
The Ministry is presently having a total strength of 939 personnel in various groups including those in National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board (NAEB) and the National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD). A statement showing the strength of various groups as well as the reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC/Physically handicapped is given in Table-22.

Table -22

Reservation of Posts for SCs, STs, OBC and PHs in the Ministry

Name of Name of No. inNo. of % of totalNo. of % of totalNo. of % of totalNo. of % of total

the postpostpositionSCno. of STno. of OBCno. of PHno. of

sanctionedemployeesemployeesemployeesemployeesemployeesemployeesemployees employees in position in position in position in position

Group ‘A’197183158.384.421.1Nil--

Group ‘B’2952403012.5104.241,7Nil--

Group ‘C’3602865719.9186.3186.362.1

Group ‘D’2182086832.7136.3178.2----



Group ‘D’ 272222100%------



Review under FCS

Under the midified flexible complementing scheme (FCS), involving a two tier system of evaluation for review/assessment of scientists for their promotion, a total of 51 scientists of the Ministry including its subordinate offices were screened till 31.3.2004 and 20 of them have been finally found fit for promotion after interview.


Two posts of scientist in the grade of Scientists ‘E’ and one post of Scientist ‘C’ have been filled on deputation basis in the National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD). A fresh advertisement has been released for filling up of 2 posts of Scientist in the NRCD on deputation basis, one each in the grade of Scientist ‘F’ & ‘C’.

Indian Forest Service (IFS) Cadre Management

Ministry is the “Cadre Controlling Authority” for the Indian Forest Service (IFS), an all India Service. This Service consists of 24 State Cadres including three Joint Cadres namely the Assam-Meghalaya, Manipur-Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram, Union Territories (AGMUT). Present authorized strength of the Service is 2756.

The following broad items of work relating to the Indian Forest Service are handled in this division

–Direct recruitment to the Indian Forest Service;

–Induction of the State Forest Service officer through promotion to the Indian Forest Service;

–Cadre Reviews for revising the composition and strength of IFS of various Cadres;

–Allocation of I.F.S probationers to various State cadres;

–Determination of year of allotment of Direct Recruit and Promotee Officers and their inter-se-seniority;

–Selection/appointment of I.F.S personnel against Central Deputation Reserve forestry posts, Central Deputation Secretariat positions under Central Bodies including Indian council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun. Indian Institute of forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun;

–Finalization of service matters like post-retirement benefits;

–Inter-cadre transfers and deputations; and

–Management of AGMUT Cadre including promotions / transfers and postings and the related service matters.

As an e-Governance initiative, a separate web site for IFS has been launched (http:/ where CIVIL LIST of IFS officers is available. Apart from that vacancy circulars, training programme circulars, rules and regulations concerning IFS are also hosted on this site for the benefit of the members of the Service.

There is a provision for quinquennial cadre review in respect of every cadre of the Indian Forest Service under the IFS (Cadre) Rules. In the year 2003-2004, meetings of the Cadre Review Committee were held to review the strength and compostion of the following cadres :


Tamil Nadu



The cadre review proposals in respect of Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh are under examination in the Ministry.

Thirty-two direct recruit officers on the basis of IFS Examination, 2002 were inducted into the Service and 25 of them have joined their probationary training at the Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA), Dehradun.

Fifty One State Forest Service officers under IFS (Appointment by Promotion) regulations were inducted into the Service during the year. The selection committee meetings were held during 2003 in respect of AGMUT (for Goa and Arunachal Pradesh segments), Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu & West Bengal to consider appointment of State Forest Service Officers to the Indian Forest Service.


The Vigilance Unit of the Ministry functions under direct supervision of Deputy Secretary (Vigilance), and overall control of Joint Secretary (Conservation ) who is also part time Chief vigilance Officer of the Ministry as a whole. The overall control and supervision in respect of Vigilance / disciplinary matters of Ministry including all its attached and subordinate offices, autonomous bodies / PSUs are exercised by the Ministry. The Vigilance Unit also deals with complaints of corruption, information about permission for transaction of movable and immovable properties, and annual property returns of all officers and staff of the Ministry. The Vigilance Unit also handles examination and processing of vigilance – centred disciplinary cases of Indian Forest Service Officers, Appeals, Reviews, and Memorials of all States /Union Territories cases filed in Central Administrative Tribunals and various courts in India in connection with various disciplinary matters / appeals are also handled. The prosecution cases are also launched against officers in various states/union territories and other staff of the Ministry.

