May 16, 2016

The Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:15 a.m. All members were present. K. Skoog gavethe invocation. M. Manus led the flag salute.


M. Manus provided an update on the WSAC Board meeting he attended last week. The Board discussed Natural Resources, water banking, legislation and a request to extend the BLM comment period.


Consent Agenda – Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded byS. Kiss. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes this week’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s May 9, 2016 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings (year to date)$8,057.71

Payroll Change Notice –

County Clerk:

Kelsey Keogh, Step 3, $3,026.85/mo., Effective 6/01/2016

Counseling Services:

Mark Stenzel, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Step 2, $4,405.24/mo., Effective 5/01/2016

Prosecutor’s Office:

Brooks Clemmons, Full-time, $32.72/hr., Effective 6/01/2016

Public Works – Road Division:

Kaleb Auld, Summer Road Assistant, $12.75/hr., Effective 5/25/2016

Geremy Blakeslee, Summer Road Assistant, $12.75/hr., Effective 6/20/2016

Brian Eggleston, Summer Road Assistant, $12.75/hr., Effective 6/06/2016


Jordan Bowman, Longevity, $60.00/mo., Effective 6/01/2016

Jacob Hogue, Longevity, $25.00/mo., Effective 6/01/2016

David Newsom, Longevity, $60.00/mo., Effective 6/01/2016

Approval for ER&R to purchase 4 new loader tires under the state contract

Approval to award the Hall of Justice Ceiling Project Bid to Dennis Cleavenger Construction

Approval of job description for Community Development Administrative Assistant

Approval of job description for Information Technology Services Director

Approval to Public Works for the development of a request for proposals for the purchase and installation of 4 transitions and 4 terminal end sections on the SP-145 West Branch LeClerc Creek Road Bridge #2 Project

Approval for Counseling Services to advertise for and hire 2 Mental Health Counselors

STOP Violence Against Women Grant


Designation of Agency to Operate 2016 County Fair


Establishing a Revolving Fund for 2016 County Fair


Adopting a Forest Stewardship Plan for the Yocum Lake Recreation Area and Establishing an Effective Date



Dr. Clayton Kersting was present to speak about marijuana. Also present were county resident Bob Eugene, owner of JD’s Collective Garden JoHannaGrider and Human Resources Manager Maria Swinger-Inskeep. Dr. Kersting presented the Board with a list of qualifications a person must meet to receive a medical marijuana recommendation. Also discussed was recreational versus medical marijuana, medicinal benefits, legislation regarding state guidelines, usage and addiction.


The Board recessed for lunch.


The Board discussed the proposed annual dues for the Columbia River Treaty.


County resident David Nielsen was present regarding access to spring water near the LeClerc road.


Prosecuting Attorney Dolly Hunt was present for a legal update. Also present was B. Eugene. Items discussed includeda proposed county road, an upcoming meeting regarding water banking, legislation and marijuana.


Public Comment Period – County resident Bob Schutte was present for clarification regarding the formation and possible future recruitment of the Natural Resources Committee members. Also present was B. Eugene. The group discussed the template of the draft Natural Resources Plan and Coordination.


Colville National Forest District Ranger Gayne Sears was present for an update. Also present was B. Eugene. Topics discussed included:

  • Roads in the Tower fire area –Due to dangerous situations and an assessment and abatement of hazard trees, roads will remain closed indefinitely. Also discussed was timber harvest.
  • Lost Creek Road – There was a question regarding a segment of the road which may be a county road.
  • LeClercGrazing Allotment – G. Sears spoke about meeting with the permit holder and providing an alternate grazing area.
  • Life First – G. Sears discussed a program regarding the protection of firefighters in wildland fires.

M. Manus declared the meeting continued to May 17.

May 17, 2016

The meeting resumed at9:00. All members were present.


Public Works Director Sam Castro was present for an update. Also present were County Engineer Don Ramsey, Road District Supervisor Dan Reijonen, Office Manager/Risk Manager Teresa Brooks, M. Swinger-Inskeep and B. Eugene.

The Board reviewed proposed language regarding out of class pay and discussed a request for an employee to receive out of class pay.

T. Brooks reviewed the annual Risk Assessment Survey which required signature by the Board Chair.

The Board reviewed the job description for the Transportation Technical Specialist. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve advertising for and hiring of the vacant Transportation Technical Specialist from 3/5 time to full time. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss.Following discussion, motion was made by K. Skoog to amend the motion to include authorizing to offer up to step two on the pay scale. Motion to amend was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion as amended carried.

S. Castro reviewed the updated job description for the Engineering Technician and requested approval to advertise and hire.

