Contemporary America 1980-2001
United States History II Grade 10
Table of Contents
Unit Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………….… p. 3
Lesson 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….……………. p.
Lesson 1 Resources …………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………….……..…….… p.
Lesson 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….………….… p.
Lesson 2 Resources ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….….… p.
Lesson 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… p.
Lesson 3 Resources …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… p.
CEPA Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………… p.
CEPA Teacher Instructions …………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………….… p.
CEPA Student Instructions …………………………………….……………………………………………………………..………………….… p.
CEPA Rubric …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...… p.
CEPA Resources ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………….… p.
Stage 1 Desired Results
USII.29 Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan. (H, E)
A. tax rate cuts
B. anticommunist foreign and defense policies
C. Supreme Court appointments
D. the revitalization of the conservative movement during Reagan’s tenure as President
E. the replacement of striking air traffic controllers with non-union personnel
USII.30 Describe some of the major economic and social trends of the late 20th century.
A. the computer and technological revolution of the 1980s and 1990s
B. scientific and medical discoveries
C. major immigration and demographic changes such as the rise in Asian and Hispanic
D. the weakening of the nuclear family and the rise in divorce rates
USII.31 Analyze the important domestic policies and events of the Clinton presidency. (H, E)
A. the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993
B. President Clinton’s welfare reform legislation and expansion of the earned income tax credit.
C. the first balanced budget in more than 40 years
D. the election in 1994 of the first Republican majority in both the House and Senate
E. tax credits for higher education
F. the causes and consequences of the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998
USII.32 Explain the importance of the 2000 presidential election (H,C)
A.  Supreme Court case, Bush v Gore
B.  The growing influence of the Republican Party in South and the consolidation of the Democratic party’s hold on the coast
USII.33 Analyze the course and consequences of America’s recent diplomatic initiatives.
A. The invasion of Panama and the Persian Gulf War
B. American intervention in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo
C. the attempts to negotiate a settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
D. America’s response to the September 11,2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and on the Pentagon in Washington D.C. / Transfer
Apply knowledge of political and social systems to participate actively as an informed citizen of a global society.
Apply-concepts and systems of economics to participate productively in a global economy
Students will understand that…
1. individuals, businesses, and governments trade goods and services and how trade affects the economies of the world.
2.Democratic polity debates social issues and mediates between individual or group rights and the common good
3.Civic dispositions conducive to the maintenance and improvements of civil society and government, where citizens can participate responsibly and effectively
4 Nations can seek to resolve conflict through peaceful diplomacy and/or military engagement. / ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Q
1. What major economic trends affect trade and services in a global economy?
2. Does allowing citizens to debate our nation’s founding documents strengthen our ideals of a representative government?
3. Why does renewed ethnic diversity affect social change?
4.How should nations seek to resolve international conflict and how can they establish conditions for lasting peace?
Students will know… K
The impact of recurring recession and growing national debt on the domestic agendas of recent presidential administrations.
What the conservative reaction to liberalism was and evaluate supply-side economic strategies
How scientific advances and technological changes affect the economy and the nature of work
Why presidents reformulated foreign policy in the post-Cold War Era.
The role of the United States in the political struggles in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America / Students will be skilled at…
*analyzing primary source documents
*reading, note taking, identifying main idea
*using historical evidence to make an informed argument
*marking up a text to identify important information and show independent thought
*writing a persuasive essay
Stage 2 – Evidence
Evaluative Criteria / Assessment Evidence
<type here>
<type here> / OTHER EVIDENCE: OE
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Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
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Adapted from Understanding by Design 2.0 © 2011 Grant Wiggins and Jay McTigheUsed with Permission
July 2012

Lesson 1

Brief Overview: <type here>

Prior Knowledge Required: <type here>

Estimated Time: <type here>

Resources for Lesson: <List materials needed. Include any necessary documents at the end of this lesson>

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Content Area/Course: <type here>

Unit: <type here>

Time (minutes): <type here>

Lesson: <type here>

Overview: <type here>

By the end of this lesson students will know and be able to:

<type here>

Essential Question addressed in this lesson:

<type here>

Standard(s)/Unit Goal(s) to be addressed in this lesson (type each standard/goal exactly as written in the framework):

<type here>

Instructional Resources/Tools (list all materials needed for this lesson)

<type here>

Anticipated Student Preconceptions/Misconceptions

<type here>

Instructional Model<type here>

Instructional Tips/Strategies/Suggestions:

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<type here>

What students need to know and are able to do coming into this lesson (including language needs):

<type here>

Information for Teacher

<type here>

Lesson Sequence

<type here>

Formative assessment:

<type here>

Preview outcomes for the next lesson:

<type here>

Summative Assessment:

<type here>

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Resources for Lesson 1

<list materials and any specific documents that follow this page (maps, informational sheets etc)>

Instructions for adding resources (delete this section before publishing unit)

* To insert a new page, place cursor at the end of the page and click: Insert>Blank Page

* To insert a new page with portrait orientation, place your cursor at the end of the page and click:

Page Layout>Breaks>Next Page

Insert or type your text or picture then click: Page Layout>Breaks>Next Page

Select all of the text on the page you want to be portrait orientation then click: Orientation>Portrait

*To remove header for a single page, select the items within the header, right click and select “Cut”

*To undo an action, click ctrl/z

Curriculum Embedded Performance Assessments (CEPA)

for <insert unit title here>:

<Utilizing content in Stage 2 of the Unit Plan, elaborate on connections to standards here>

CEPA Teacher Instructions:

<type here>

CEPA Student Instructions:

<type here>

CEPA Rubric:

<type here>

CEPA documents and other resources needed:

<type here and include any other documents needed after this page>

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

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