EDGE Affiliate Award Application Form

EDGE Affiliate Award Proposal

This application is only for EDGE Fellowship alumni who have been awarded EDGE Affiliate positions. Please complete this application and submit to before 17:00 (UTC), 15th March 2018.

You must read the guidelines before beginning an application.

Section 1 – Personal and project details

1.1EDGE Affiliate’s name:


1.3Skype name

1.4Telephone (with international and area codes)

1.5Organisation/institutional association

1.6Employment status and job role

1.7Project title

20 words max

1.8EDGE species involved

Common and scientific name

1.9Project location (country & region with lat long coordinates, please include a map):

Section 2 – EDGE Fellowship

2.1When did you complete your EDGE Fellowship (submission of all outputs)?


2.2What have you been doing in your career since you completed your EDGE Fellowship?

2.3What work have you done on your EDGE species since you completed your EDGE Fellowship?

2.4What do you believe was your single greatest conservation achievement during your EDGE Fellowship?

2.5What was the singlebiggest challenge for you in achieving your EDGE Fellowship objectives? How would you address similar problems in this project?

Section 3 – Species and ecology

3.1Detailthe natural history (ecology, behaviour, life history) of your EDGEspecies. Please also include a map of your species global distribution.Please provide references where applicable.

300 words max

3.2Please list and provide a brief description of all threats to the species. Please provide references where applicable.

300 words max

3.3Please list and provide a brief description of all current and historical conservation actions for the species/its habitatincluding community engagement.

200 words max

3.4What is the most interesting fact about your species?

100 words max

Section 4 - Project details

4.1Please list your new objectives in the table below,indicatingwhether this was suggested in your Survival Blueprint and why you have selected this as a priority.

New project objective / Was thisaddressed in yourSurvival Blueprint? / Explanation

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EDGE Affiliate Award Application Form

Indicators / Means of verification / Risks
Project Purpose:
Objective 1:
Activity 1.1:
Activity 1.2:
Objective 2:
Activity 2.1:
Activity 2.2:

4.2 Project logframe

Please complete with your Vision, Project Purpose, Objectives, Activities, Indicators and Means of Verification (project materials e.g. final report, publication, exhibit), and the associated risks. You will not need a risk for every activity, but at least one for every objective.

See guidance notes for terminology definitions.

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EDGE Affiliate Award Application Form

4.3Please provide a detailed methodology and statistical analyses to be used for both ecological and social activities (including sampling strategy, maps of study sites, variables that will be recorded, statistical software):

500 words max

4.4How will you address any ethical considerations?

150 words max

4.5List and describe as far as possible the stakeholders involved in your project:

Stakeholder or stakeholder sub-group / What impact do they have on your target species? / How will this project affect this stakeholder? / What role will this stakeholder play in your project? / Relationship with other stakeholders (partnerships/conflict) / Who is most important to engage in this project? (provide rank – 1 is highest)

4.6How will this project help to save your species?

150 words max

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EDGE Affiliate Award Application Form

Section 5

5.1Proposed Start Date (ideally before July 2018)

5.2Outline timetable of project activities for each output, including when each indicator will be completed (please follow the template):

2018 / 2019 / 2020
Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul
Objective 1
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.2
Indicator 1.1
Indicator 1.2
Objective 2
Activity 2.1
Activity 2.2
Indicator 2.1
Indicator 2.2

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EDGE Affiliate Award Application Form

Section 6 – Team members and roles responsibilities

6.1 Please complete the below table outlining the members of your project team

Team member / Organisation/association / Their role in organisation / Their role in project / Time dedicated to project (%) / Previous experience

6.2Description of any additional project collaborators, including funders (please read the guidelinesfor our chosen format)

150 words max

6.3 Proposed budget

Details / Associated objective / Cost calculation / Total / Requested from EDGE / Match funder 1 / Match funder 2
Bushnell camera traps / 2 / £102 x 10 traps / £1020

* Please add additional columns as required.

If you have received match funding please provide the information below

Match funder 1


Amount secured:

Date of funding (start and end dates):

Agreed objectives:

Match funder 2


Amount secured:

Date of funding (start and end dates):

Agreed objectives:

6.4If you wereawarded these funds, would there be any activities or costs that still require funding? If so, which funding bodies are you considering to fill these gaps?

150 words max


100 words max

6.6Do you require any training to complete these project activities? Please include how you will obtain this training.

150 words max

6.7What support and supervision will you request from the EDGE team?

150 words max

6.8References (please list all references cited and used to inform your proposal).


The information submitted in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct at the time it was submitted.

Should any significant developments arise after this application is made I will keep the EDGE Fellowship Manager informed. Should this project be postponed or cancelled after having received an EDGE Affiliate Award, I will return the grant awarded.



*Clear electronic or scanned signatures are acceptable.

Application Checklist:

Have you: / Check
Read the guidelines?
Completed every part of the application form?
Signed the application form?
Included a map of your project location?

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