Entry form
for the
Care Awards

Title of the project which has been completed after 31 July 2010
(it could have started before this date):

Main contact details

Name and job title of project lead:

Telephone number:



Names and job titles of all the members of your project team:

How to enter:

Project leads should supply the information requested below in this Word document. The completed document must be submitted electronically to . The closing dates for all entries will be 7 May 2012. For further information please contact Rachel Flower on 020 7572 2703 or email


Judging will be carried out by a panel of representatives from a range of pharmacy sectors and organisations and parts of the UK. They include Catherine Duggan (Royal Pharmaceutical Society); Terry Maguire (Northern Ireland/Public Health), Jonathan Mason (England/Primary care); Harry McQuillan (Community/Scotland); Cath O’Brien (Wales/Continuing Education).

The submissions from the six finalists will be converted to posters, and members of the teams will be invited to present their posters and answer questions about their project at an event to be held at the Royal College of Surgeons on 28 June 2012.

Projects will be marked out of 100 and the judges will be looking at the criteria below when making their assessments:

Section 1 – improving patient care/public health (Max 500 words; 40 marks)

Describe the project. What was its aim? What was involved? How was it funded? What was its timescale? What is already known on the topic and what does the project add? In broad terms how was it successful?

Section 2 – originality of the project(Max 250 words; 20 marks)

Why was this project chosen? What questions did it address? How does it contribute to the evidence base rather than replicating previous work? In what ways is the project innovative?

Section 3 – quality of patients’ outcomes(Max 250 words; 20 marks)

What quality measures have been used and what are the outcomes? How else has the project been evaluated?

Section 4 – general merit(Max 250 words; 20 marks)

Is the project interesting and applicable to other disciplines/clinical areas? How sustainable is the project? How could the outcomes be shared with other pharmacists/multidisciplinary teams?

Please note:

The wording above will be reproduced as a poster for the six finalists. Supporting information (up to a further 500 words) and three diagrams/tables may also be supplied.

Closing date:

7 May 2012

Winning examples:

For examples of previous winning entries click on the Best practice option on the left-hand navigation panel on PJ Online (