca Gonsalvi)
10.00-10.45: / Firenze group (CNR)
-Vanessa Landaeta,"Ruthenium catalysed selective oxidation of aryl thiophenes with H2O2"
-Luca Gonsalvi, "More pieces in the jigsaw: novel cyclopentadienyl Ru, Rh and Ir PTA complexes. Preliminary tests for Ru-catalysed water phase CO2 and bicarbonate hydrogenation"
-Maurizio Peruzzini, "Astonishing hydrolysis of white phosphorus mediated by ruthenium species”
10.45-11.15: / Coffee break
11.15-11.45: / Toulouse group (a) (CNRS-LCC/a)
-Paul Servin, “Towards phosphaadamantane (PTA)-dendrimers”
-Anne-Marie Caminade, “Water-soluble phosphorus dendrimers and catalytic dendrimers”
11.45-12.15: / Toulouse group (b) (CNRS-LCC/b)
-Ricardo Poli,"Aqueous chemistry and catalysis with high oxidation state half-sandwich Mo compounds"
-Chiara Dinoi, "Reactions of cyclopentadienylmolybdenum(VI) with sulfur compounds"
12.15-13.00: / Debrecen group (UD)
-Ferenc Joó, “Recent results in aqueous organometallic catalysis inDebrecen”
-Ágnes Kathó, “The effect of iodide on Ru(II)-catalyzed hydrogenations “
-Henrietta Horváth, “Selective hydrogenation of alkynes in aqueous-organic biphasic systems “
-Marianna Fekete, “Water-soluble Ru(II)-carbene complexes and their catalytic properties”
13.00-14.00: / Lunch
14.00-14.30: / Barcelona group (UAB)
-Andrea Rossin, "The selective hydrogenation of unsaturated aldehydes by Ru(II) Complexes in water solutions".
-Agustí Lledós, Olivier Maresca(with collaboration of L. Gonsalvi, A.D.Phillips,M. Peruzzini (ICCOM)), "H2 Activation in Water with Half-sandwichRu(II) Complexes: Competition between homolytic and heterolytic H-H splitting"
14.30-15.15: / York group (York)
-Anne-K. Duhme-Klair, “Metal-based lumophores tailored to sense biologically relevant oxometalates”
-Simon B. Ducket, “Para-hydrogen in aqueous systems”
-Nicole Reddig, “Improvements to the water-solubility of [Re(CO)3(bpy)L1]+ “
15.15-15.45: / Erlangen group (UEN)
-Rudi van Eldik, “Mechanistic studies on the activation of NO by Fe(II) complexes”
-Ariana Brausam, “Mechanistic studies on the activation of hydrogen peroxide by Fe(III) complexes”
15.45-16.15: / Coffee break
16.15-17.00: / Lisbon group (IST)
-Armando Pombeiro, “Aqueous chemistry at the IST Group: overall view”
-Silvia Mazzega (with collaboration of R. Michelin, R. Bertani), “Water soluble phosphines and reactions with Pt(II) centers”
-Max Kopylovich (with collaboration of V. Kukushkin), “Water soluble imidoylamidine complexes derived from the activation of nitriles”
-Patrícia Reis, Alexander Kirillov, (with collaboration of M. Kirillova, J.A.L Silva, J. Fraústo da Silva), “Catalytic oxidation of alkanes and aromatics in aqueous biphasic liquid medium”
-Fátima Guedes da Silva, Erwin Reisner, Qingshan Li (with collaboration of V. Arion, B. Keppler, V. Kukushkin), “Electrochemistry of Ru-azole complexes and structure of diorganotin complexes with antitumor activity”
17.00-17.45: / Round table discussion
17.45: / Bus departure to the Hotel A.S. Lisboa
20.00: / Bus departure from the Hotel A.S. Lisboa to a Fado restaurant
23.00: / Bus departure from the Fado restaurant to the Hotel A.S. Lisboa

Saturday, February 5th (sessions at the Complexo I, Instituto SuperiorTécnico)

9.00-9.30: / Jerusalem group (HUJI)
-Jenny Gun, “Some new examples of on-line electrochemistry ESI-MS studies”
9.30-10.00: / Almeria group (UAL)
- Antonio Romerosa, “Synthesis of new water soluble phosphines from natural aminoacids”
- Tatiana Campos-Malpartida, “Catalytic studies of the new water soluble ruthenium complex [RuCp(I)(mPTA)(PPh3)]Cl”
- Inocenta Ayala, “New water soluble ruthenium complexes containing the ligand 1,2-bis(N-ter-butylcarbamoyl)cyclopentadienyl”
10.00-10.30: / Moscow group (INEOS)
-Elena Shubina, “Aqueous chemistry at the INEOS Group: overall view”
-Natalia Belkova, “Unique properties of water in H-bonding and proton transfer to organometallics”
10.30-11.30: / Round table discussion
11.30-12.30: / Lunch
12.45: / Bus departure from the Hotel A.S. Lisboa for an excursion in Lisbon
18.00: / Return to the Hotel A.S. Lisboa or departure to the EXPO park
20.00: / Bus departure from the Hotel A.S. Lisboa to the EXPO park(dinner)
22.45: / Return to the Hotel A.S. Lisboa