The division requires frequent consultation with the Central Bureau of Investigations, the Central Vigilance Commission, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), & Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT) as per rules and procedures laid down on the matter.

The Ministry has taken a number of initiatives as part of preventive measures in Vigilance Administration to improve the delivery of services and to minimise areas of malpractice / maladministration in the meeting held on 10th December, 2003 with heads of Branch and Part Time Heads of Attached / Subordinate Offices, autonomous bodies, PSUs. Thie following steps have been initiated / reinforced :

-Rotation of officer posted in sensitive areas by transferring them to non-sensitive posts as per the directions of the Central Vigilance Commission.

–Increase in transparency by greater use of computer in the delivery of services and cutting down delays and improving the image of the Government in the eyes of public.

–Associating the beneficiaries and stake holders in the decision making process by associating them on core or apex bodies including the greater use of NGOs.

–Fixing time limit for completion of various tasks and monitoring the same.

–Monitoring of disciplinary / vigilance cases in regular review meetings by the divisional heads and heads of offices.

–The review of the maintenance service contracts both from technical and financial considerations from time to time.

Further, senior level officers meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Secretary (E&F) on 7th January, 2004 to strengthen the preventive aspects of vigilance through systemic improvements at various levels to mitigate corruption :

–Information access, including through e-governance.

–Recasting of sanction letter giving measurable output / outcomes & placing it on website.

–Clear and well-defined eligibility criteria of NGOs.

–Audit of NGOs accounts by a chartered accountant on the approved panel of CAG.

–Rigorous monitoring of NGOs given assistance for Projects, including research projects.

–Representation of Internal Finance in apex bodies in subordinate / Autonomous Institutions.

–Revival of posts of Finance Officers /Accounts Officers / Administrative Officers in all Subordinate, field & autonomous offices / institutions.

–Preparation of bill in electronic format.

–Utililzation certificate to be invariably accompanied by the physical progress report and also signed by the HOD / Senior – most Project Officer and Finance Accounts Officer.

–Updating compendium of all internal delegation instructions.

–Greater transparency in procurement of purchases – putting tenders on website; & doing away with suppliers from NCCF registered. Sources which have no endorsement of Ministry of Finance.

–Concurrent & Terminal evaluation of projects.

–Formulation of Transfer Policy for the Ministry’s Regional Offices, Subordinate Offices / Autonomous Organizations including rotational transfer from sensitive posts.

–Annual stock verification on regular basis.

Following up meetings were held with officers of Ministry and field Offices on 14th Jan, 2004 and 12th Jan, 2004 by CVO and Action Points communicated for implementation in a time-bound manner.

Environment and Parliament

During the year, a total of 582 Parliament questions pertaining to various aspects were dealt with by the Ministry ( 339 Lok Sabha and 243 Rajya Sabha). The questions covered a wide range of issues with which the Ministry is concerned, prominent amongst them being Conservation of Wild Life, Pollution related issues, Preservation and extension of forest and tree cover, Environmental Clearance of Development and Industrial Projects, Bio-diversity, Genetically Modified crops, Animal welfare etc.

During the year, four meeting of the Consultative Committee of Members of Parliament attached to the Ministry were held. A variety of subjects which fall under the purview of this Ministry were discussed. Further three visits of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, environment and Forest to various parts of India were also arranged.

Internal Work Study Unit (Including O&M)

The Internal Work Study Unit (IWSU) of the Ministry continued its normal activities aimed at ensuring timely action by various sections on proper record management and strict compliance of various other provisions of the manual of office procedure.

Record Management Activities

–O&M Inspection of various Sections / Offices of the Ministry.

