We are again welcoming new members; Janet and Mike Jaggard; and Vivian Hempsell, who will in all probability be joined by her husband Michael in the very near future. As mentioned last month, we are seriously looking to extend our activities even further by an additional league team - or even teams!

The picture this month is of a presentation by Les Sharp’s daughter Nicola to our Treasurer Anita, and President Hazel, of a cheque for £200. She is employed by Insurance Group BGL, who have a “Give” Committee set up to help such clubs as ours. It is a rare occasion for us to receive outside help. On behalf of all our members I sincerely thank the BGL Insurance Group for their generous support.The backing for the picture was provided by the “Thera Trust” bowls team, who had been enjoying their session under the guidance of Les and Joyce and other members. Never camera-shy, when they spotted the presentation, with shouts of delight they rushed to be included! We would like to extend our activities with this group and others, but financial constraints prevent us at the moment from providing the essential amenities.

Our CountyPlayers are not having an easy ride this year.What is particularly noticeable this season is the arrival of many younger players on the scene! This of course can only be good for the game in the longer term.

Will we still have a presence at the various finals this year? If experience and determination can get us there we definitely will!

Future events

26thJune Joan Robinson will be holding her President’s Day.

23rd July we have a Cheese and Paté Evening, combined with a Bowls Drive. This is sponsored by Bruce Saint.

25th July sees our Open Triples -this is sure to attract many teams from the surrounding area.

29th August (Bank Holiday) Hazel and Ray will be organising a Fun Day; there will be bowling at 2pm with substantial cash prizes! This is preceded by a ‘Spider’ and followed by a Strawberry Tea.

200 Club

Last month £50 Hazel Bass £20 D Clarke £10 Ian Patchett

This month £50M Wells £20 L Wiles £10 M Weatheral.

A (Tony) Casbon Press Officer