10/31/00 (*Program/Budget Advisory Group)
Ecosystem Management Coordination
Steve Solem / Asst. Director, Resource Information Group / 202-205-0962 / IM and PN Program CoordinationRichard Ullrich* / EMC Budget Coordinator / 202-205-1120 / IM/PN Budget Coordination, PBA Development and out-year programs, Primary Purpose Interpretation
Floyd Deloney* / Asst. EMC Budget Coordinator / 202-205-1284 / IM/PN Budget Information, PBA Development and out-year programs
Jim Keys* / National Coordinator, Integrated Inventories / 202-205-1580 / IM program targets and Inventory methods coordination, EWAS
Douglas Powell* / National Coordinator, Monitoring and Evaluation / 202-205-1724 / Forest Plan Monitoring Reports, Regional Monitoring Reports, NFS Monitoring Programs
Wanda Hodge / National Coordinator, Resource Info. Technology / 202-205-2957 / Resource Mapping, Geospatial Programs, Core GIS Pilot
Susan Charnley* / National Coordinator, Human Dimensions / 202-205-1334 / HD Program Coordination, Social and Economic Profiles
Dave Barone* / Forest Planning Specialist / 202-205-1019 / Forest Plan Revision Schedule, PN Program Elements, Broad Scale Assessments
Paul Bradford / Asst. Director for Corporate Data Bases / 202-205-1772 / NRIS Data Base Coordination
Michael Cummings / Resource Information Specialist / 202-205-1381 / NRIS Data Base Coordination
Al Abee / National Coordinator, Sustainable Development / 202-205-1720 / Broad Scale Assessments
Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants/Watershed, Soil and Air Staff
Robert Glasgow* / WFRP/WSA Budget Coordinator / 202-205-0814 / WFRP programs and targetsMark Bosch / TES Program / 202-205-1220 / Terrestrial Fauna Inventory
Debbie Pressman / Wildlife / 202-205-1281 / Terrestrial Fauna Inventory
Mark Huddy / Fisheries / 202-205-1082 / Aquatic Ecological Unit Inventories, Aquatic Biota Targets
Dave Cross / Fisheries / 202-205-1790 / Aquatic Ecological Unit Inventories, Aquatic Biota Targets
Larry Stritch / Rare Plants and Botany / 202-205-1279 / Vegetation Inventory
Keith McLaughlin* / Water Quality and Hydrology / 202-205-0886 / Aquatic Ecological Unit Inventories, Water Quality Monitoring Targets
Donna Lamb / Air Management / 202-205-0800 / Air Quality Inventory and Monitoring Targets
Vacant / Soil Management / 202-205-1475 / Terrestrial Ecological Inventory Targets, Soil Monitoring Targets
Forest Management/Range Management Staff
Doug MacCleery* / Asst. Director FE&P / 202-205-1745 / Vegetation InventoryLarry Bryant* / Range Ecology / 202-205-0850 / Vegetation Inventory
Mark Flood* / Geospatial Program Coordination / 202-205-0926 / Resource Mapping, FS Geospatial Programs, RSAC, INFRASusan DeLost / GIS Core Data Project Manager / 703-605-5131 / Resource Mapping, Core GIS Pilot Program
Tah Yang / INFRA Project Manager / 202-205-1409 / INFRA project management
Minerals and Geology
Recreation, Heritage Programs, and Wilderness
Rich Calnan* / Business Systems Mgmt. / 202-205-1228 / Forest Visitor Use MonitoringMicheal Kaczor / Heritage Program / 202-205-1427 / Heritage Overviews
Greg Asher* / Boundary Mgmt/Small Tracts / 202-205-1353 / ALP ProgramDennis Moonier / Automated Lands Project Manager / 503-808-2406 / ALP Program
Other Deputy Areas
Larry Mastic* / SPRA / 202-205-1387Vacant* / Fire and Aviation Management
Brad Smith* / FIA Program
Vacant* / FHM Program
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