S. Castro reviewed environmental permitting as it pertains to federal and state projects and requested approval to advertise for and hire a consulting firm to provide the County with project support on NEPA, SEPA, Wetlands and any environmental permitting to meet state and federal regulations.

Update items included:

  • Buildings and Grounds – Discussion included the courthouse HVAC project and the jail remodel regarding security, fencing and a proposed shop.
  • ER&R – Discussion included staffing, equipment and the tire inventory for 2016.
  • Roads – Discussed was a request to purchase a paint sprayer from Chelan County for road striping. Motion was made by K. Skoog to purchase the paint sprayer for road striping. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss.Motion was made by M. Manus to amend the motion to include the purchase price not exceed $60,000. Motion to amend was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion as amendedcarried.

Also discussed was in-house vegetation control and the construction & maintenance program by district.

  • Solid Waste – Discussion included the Operations Plan, landfill closure requirement and containers.


Bid Opening for the Hall of Justice Wiring Project - Present were S. Castro, Interim ITS Director Josh Shelton, D. Ramsey, B. Eugene and PowerCom representative Karin Rinald. Three bids were received from the following: North Star Heating and Cooling from Colville; System Tech from Spokane; and,PowerCom from Spokane. S. Castro requested time to review the bids and to return with a recommendation in the afternoon.


The Board discussed the ‘watering hole’ off the LeClerc Road. Present for the discussion were S. Castro and D. Ramsey.


Community Development Director Mike Lithgow was present at the Board’s request. Also present was B. Eugene. M. Lithgow provided an update on the Natural Resources Committee. There was discussion regarding a process to replace committee members as well as language within the plan. The Board inquired as a result of a constituent’s concern regarding a home in disrepair. M. Lithgow provided some options to alleviate the situation. Other topics discussed were the water bank meeting, a contract with a hydrogeologist, marijuana and a trails map.


The Board recessed for lunch.


Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the request for qualifications, advertising and hiring an Environmental Permitting consultant. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried.


Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the updated job description, advertise for and hire an Engineering Technician. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


The Board discussed an out of class pay request. Also present was M. Swinger-Inskeep. Motion was made by K. Skoog to deny the out of class pay request for Facilities Maintenance Lead Technician as the current job description allows for the ability to lead work teams and staff on small and large projects, employee is working within the scope of his job duties, and his supervisor is still working within the county. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


J. Shelton was present with the bid tabulation for the Hall of Justice Wiring Project. Also present were S. Castro and System Tech representative Randy Bautista. Recommendation was made to award the bid to the lowest bidder. Motion was made by S. Kiss to award the bid to System Tech in the amount of $15,836.42. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried.


J. Shelton was present for an ITS update. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the resolution establishing the ITS Department setting organizational and operational measures. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

Establishing an “Information Technology Services Department” and Setting Forth Organizational and Operating MeasuresNecessary to the Functions of such Department


Update items included personnel and mapping.


The Board discussed Tri County Health and RCW 17.10 regarding state and local weed boards.


M. Manus was excused for the remainder of the day.


D. Hunt and D. Ramsey were present to discuss the request to accept Stanley Drive into the county road maintenance system. The group discussedOrdinance 6 standards, road conditions, maintenance costs, the process of adopting a county road and current county road standards.


Correspondence Received:


5.10C. McMorris Rodgers-American SAFE Act


Correspondence Sent:

K. Fitzpatrick-Thank you for service on Planning Commission

N. Kornze-Request for extension to comment period

Dr. Kersting-Thank you


As of this date, the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following vouchers/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:

Salary and Claim

Current Expense$ 319,463.90

Counseling Services$ 73,844.22

Crime Victims$ 249.04

Fair$ 8.29

Park$ 3,237.77

Road$ 217,767.54

Veteran’s Assistance$ 24.76

Emergency 911 Communications$ 10,055.50

Growth Management$ 1,134.05

Low Income Housing/2060$ 1,422.42

Homeless Program/2163$ 1,735.80

Public Facilities$ 2,692.33

Capital Projects$ 1,031.13

Solid Waste$ 67,870.05

IT Fund/Services$ 42,069.45

Sheriff’s Trust$ 216.00

TOTAL$ 742,822.25

Checks 156337 through 156366 and 156552 through 156588 totaling $94,698.66 and Electronic Funds Transfers 7207 through 7428 totaling $442,588.31 dated May 10, 2016. Includes Jr. Taxing Districts.

Checks 156591 through 156687 totaling $266,720.39 and Electronic Funds Transfer 7429 in the amount of $2,171.36 dated May 16, 2016.


Motion was made by K. Skoog to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Meeting adjourned at 4:30.


Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

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