The Word Processor-based Will-Writing Software


of your name

I, your full name, your national ID No., born on your birthdate of your full residential address, hereby declare that this is my Last Will and Testament.

Article 1

Preliminary Declarations

I revoke all prior wills and codicils.

I am married to your spouse’s name, your spouse’s national ID No. , and all references in this Will to my spouse refer to your spouse’s name.

I have number of child(ren) living children, named:

1. your first child’s name , your first child’s ID/Birth Certificate No.

2. your second child’s name , your second child’s ID/Birth Certificate No.

3. your third child’s name , your third child’s ID/Birth Certificate No.

4. ……. continue until completion.

All references in this Will to my “child”, or “children”, or “issue” include the above child or children, and any child or children hereafter born to or adopted by me.

Article 2

Specific Bequests and Devises

I give my entire interest in the real property which was my residence at the time of my death, together with any insurance on such real property, but subject to any encumbrances on said real property, to my spouse, your spouse’s name . If said devisee fails or devisees fail to survive me, then this gift shall lapse and become part of the residue of my estate.

I give my entire interest in any personal automobile(s), household goods, furnishings, tools, jewelry, clothing, and tangible articles of a personal nature not otherwise disposed of in this Will by specific bequest, to my spouse, your spouse’s name . If said devisee fails or devisees fail to survive me, then this gift shall lapse and become part of the residue of my estate.

I give and bequest all of my interest in the following property, subject to any encumbrances, to the persons or entities according to the shares indicated as follows:

·  My jewelry to my daughter, your daughter’s name , , your daughter’s National ID No. . 100% Value: US$10,000

·  My monies standing to my credit in your bank’s name, full address and type of

account(s), account No. to those person(s) named below in the shares indicated:

1. My son your son’s name, your son’s National ID No. , your son’s share [eg. 50%]

2. ……. continue until completion.

·  My EPF (Employee Provident Fund) No. 9282726 to my son, your son’s name , your son’s National ID No., 100% Value: RM50,450.60

·  My Unit Trust Investment with Kuala Lumpur Mutual Fund Bhd to my daughter, your daughter’s name, your daughter’s National ID No. . 100% Value:

·  My 5,000 lots of Public Listed Shares with TNB to my son, your son’s name , your son’s National ID No., 60%. Value:

·  My 5,000 lots of Public Listed Shares with TNB to my daughter, your daughter’s name , your daughter’s National ID No., 40%. Value:

·  My Rolex Explorer Watch to my my son, your son’s name , your son’s National ID No., 100%. Value:

·  My Club Membership of Kelab Bukit Kiara to my son, your son’s name , your son’s National ID No., 100%. Value:

Except for pecuniary devises, the devises and bequests of this Article 2 are intended to be specific devises or bequests. In the event that this property for any reason is not part of my Estate at the time of my death, such devices and bequests shall lapse, and resort shall not be had to any other assets of my Estate to satisfy same.

Article 3

Distribution of Residue of the Estate

I give, devise and bequeath all of the residue and remainder of my Estate, after payment of all my just debts, expenses, taxes, administration costs and individual devises and bequests, if any, one half to my spouse, your spouse’s name and one half to my children, equally.

If any such named beneficiary or member of a class of beneficiaries fails to survive me by thirty days , [USA=30 days, UK & commonwealth countries=28 days. *Note: Delete this guide when done], declines the gift or is no longer in existence (collectively “pre-deceased”), I direct that said pre-deceased beneficiary’s share(as computed had said beneficiary not pre-deceased me) pas equally to my child(ren) named in this Will, and if any such child(ren) has pre-deceased me, his or her share shall pass to his or her surviving chil(ren).

If there exist no such surviving beneficiary or contingent beneficiaries as named above the time of my death, then my estate shall pass to my heirs ………………………..

To view the remaining portion of EzyWill.doc software, please order your copy at US$97 only at . We will email you your order within 48 hours.

On this ______day of ______, 2003, in the State of your state, your country , I hereby sign this document and declare it to be my last Will.


your name

your national ID No.

This instrument, consisting of _____ pages, including the witnessed signature page, was signed on this date by your full name , and in our presence he or she declared this instrument to be his or her last Will. At his or her request and in his or her presence and in the presence of each other, we herewith subscribe our names as witnesses hereto. Each of us observed the signing of this Will by your full name and by each other subscribing witness and affirm that each signature is the true signature of the person whose name was signed.

Each of us is now more than eighteen (18) years of age and a competent witness and resides at the address set forth after their name.

We believe your full name is over the age of eighteen (18) years, is of sound mind and is not acting under duress, menace, fraud, misrepresentation, or undue influence.

We declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of your state, your country that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on this ______of ______, 2003, in the State of your state, your country .

First Witness:

______, residing at ______

(write name above)



(signature above) (National ID No. above)

Second Witness:

______, residing at ______

(write name above)



(signature above) (National ID No. above)

------End Of My Last Will ------

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