Favor That Takes You Above and Beyond

Author: Pastor Sandy Banks – 1/20/2013


What do you do when you have released your faith in prayer but haven’t seen results? Are you still expecting to receive what you’ve prayed about, or have you given up hope. Expectation is a major ingredient to your faith. In our walk of faith, your expectation will always precede manifestation.

What is it that you are expecting? Are you expecting THE BLESSING to be manifested in your life?

What is it that you are expecting? Are you expecting the Favor of God to be at work on your behalf?

What is it that you are expecting? Are you expecting to have advantage and preferential treatment.

Are you expecting the Favor of God to go before you, orchestrating and putting the right people in position so that when you show up, God has already worked things out for you.

We have to expect God to show up in everything that we do! We have to expect God to go everywhere we go, so that He can assist us, grant us special privileges and give us sweatless victory!

Expect – to look forward to as certain or probable [we expect them any minute]; to anticipate; to count upon as right and due or to look forward to the occurrence of; to wait or to wait for; to be pregnant

Synonyms – anticipate; await, hope (for), watch (for), look for, look forward to

Expect – Implies a high degree of certainty and usually involves the idea preparing or envisioning.

Hope – Implies little certainty but suggest confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or long for will happen.

Hope is a confident expectation of good.

Look – Suggests and attitude of expectancy and watchfulness.

  1. God said that there is a set time for His Favor. (Psalm 102:13, KJV)
  2. The free Favors of God. (Luke 4:19, KJV, AMP)
  3. The acceptable year of the Lord according to Isaiah 61:2, AMP, is the Year of God’s Favor!
  4. Profusely – To gush out of; pouring out of liberally.
  5. God is saying that when His Favors are profusely abounding in your life, then you go past the limitations that have been there in the past and you’ll break through that ceiling or barrier that you’ve never been able to break through.
  6. You have to expect things to be restored unto you!
  7. You have to expect God to increase you!
  8. We have to begin to expect God to show up in everything you do and everywhere you go
  9. In the ages to come. (Ephesians 2:7, KJV, AMP, MSG)
  10. Exceeding –Takes us into the above and beyond.
  11. God is conveying to us that this Favor that He is releasing into our lives is beyond anything we’ve ever experienced before.
  12. He wants to demonstrate, manifest and reveal it to us, so that the world can see it also.
  13. God is going to show us the exceeding riches of His Favor!
  14. God is going to shower us with grace and kindness! (MSG)
  15. In the Amplified, notice the 3 words:
  16. Immeasurable – Boundless, vast, immense

1)How far is vast?

2)It is beyond anything you can possibly ask or think!

  1. Limitless - Infinite
  2. Surpassing – Going beyond the limits, going beyond range or capacity.
  1. God’s Favor is going to take you above and beyond for you! (Ephesians 3:20, KJV, AMP)
  2. Superabundantly
  3. Super – Extreme, excessive, excessively
  4. Abundantly – Not a little, fullness in overflowing, being in plentiful supply.
  5. God told me to speak to a precious Woman of God and to tell her to raise her level of expectation and to dream bigger.
  6. This week, He told me to tell TLCC that same thing.
  7. God asked me this question, “If money was not an issue, would you dream bigger?”
  8. Whether you understand it or not, money is not an issue! It’s whether you have faith and confidence in God to supply you with the money, that is the issue. I have the Favor of God! We have the Favor of God!
  9. The Master Key. (James 4:6)
  10. When I acknowledge that without God I can do nothing and acknowledge that it is His grace and favor that has given me all that I have, you’ll begin to see more and more of God’s favor working on your behalf.

Scripture References:

  • Psalm 102:13
  • Luke 4:19
  • Ephesians 2:7
  • Ephesians 3:20
  • James 4:6


KJV – King James Version

NKJV – New King James Version

AMP – Amplified Bible**

MSG – Message Bible

TLB – The Living Bible

GWT – God’s Word Translation

GNB – Good News Bible