The regular meeting of the Mayor and Town Council for the Town of Addis was called to order by Mayor Toups at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at the Addis Municipal Center. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mr. Aaron Williams.

Roll Call: Present: Mayor Toups; Councilors Acosta; Cazes; Gauthreaux; Kelley; Parrish. Absent: None

Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting of December 4, 2013 were approved, as mailed, on a motion by Councilor Cazes, 2nd by Councilor Kelley and adopted.

The minutes of the special meeting of December 18, 2013 were approved, as mailed, on a motion by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Gauthreaux and adopted.

Additions to Agenda: A LGAP resolution; the Addis Parade; and Mayor and Chief of Police salary increases were added to the agenda on a motion by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Gauthreaux. The motion was adopted.

Public Comments: None

Correspondence: Mayor Toups read an invitation from the WBR Chamber of Commerce to their annual banquet and installation of officers to be held on February 5. Tickets are $50.00.

Mayor Toups presented a letter from Cox Communications updating their prices for cable services; and announced that Mr. Harris Shields will be the new public relations person for our area for Entergy.

Parish Report: No report.

Police Report: The monthly report, given by Chief Anderson, included 110 traffic citations issued; 12-misdemeanor arrests; and 9 vehicle crashes. The misdemeanor arrests were: 4 disturbing the peace; 1 warrant; 2 domestic violence; 2 DWI; and 3 theft.

Sewer Report: The monthly sewer report, read by Mayor Toups, included 21 equipment failures; 20 jammed pumps; and 1 miscellaneous calls. One grinder pump was replaced; and there were 2 sewer tie-in inspections in Sugar Mill.

A motion was made by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Parrish to purchase ten sewer pumps. The motion was adopted.

Planning & Zoning: (1) A public hearing was held on the request by Mr. Jeremy Balcums to add 63’ feet from an adjoining lot to the property line of his lot on Quarterhorse Lane. There were no comments at the public hearing.

Following further discussion, a motion was made by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Kelley to approve the request as presented. The motion was adopted

(2)  Mr.Kurt Miller requested a variance of 5' on back line requirements due to the dimensions of his lot which is located on a cul-d-sac.

Town of Addis Minutes

Regular Meeting – January 8, 2014

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Mr. Larpenteur explained the proper use of a variance and advised that this request is a prime example of the use of a variance.

The request by Mr. Kurt Miller for a variance of 5' on the back property line requirement and allow his home to be built up to the 15' servitude on the rear of the property was approved on a motion by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Cazes and adopted.

Janitorial Bid: A discussion was held on the janitorial contract for 2014 for the office building. No bids were received at the last meeting. Mayor Toups presented quotes he received from Geaux Cleaning, formerly C & I Cleaning for $432.00 a month for twice a week cleaning, and Service Master in the amount of $320.00 a month for one time a week cleaning. An additional $75.00 is charged for the first cleaning and extra fees for cleaning carpets of $350.00 and $1,060. for stripping the floors and rewaxing.

Following the discussion, a motion was made by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Kelley to award the janitorial bid to Service Master, as noted above, further that the extra carpet cleaning and floor stripping and rewaxing should be done in the very near future. The motion was adopted,

New Business: Telephone Service: Mayor Toups advised that he is talking with several telephone service providers to try to lower the telephone service cost. He has spoken with Granite and will meet with Cox representatives next week.

Animal Control Board: A motion was made by Councilor Cazes, 2nd by Councilor Kelley, to recommend to the Parish to reappoint Mr. Ray Rivet to the Animal Control Board. The motion was adopted.

A motion was made by Councilor Kelley, 2nd by Councilor Acosta to recommend to the Parish the appointment of Mayor David Toups to the Animal Control Operations Board. The motion was adopted.

Mid Winter Conference. Mayor Toups advised that the annual Mid Winter Conference for elected officials will be held on February 4 – 6 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge. He asked that anyone interested in attending, please contact the office so they can be registered.

LGAP Resolution: A motion was made by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Cazes to authorize Mayor Toups to apply for a $35,000.00 LGAP grant to continue the project to install culverts and catch basins in drainage ditches, which have little or no public access, between First Street and the reailroad (Union Pacific) tracks. The motion was adopted unanimously.

Mardi Gras Parade: Mayor Toups advised that the annual Mardi Gras parade will be held on Sunday, February 23rd, beginning at 1:00 p.m. The theme is Tribute to Veterans. The auxiliary is looking for veterans to ride in the parade.

Town of Addis Minutes

Regular Meeting – January 8, 2014

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Mayor Toups advised that the annual Firemen’s Ball will be held on February 15th at the Addis Community Center.

Salary Increases: Ordinance #2014-1, an ordinance to increase the salary for the Mayor and Chief of Police by 4%, effective January 1, 2014 was introduced on a motion by Councilor Kelley, 2nd by Councilor Acosta and adopted.

Fire Meeting: At 6:40 p.m. a motion to temporarily adjourn the meeting and hold the regular meeting for the Board of Commissioners for Fire Sub-District #1 was made by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Cazes and adopted.

At 6:50 p.m. the meeting was reconvened on a motion by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Cazes and adopted.

Committee Reports: Finance: A motion to pay bills found in order was made by Councilor Gauthreaux, 2nd by Councilor Cazes and adopted.

Mayor Toups presented a revised Records Retention Policy which will be sent to the State for approval.

Police: Chief Anderson advised that he has applied for the Emergency Response grant which will be used to purchase holographic sites for the police department rifles.

Sewer: None Personnel: None

Drainage: Several ditches will be checked for possible drainage problems.

Buildings: Following a discussion on the DeBlanc house, a motion was made by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Cazes to declare the DeBlanc house of no longer use for public service and creates a liability for the Town and its residents, and further to enter into a contract with an individual to have the house removed in return for the clearing of the lot. The motion was adopted.

Streets, Roads, etc: Councilor Acosta asked that street lights in Sugar Mill be looked at with the possibility of more lights being added on the main Boulevard.

Mayor Toups advised that he will meet with Mr. Calvin Blount to discuss street lighting and the condition of roads in Sugar Mill.

Several areas which are in need of repairs were mentioned. Mayor Toups gave a list of all streets in Addis to each councilor.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. on a motion by Councilor Cazes, 2nd by Councilor Parrish and adopted.

S/ David H. Toups

S/ Vera T. Lucas David H. Toups

Vera T. Lucas Mayor

Town Clerk