Saint Paul’s Lutheran PTL Meeting Minutes September 3, 2015

Call to Order – Karen Kilzer at 6:05, followed by an opening prayer

Introductions/Ice breaker – went around the room with intros and who everyone is in relation to the school

Secretary’s report – no discussion. Motion for approval made by Jennifer Mallette, 2nd by Jennifer Doyle

Treasurer’s Report – no discussion. Motion for approval made by Jennifer Doyle, 2nd by Tiffany James

Old Business:

Software – Mrs. Daniels is still searching for software for her classroom

Projector –Dr. McLaughlin has researched. Motion to approve $500 for purchase of Projector/Cart/Cables made by Jennifer Mallette, 2nd by Susan Lilienkamp. Tiffany James may have one that we can use in the meantime/permanently, but funds were approved anyway in case that does not pan out. Carrie Lyons also mentioned that she works for a tech firm and may be able to help out with this in some way. Both of them will be in direct contact with Bruce to coordinate.

Teacher Desk – has been purchased and delivered to the 5th/6th grade classroom.

Track – Pop up tent returned to Sam’s club because of leaking. New one will be purchased with the credit from the return prior to the barbeque in September.

Teacher start up money - $50 has been given to each classroom teacher for startup for 2015/2016 school year.

Welcome back breakfast – was well attended and there was a second one added for the start up of the Mom’s Morning Mingle Bible study

New Business:

Serving opportunities/Upcoming events- office helper, library, lunch helper, trivia night, Scrap n Craft, Santa’s Kottage, fish fry, rummage sale. Signup sheets were present to volunteer.

Playground Committee – looking for volunteers to research/get bids etc for some new playground equipment more geared towards smaller children, e.g. 3-6 years. Bruce and Karen will be on the committee, if there is interest in being involved they are the people to reach out to. Was suggested that we call on some professionals to give us some guidance as to where to put it and how much.

Rummage Sale – Set up September 13th. Men needed for heavy lifting setup, during sale, and cleanup. Volunteers should sign up. Drop off available all week.

Family Party – November 1, 2015 at the YMCA Meyer center in Edwardsville. Flyers are going out to students families with RSVP forms and waivers.

Santa’s Kottage – December 1st. In need of pre wrappers, cookie bakers, and shopper helpers

NLSW – Will be the week of January 25, 2016

School Assembly- not sure if this will take place during NLSW or after, looking into options.

Lenten Dinner – PTL will host this on February 17th, 2016

Box Tops for Education – Heather Kenison will be sending out Box Top information again this year

PTL Fundraising – eScrip, Target red card, box tops, Amazon Smile, $100 per family. Also looking at maybe doing the LESA Christmas card fundraiser. Bruce brought up Lilyfields fundraiser for use to look at for future

8th Graders Jackets – There are four eigth graders this year, need approximately $200 to get their jackets started at Designs and Stiches. Motion to approve $200 for this made by Jennifer Mallette, 2nd by Tiffany James.

Brew in the Lou – supporting LESA which we are members of. They are looking for volunteers and also people to attend. October 17th, $30 for a wristband. Over 50 Vendors. See Dr. McLaughlin for volunteer sign up.

Tec 21 – company that does tech training. Might be a good opportunity for staff tech training, could be done as a scholarship of some sort or a fundraiser.

Rugs – for the safety of the students it has been suggested that there are rugs in front of the water fountains. Motion to approve $200 for the purchase of four rugs for this purpose made by Jennifer Doyle, 2nd by Erica Sipes

Motion to Adjourn at 7 pm by Erica Sipes, 2nd by Jennifer Doyle

Closed with The Lord’s Prayer