Central Valley Regional Homeless Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
July 9, 2015
Columbia/Montour Weston Brehm, Columbia County HRA; Tom Dougher, Gatehouse
Cumberland/Perry Ben Laudermilch, Kate Molinaro, Dawn Vioral, CCHRA; Jeannine Matulevich, PHP
Lebanon Phyllis Holtry, Community Action; Bryan Hoffman, Housing Authority; Jen Snyder, DVI
Mifflin/Juniata Kristen Price, M/J Human Services
Northumberland Brian Ambrose, Behavioral Health; Katie Heim, NHS; Gina Sunderland, Keystone Human Services
Schuylkill Shawn Frankenstein, Service Access Management; Darla Troutman, Women In Crisis
Approval of May Minutes
Minutes approved on Troutman/Holtry motion.
ESG Application Process for 2015 (who is applying in CV RHAB?)
Cumberland, Schuylkill, Montour plan to submit applications. Requests for letters of support should be drafted by the applicant and CoC Board will have final approval/signature.
There was brief discussion on changes to application process—Application Kit documents now uploaded to DCED’s Electronic Single Application process. No paper copies will be accepted. Ben discussed issues with the lapse in funding between contract expiration and new contract issuance and the need for continuity.
June CoC Meeting Review
CoC Board Composition:
Lori Sywensky Coc Chair
Jeff Rich, Vice Chair
Ben Laudermilch, Treasurer
Leslie Perryman, Secretary
Committee Leadership Composition:
Madra Clay, Data Management/Outcomes
Shawn Frankenstein, Membership
Mae Ling Kranz, Government/Policy
Shawn discussed leadership changes in other RHABs within the Continuum. Ben discussed staff changes at DCED upon Ed Geiger’s retirement—Kathy Possinger will chair Compliance Division and Harry Krot will chair Programmatic Division
Update on Ranking Committee
Ranking criteria approved at CoC Board Meeting in June. Shawn will post criteria to Wiggio.
Update on Coordinated Assessment – Weston Brehm
Weston distributed online survey. Committee will regroup at the beginning of August. Two summits are scheduled for August 10 in Camp Hill and August 20 in Allentown —Weston will distribute information to group.
Link partnerships statewide developing Coordinated No Wrong Door policy that sounds similar to CoC Coordinated Assessment—will develop Housing Application/Referral system. Concerns that we are developing two systems. CoC will engage new housing coordinator at DHS/DPW. Ben will post informational flyer to Wiggio.
Point-In-Time Discussion – Summer Count
Counties that choose to participate can, and co-chairs will reach out to DMA for coordination assistance. Will not be RHAB-level coordinated due to lack of interest. Likely will be conducted last Wednesday in August.
Application Process / NOFA – Kate
NOFA will likely be issued any day.
HMIS Board /Data Management Outcomes Committee
Is anyone in our RHAB interested in participating? Bryan Hoffman indicated he would be willing to participate on either committee
Reminder: New Website – www.pennsylvaniacoc.org
Elections Update
Ben and Kate re-elected as Co-Chair, Secretary respectively for Central Valley RHAB.
General Discussion / New Business