802 South Caswell Street
La Grange, North Carolina 28551
Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor
Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor
May God
Be Gracious
to us and bless us and make
His face shine upon us,
that your ways may be known
on earth, your salvation
among al nations.
Psalm 67:1-2 (NIV)
Welcome to Worship and Celebration!
A warm welcome to all as we gather as God’s people to worship the Lord. May our worship strengthen our faith and desire to serve Him who loves us with an everlasting love in Christ Jesus.
Opportunities for Service and Growth
Sun. July 56th Sunday after Pentecost
9:15amPartners in Prayer
9:45amSunday School
11:00amWorship & Celebration
6:00pmFamily Fun Night
Mon. July 6 6:30pmWilson/Creech Circle
7:15pmSunday Night Live Band Practice
Tue. July 7 7:00pmDeacon’s Meeting
Wed. July 8 7:00pmBible Study
Sat. July 11 5:00pmKIDS of the Kingdom (Grades 5 and down)
Sun. July 127th Sunday after Pentecost
9:15amPartners in Prayer
9:45amSunday School
11:00amWorship & Celebration
4:50pmChoir Rehearsal
6:00pmSunday Night Live
Mon. July 13GY2 Conference / Cragmont
Tue. July 14GY2 Conference / Cragmont
Wed. July 15GY2 Conference / Cragmont
7:00pmBible Study
Thu. July 16GY2 Conference / Cragmont
Fri. July 17GY2 Conference / Cragmont
Sat. July 18Campers return home
Sun. July 198th Sunday after Pentecost
8:30amMen’s Fellowship
9:15amPartners in Prayer
9:45amSunday School
11:00amWorship & Celebration - Cragmont Service
4:50pmChoir Rehearsal
6:00pmSunday Night Live
The beautiful Sanctuary Flowers
Have been given by Dixie Letchworth
In memory of Thurston Letchworth’s birthday
Family Fun Night
Tonight we will have Family Fun Night. Super will be at 6:00pm and games for all ages will follow. Please sign the Food List on the church bulletin board. Also we are asking that you sign the list on the bulletin board if you plan to attend. C. J. Foster of our church family will be cooking a pig and we need to know how many will attend. Thank you!
Concert @ The University of Mount Olive
On Friday, July 10th, The Convention of OFWB is hosting a service of Worship and Praise with Michael English and the Wilmington Celebraion Choir. The service will begin at 7:00pm at the Kornegay Arena on the campus of The University of Mount Olive. If you would like tickets or have any questions, contact the Pastor.
Brazil Mission
The Brazil Mission trip is scheduled for July 17-27, 2015. Those going on the trip are Avery Mills, Casey Harrison, and Morgan Harrison.The church has raised $8,326.00 gifts and the BBQ sale. The cost of this mission trip includes airfare, visa expenses and in country expenses include lodging, food, and activities and projects. As of June 12th the BBQ sale covered the airfare. The remaining cost of the trip is $1,188.00 per person. Also the team would like to start a drive for school supplies for children in Brazil. The missionaries in country said that would be helpful because school starts the first week in August, so lots of children will be in need. Things like pencils and sharpeners, crayons, glue, notebooks and so on. Thank for your support of going into the world with the Gospel!
Water Country USA
On Friday, July 31, 2015 we will be going to Water Country USA at Williamsburg, VA. This will be a family fun day at the waterpark! We will leave the church at 7:00am. The cost of the day will be your park ticket and food. More information concerning the cost will be available at a later date. Contact Josh if you have any questions.
Bible Study - Bible Translations
Have you ever wondered why we have so many different Bible translations? Have you ever wondered how the books in the Bible got there and others didn’t? Beginning on August 5th we will begin a Bible Study entitled: “Bible Translations: Variety is the Spice of Life” taught by Josh Hobgood. We will dive into the Bible, its translation, and how we can use a variety of translations to impact our spiritual lives. Come and join us as we look at the most well preserved ancient text in all of history, a text that has been forming the Church for thousands of years.
Ramp / Deck Up-date
One of the greatest blessings of our church has been the ministry of The CRIB (Youth Center). The youth committee and the board of Deacons have approved to move forward with the building of a ramp and deck on the back of The CRIB. This project is being done in memory of Hannah Beth Roddy. The cost of the project is estimated to be $4,000.00. As of June 12th we have received $1,915.00 for this project. If you would like to support this project financially, please use the envelope on the ushers’ table for your gift.
