Barnsley Local Pharmaceutical Committee
Attendance Log 2015-16
LPC Member / 16/09/15 / 18/11/15 / 09/03/16 / 25/05/16 / 20/07/16 / 21/09/16 / 23/11/16 / 18/01/17 / 19/04/17Paul Mason – Lo’s Pharmacy / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Rachel Crookes attended in his absence / Yes / Yes / Yes
Thomas Bisset – Independent / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Adam Clark – Independent / Yes / No / No / Yes / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / No
Andy Beardshall – Weldricks Pharmacy / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Becky Mansbridge – Boots / Yes – 1st Meeting / Yes / No
Stephen Roth – Well / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Resigned. Vacancy from next meeting
Daniel Swift – Well / Yes / Yes / No / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Diane Taylor – Lloyds / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / No / No / No
Rizwan Ali – Independent / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / Yes
Stephen Pollock – Weldricks Pharmacy / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Steve Lo – Lo’s Pharmacy / Yes / No / No / Yes / No / Rachel Crookes attended in his absence / No / No / No
Guests / Chris Lawson – Barnsley CCG / Garry Myers - PSNC / J Rhodes - Boots / Garry Myers - PSNC / Garry Myers - PSNC / Garry Myers - PSNC / Garry Myers – PSNC / Garry Myers - PSNC
Minutes from meeting – Holiday Inn, Barnsley. 19/04/17 Time – 10:00 – 16:00
Item / Notes / Actions1. / Welcome and apologies / PM welcomed committee.
Apologies – AC (holiday), SR (resigned), DT (meeting with Lloyds), BM (No contact), SL (No contact) / TB to chase up CCA
2. / Governance issues
Declarations of Interest / Need to contact CCA for SR replacement. See action from item 1.
3. / Approval of minutes / Proposed – RA
Seconded - SP
4. / Matters arising and action log update / Matters arising picked up during agenda. Action log updated. / AB to upload to website.
5. / Digest of Communication / AB resolved issues. Documents in Dropbox for review.
6. / Minutes/Summary of Meetings attended / AB to remove this standing item and incorporate with item 7.
7. / Officers Reports / AB, PM documents in Dropbox. TB presented summary to committee. Attended local flu planning meeting. AC sent electronic update, full report to follow in July. / AC full report for July meeting.
TB to send BMBC flu contact details to AB to follow up.
8. / PSNC Update / Garry Myers attended and provided the committee with a briefing on activities at PSNC.
9. / Commissioning Update / SMT AB/TB gave an update on SMT services
MMS TB updated the committee. The next BEST event will be relating to the MMS service. Updates will hopefully include electronic reporting, Increased fee, Blanket consent.
EHC AB updated committee on EHC. Service to hopefully be signed off before the end of May.
10. / Contract Applications / No new applications
11. / Educational Events
Pharmacy BEST / Pharmacy BEST - MMS 24/05.
HLP – Secured HEE & NHS funding of approximately £7.5K. We will be hosting 2 Champions events and 1 Leadership event. Proposed dates 16/05, 28/06 for the Champions and 14/06 for the leadership. Booking through Eventbrite.
TB also met with PHB Carl Hickman, who wants to help us with HLP. He has reviewed the PSNC 27-point plan to getting your HLP money. He has highlighted all of the bits which PHB can get for us and then work with TB on a plan for a pharmacy to get the outstanding points.
CH also believes we will be able to take HLP status to the mini councils in order to access their funding.
12. / Work Plan / TB to send to AB to add to the Dropbox / AB to add to Dropbox
13. / AOB