*Orchestra Winter Concert Tuesday 12/13 @ 5:30 PM GYM*

*MANDATORY After School Rehearsals Friday 12/9 and Monday 12/12*

Name: ______Period: ______Class Number: ______

Practice Sheet 5th and 6th periodsWeeks 7 & 8 2nd 9 Weeks12/5-12/13/2016

Due Wednesday 12/14/2016 beginning of class *WORTH 2 TEST GRADES*

Directions(write legibly)

Class Music: List measure numbers practiced, if you practice the whole piece, write ALL. Only practice the pieces listed.

Monday 12/5/2016 Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Tuesday 12/6/2016 Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Wednesday 12/7/2016 Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Thursday 12/8/2016 Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Friday 12/9/2016 Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Saturday 12/10/2016 Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Sunday 12/11/2016 Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Monday 12/12/2016 Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Tuesday 12/13/2016 (concert doesn’t count) Parent Signature: ______

Class Music: Snowy River(m#): ______Sheep May Safely(m#):______Song of Peace(m#): ______

Kwanzaa (m#): ______Have Yourself a Merry Xmas(m#): ______Winter Storm (m#): ______

Start Time: ______End Time: ______Total Time: ______

Grading RubricPoints Will Be Deducted for the Following:

180 minutes or + = 100 No Name - 5 points

170-179 minutes = 90 No Period - 2 points

160-169 minutes= 80 No Class NumberOR wrong class number - 2 points

150-159 minutes= 70 Not listing measure #s practiced for each class piece -5 points per day

140-149 minutes= 60 Not recording start, end and/or total time - 5 points per day

139 min and below= 50 Not getting your parent signature -5 points per day

Not practicing for the required number of days - 10 points per day less

*6 days for 180 minutes*

*Remember no parent signatures at all = automatic Zero Zone*

Late Practice Sheets returned on: Thursday -20 Friday -30