December 8, 2009 Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection


Financial Literacy Programming to Air on

Television Throughout Maine

AUGUSTA, MAINE – The Department of Professional and Financial Regulation announces the broadcast of its 10-part television series, Downeaster Guide: Consumer Credit 101. It will air from mid-December through May 2010 on Time Warner Cable. Each program addresses an essential consumer credit topic such as managing credit cards, auto buying and financing, how credit reports work, home financing and the responsible use of credit.

Episodes will air statewide three times each week on Time Warner Channel (TWC TV): Wednesdays at 4:00 pm and twice on Thursdays at 11:30 am and 6:30 pm. TWC TV is located on channel 9 or 12, depending on the area of the state. The first episode will be broadcast tomorrow, December 9th, at 4:00 pm.

The television series, which aired once before, is based on the booklet, "Downeaster Guide: Consumer Credit 101," a publication of the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation. The executive producer of the series is David Leach, Principal Examiner with the Bureau and co-author of the original booklet.

"We are very pleased that Time Warner Cable has agreed to air the entire video series again. Given the proximity to the holidays, and current national economic conditions, the timing is ideal,” stated David Leach. "Maine’s Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection received a great deal of positive feedback about the series--especially the segments on managing credits cards, tips on auto buying and financing, and shopping for credit. It's a great opportunity for Maine citizens to receive unbiased information on matters involving the responsible use of consumer credit."

The Bureau’s “Credit 101” booklet is available free of charge to Maine citizens by calling 1-800-332-8529. More information about consumer credit issues is available online at

The Department of Professional and Financial Regulation encourages sound ethical business practices through impartial regulation of insurers, financial institutions, creditors, investment providers, and numerous professions and occupations for the purpose of protecting the citizens of Maine. Consumers can reach the Bureau through the Department’s website (
