NYSSMA Evaluation
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Wind Ensemble
Dear Parents,
This coming Thursday, the Wind Ensemble students will be traveling to Niagara-Wheatfield High School to participate in the New York State School of Music Major Evaluation Festival. Our evaluation is scheduled for 1:00pm.
When the students come to school that day, they will report to homeroom, 1st, and 2nd Periods. 3rd Period is Wind Ensemble. All students will then remain in the music suite to eat lunch, change into uniforms, and load the buses which will leave at 11:15. We will be gone for the remainder of the school day and will return to the middle school at 2:45. This is of course after the school day is complete. I sincerely apologize that we will not be back in time for the end of the day buses. Once we are on the road and returning to Lancaster Middle School, I will tell the students to contact you via smart device if desired to keep you informed of our arrival time. You may pick them up upon our arrival, or they may stay, and wait for the late bus.
Concert dress that day will be our uniforms. Students should come to school with black pants and shoes. I will have the shirts waiting for them and they will change after eating lunch. All students will eat during 4th Period in the music suite, and the cafeteria staff has been notified for those who wish to buy their lunch.
-Arrive for school day
-Attend Homeroom, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Periods
-Eat lunch 4th period, change and load buses
-Depart for Niagara Wheatfield at 11:15.
-Return to LMS at 2:45 to be picked up by parent, or take the late bus at 3:30.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me any time at 686-3220 x7837
Mr. Seymour
NYSSMA Evaluation Festival – Permission Slip
My son/daughter______may attend the NYSSMA Evaluation on Thursday, May 21.
_____ My child will be picked up when he/she arrives at LMS.
_____ My child will take the late bus.
_____ My child will report to school sport, marching band, clubs etc.