Wichita State University

College of Education

Course Syllabus Outline

Semester – Fall 2008

Department, Course Number, Title, and Credit Hours

CI 820A, Advanced Methods: Functional Internship, (2 credit hours)


Faculty Members:

Name Contact Information

Dr. Linda Mitchell / Corbin Education Center Room 116;
Phone: 978-6367

Fax: 316-978-6935 (C&I Office)

Office Hours: By appointment

Weather Cancellations: Call 978-6633 (select 2) to obtain information on weather related class cancellations.

Catalog Description: Provides a supervised opportunity for students to evaluate and implement learning experiences, including curriculum planning, environmental arrangements, instructional delivery, and use of assistive technology, that develop cognitive, physical, social, and emotional needs of students with severe and multiple disabilities. Requires concurrent enrollment in CI 820.

Prerequisites: Full admission to the Masters in Education – Special Education (Functional Program) and CI 801; concurrent enrollment in CI820.

Major Topics:

Each guiding principle, associated with a major topic, is addressed and assessed in this course.

Major Topics /
Guiding Principles from the Unit Conceptual Framework*
Professionalism and Reflection (PR) / Human Development and Diversity (HDD) / Connection of Teaching Experiences and Assessment (CTA) / Technology (T) / Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Alignment with Standards (CKS) / Collaboration (C)
Assessment for program planning / X / X
Development of an appropriate IEP / X / X / X / X / X
Environmental arrangements / X / X / X / X
Curriculum development / X / X / X / X
Instructional strategies – social, emotional, positive behavioral supports / X / X / X / X
Instructional strategies – sensory / X / X / X / X
Instructional strategies – cognitive / X / X / X / X
Instructional strategies – movement (fine and gross) / X / X / X / X
Instructional strategies – self care and medical care / X / X / X / X
Integrating curriculum design and instructional strategies / X / X / X / X
Using assistive and medical technology / X / X / X
Planning for transitions and self-determination / X / X / X / X / X

* http://webs.wichita.edu/depttools/DeptToolsMemberFiles/coedean/revisedCF_2_24_03.pdf

Learner Outcomes: (assessment, guiding principles, guiding program document, professional standards)

Course Outcomes
The student will: / Related Assessment / Guiding Principles Unit Conceptual Framework
(PR, HDD, CTA, T, CKS, C) / Professional Standards (KSDE)
Conduct assessment for program planning; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CTA / 2, 3
Develop an appropriate IEP; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CTA, CKS / 3, 4, 7
Perform environmental arrangements to promote learning; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CTA, CKS / 5
Plan curriculum to meet individual and group needs; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS / 4
Deliver instruction to meet students’ needs in the areas of social, emotional, and positive behavioral supports; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS, T / 5, 6, 7
Deliver instruction to meet students’ needs in the areas of sensory input/output and integration; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS, T / 5, 6, 7
Deliver instruction to meet students’ needs in the areas of cognitive skills; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS, T / 5, 6, 7
Deliver instruction to meet students’ needs in the areas of movement (fine and gross); / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS, T / 5, 6, 7
Deliver instruction to meet students’ needs in the areas of self care and medical care; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS, T / 5, 6, 7
Integrate curriculum design and instructional strategies to meet needs across the areas of social/emotional, sensory function, cognitive, movement, self care and medical care; / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS, T / 5, 6, 7
Candidates identify and use assistive and medical technology, as needed, for students / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS, T / 4
Plan for transitions and teach self-determination skills. / TWS, Self and faculty performance evaluation / CKS / 5, 7

Description of Course Assessments:

1.  Self-evaluation of performance – KSDE Standards (rubric)

2.  Faculty-evaluation performance – KSDE Standards (rubric)

Note: Completion of disposition assessment with minimum of 16 points by Transition Point I, and 20 points at Transition Point III, with no indicator below 2.


A Maintain acceptable to above graduate performance in most areas of evaluation

• reflects upon and refines educational practice based upon feedback

• seeks to improve educational practice independently

B Acceptable to working on acceptable graduate performance in most areas of evaluation

• reflects upon and attempts to respond to feedback

• some independence in improving educational practice

C Working on acceptable graduate performance in most areas of evaluation

• little reflection minimal response to feedback

• does not independently work to improve educational practice

D Working on to unacceptable graduate performance in most areas of evaluation

• no reflection regarding educational practice, no response to feedback

• does not work to change educational practice

F Unacceptable graduate performance in all areas of evaluation

• no response to feedback

• maintains unacceptable education practice

Students who earn a grade of “C” or below will be required to repeat enrollment and participation in this course.

Professional Education Standards Assessment:

Both the state of Kansas and national accreditation requires that university programs for the preparation of teachers and other school personnel be performance-based. In particular, this requires that students not only pass required courses/attain certain GPAs, but also receive satisfactory ratings on certain required assessments, many of those embedded within program coursework. One or more of those required assessments occur in this course. A title/description of any assessments and associate rubrics and passing criteria follows:

Name of the Assessment: Performance Observation Rubric—Functional

Required Passing Criteria: 3 or higher on rubric score

If a student fails to meet the stated criteria on a required embedded assessment, the student must retake the assessment, or an alternate assessment decided by the instructor, in order to progress to the next transition point. The course grade will be based on the original assessment if used in the calculation of the course grade. Students failing to attain a satisfactory rating on a required assessment may be provided special assistance. The university is not able, however, to recommend individuals for licensure who fail to attain a satisfactory rating on required assessments, even though they may receive an acceptable course grade or exceed minimum GPAs.

Academic Honesty: A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students abridging a standard of honesty must accept the consequences; penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated people. Serious cases may result in discipline at the college or University level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a college for academic dishonesty, constitutes dismissal from the University. (WSU Student Code of Conduct)

Special Needs: ADA: If you have a physical, perceptual, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, contact the Office of Disability Services (DS), Grace Wilkie Annex, room 173. (Voice/TDD 978-3309). ODS will review your concerns, confirm your disability, and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by DS without your written permission.

Course Schedule: Arranged