Passion 2016
The Passion Conference will be January 2-4, 2016 in Atlanta. If you would like to attend you must register by July 26. We will make our final registration after that date. . Contact Josh if you have any questions.
Bible Study
On Wednesday, June 10 we began a new Bible Study entitled: “Strengthening the Church.” This study is designed to examine the work of La Grange First Church through looking at our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. After doing this analysis we will set some goals for our church. We will also at times focus on the Original Free Will Baptist Strategic Planning goals. Our pastors will lead in this study.
Grass Cutting
The church needs your help in cutting grass this year. There is a list on the church bulletin board. Please sign the list for the week(s) you would be willing to cut the grass. The church has a riding mower. Thank you for your help!
In the WORD
July - Old Testament:
Job 20-42 and Psalm 1-56
July - New Testament - 10:24 - 28 and Romans 1-3
Remember! When you finish reading a book, please sign the list on the church bulletin board. Thanks!
7- 1Christie Westbrook7- 2Jerry Mills
7- 3Casey Harrison7- 3Doug Taylor
7- 7Joyce Martin7- 9Emily Fields
7-10Ronnie Hobgood7-15Kathryn Hart
7-17Jake Suggs7-28Esther Flowers
7-30Jimmy Hipkiss7-31Rob Mayberry
Deacon of the Month: Jimmy Jones
Ushers for Worship
Head Usher – Royce Holmes
5- Brent Herring, Greg Herring, Jimmy D. Herring, & Royce Holmes
12- Coburn Bigler, Jamie Ham, Brad Taylor, Wilbur Taylor
19- Allen Sutton, James Sutton, Chris Roddy, Mike Sullivan
26- C. J. Foster, Chuck Roman, Jimmy D. Herring, Jeff Thomas,
Greeters for Worship
North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall
5- Ushers Sue Shivar Harold & Annie Ruth Herring
12- Ushers Vicki Lemmond Asa & Tiffany Creech
19- Ushers Lucille Harrison Robie & Eloise Killette
26- Ushers Kendra Sullivan James & Jennifer Sutton
5- Olivia Sutton12- Maura Ham
19- Julie Holmes26- Cooper Roddy
Children’s Church (ages 3-3rd grade)
5- Asa & Tiffany Creech12- Ted & Sheila Harrison
19- Cragmont Sunday26- Jennifer Sutton, Kathryn Hart, & Pam Thomas
Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)
5- Tracy Sutton, & Carrie Letchworth
12- Helen Harrison, Kendra Sullivan, & Judy Parrott
19- Christina Creech, Delores Foster, & Pam Thomas
26- Ashley Holland, DeeAnn Maready, & Sarah Letchworth
Morgan Harrison, Sheila Harrison, & Kim Wade
Grass Cutting
4- Royce & Elsie Holmes11- Royce & Elsie Holmes
18- ______25- ______
Attendance for June 28, 2015
Sunday School...... 99
Worship & Celebration...... 123
Wednesday Night Bible Study...... 18
Prayer Ministry
Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things He has done.
Jacob Maready - Medical Missions trip to Trinidad.
Crystal Wackerman (CEM).
Rex and Jeannie Bannister (Parents of Bruce Bannister),Bill Barwick (Brother of Virginia Holmes), Jean Barwick (Sister to Virginia Holmes), Scott Braswell (Uncle of Sara Maxwell), Brenda Britt, Doris Britt (Pastor’s Mother), Glenn &Joyce Cherry, Doris Corbett (Willow Creek),Estelle Creech (Mother of Pat Creech), Don Davenport (Susie Harrison), Linda Edwards (Friend of Peggy Bartlett), Kari Elwart (Darlene Creech), Cindy Ervin (Friend of Hailey Bigler),Ethan Gallagher (Sue Shivar), Layton Graham (Edna Johnson), Jill Gurley (Friend of Lucretia Creech), Rose Haddock,Grace Dawson Hardy (Shirley Sorrell), Kendrick Harrison, Sr., Martha Harrison, Myra Herring,Marjorie Hines,Pat Hinson, N. C. Holmes, Virginia Holmes,Michelle Johnson (Edna Johnson), Carol Jones (David Letchworth), Christian Jones (David Letchworth), Robie Killette, Ronnie King (Sandra Rouse), Karen Kozel (Sandra Rouse & Gale Yarborough), Barbara Lambert (Friend of Bethany Jones), Dickie Lane, Fay Letchworth, Cindy Lewis (Mary Gresham), Dot Lockamy (Sister to Ruth Scott), Linda Manning, Joyce Martin, Larissa Martin (Laura Eason), Rebecca Mix (Sister to Laura Eason), Dylan Modica (Vicki Bannister), Cherish Naylor (Pam Thomas), David Nipple (Wade Family), Drew Owens (Darlene Creech), Elwood Padrick,Leroy Phillips (Brother-in-law of Cliff Hardison), Chuck Roman, Jo Rouse (Friend of Edna Johnson), Scott Smith (David Letchworth),Robert Sorrell (Brother of Vernon Sorrell), Carol Stahl (Helen Harrison), Jean Suber, James Alan Sutton Sr. (Father of James Sutton), Lynn Taylor (Son-In-Law of Royce Elsie Holmes),Colby Tucker,Danny Tucker (Ted & Sheila Harrison), Wade Tucker (Frances Hinson), Cindy Wackerman (Sept-Mother of Chuck Wackerman), Ben Wade, Carolyn Walters (Crystal Wackerman), Brenda White (Edna Johnson), and Veronica Wooten (Jennifer Sutton).
Nan Fields, Rev. J. B. Narron (Hobgood Family), Stan Rouse, & Enzie Singleton.
First Church, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Leaders/Teachers, College Students, Convention of Original FWB, Denominational Ministries, Rev. Al Warrick(Convention President), Ronnie V. Hobgood (Convention Vice-President), Rev. Chris Singleton (Stop Hunger Now), the Lost, and all Christians.
Brazil Mission Team, Our military & their families, Josh & Holly Sutton Ballance, Alex Ferrell (nephew of Bethany Jones-service), Adam Harrison (Service - Jordan), Mike Hammond, Josh Ormond [Service / Texas (Son of C. J. & Dee Foster)], Revival in the church.
US: President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Cabinet, Congress, and the Supreme Court.
NC: Governor McCrory, NC Senators and NC Representatives.
La Grange/Lenoir County: Mayor Gurley, Town Commissioners, County Commissioners, County & Private Schools, and Lenoir Community College.
(As of July 3, 2015)
802 South Caswell Street • La Grange, North Carolina 28551
Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor • Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor
Worship & Celebration
July 5, 2015 The Lord’s Day Eleven O’clock
Worship in spirit and truth
Welcome and AnnouncementsPastor
Quiet Reflection with God People
Lighting of the CandlesAcolyte
“If My People’s Hearts Are Humbled”...... Choir
“America”...... Samuel F. Smith/Att. To Henry Carey
My country, ‘tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrim’s pride, From every mountainside
Let freedom ring!
“America, the Beautiful”...... Katharine Lee Bates / Samuel A. Ward
O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shinning sea!
“God Of Our Fathers”...... Daniel C. Roberts / George W. Warren
God of our fathers, whose almighty hand
Leads forth in beauty all the starry band
Of shining worlds in splendor thru the skies,
Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise.
Refresh Thy people on their toilsome way,
Lead us from night to never ending day;
Fill all our lives with love and grace divine,
And glory, laud, and praise be ever Thine!
(Fellowship time with the Family of God)
Offertory PrayerLaity
Giving His Tithes and Our OfferingsPeople
GovernmentNumber 665
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Sharing our Prayer ConcernsLaity
Morning Prayer
“My Shepherd”...... Choir
(Children ages 3 – 3rd grade dismissed to Children’s Worship.)
“Our Citizenship - On Earth and In Heaven”Philippians 3:12-21
“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly
wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Take Time to Be Holy”...... Number 441
The altar of the Lord is always open at La Grange First Church for those who desire to receive Christ as Savior, rededicate their lives, pray, or transfer their church membership. Our prayer is that you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life.
“Here I Am, Lord” (sing twice)(First Church # 2057646, CCLI # )
Here I am, Lord, Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, If You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart.
A m e n A m e n A m e n
802 South Caswell Street
La Grange, North Carolina 28551
Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor
Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor
Christ-First • Bible-First • Ministry-First
Christ is First at La Grange First Church.
Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to
Jesus Christ as Lord.
Bibleis First at La Grange First Church.
We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is
God’s revealed word to man.
Ministry is First at La Grange First Church.
Our calling is to nurture and serve the people of God.