O&M Inspection Programmes for the Ministry as well as its attached / subordinate and autonomous organizations was drawn up and follow up action for rectifying the defects pointed out in the inspection reports was taken.

–Launching of special drives on record management.

With a view to having proper environment in the workplace, and ensuring efficient space utilization which is critical to a healthy work culture in any organization, a special drive on record management was launched for a month in Sept., 2003 during which 1265 files were recorded, 3429 files were reviewed, out which 1166 files were retained in the sections and 1693 files were weeded out by various sections / divisions of the Ministry. The next special drive for the year 2004 is schedule for February, 2004.

–Review of ‘A’ Category Files kept in the Departmental Record Room (DRR)

105 files of ‘A’ category kept in the in the Departmental Record Room of this Ministry were got appraised by the representatives of National Archives of India (NAI) and 71 files recommended for permanent retention were transferred to NAI.

–Computerization of the records / files kept in the Departmental Record Room (DRR)

In order to have a quick retrieval system and an accurate and permanent data base, the computerization of all the files (about 15000) of the DRR has been undertaken. A software for the purpose has been developed and data entry of files is in progress. This would be very helpful in monitoring the record management in the Ministry.

–Review of the brochure / compendium prescribed under Manual of Office Procedure (MOP).

–Brochure on Allocation of work among various sections/divisions

The brochure on distribution of work amongst various sections / divisions of the Ministry which was last brought out in the year 1999, was reviewed and revised in order to incorporate the changes which have taken place in work allocation within the Ministry. The revised ‘Brochure’ was issued in June, 2003.

–Review of the Compendium on Channel of submission and final level of disposal of cases

In pursuance of the instructions issued by Dept, of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances and provisions contained in the Manual of Office Procedure, a review of existing instructions contained in the compendium issued in 1996 was undertaken. After a detailed review of the existing channel of submission with the Divisions concerned, the revised Compendium was prepared. This is being further revised in light of re-structuring of the Environment side of the Ministry.

General Administration

TheGeneral Administration provides and maintains infrastructure facilities and logistics required for effective and efficient working of the entire ministry. However, the National River Conservation Directorate and National Afforestation and Ecodevelopment Board have their separate administrations and budget allocations.

During the year, an action plan for solving the chronic water problem in the building was conceptualized, carried out and completed. An appropriate mechanism was also put in place for timely attending of users’ requirements and needs. Renovation works under progress were monitored to ensure accelerated completion of works. To get maximum value for public money expended, a policy of outsourcing services wherever appropriate was developed and operationalised. For better maintenance of civil and electrical amenities and facilities in the premises occupied by the Ministry, a meaningful and effective liaison with the relevant agencies was maintained throughout the year.


During the year, the work done by Protocol Divison are as 850 Domestic Tickets, 55 Intercuation Tickets funded by Govt. of India Visas-241, official/ Diplomatic passports-150, R/Day & Independence day -200 each/ seeing off/ Receiving of Rs-100, Deptt. -50 Airticket billing-1005.

Public Grievance Cell

The Ministry has set up a grievance cell to attend to the complaints of public regarding various environment related problems as also of the serving / retired staff of the Ministry relating to their service / pensionary matters. Joint Secretary (General Administration) has also been nominated as Public Grievance Officer of the Ministry. The particulars of the Public Grievance Officer of the Ministry are as follows :

Joint Secretary

(General Administratin & Public Grievance Officer)

Room No. 414 (4th Floor)

Paryavaran Bhawan,

CGO Complex, Lodi Road,

New Delhi – 110003

Tel No. 24363956

e-mail :

The general public as also the staff / pensioners can meet the Public Grievance Officer on every Wednesday from 10.00AM to 01.00 P.M. Apart from this, all the officers of the level of Deputy Secretary and above have also been advised to observe every Wednesday as ‘Meetingless Day’ and meet the general public / staff / pensioners from 10.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M. on this day.

The main function of the Cell is to ensure timely redressal of public / staff grievances, which is being done by taking up the matter with the divisions concerned / authorities such as District Magistrates, Municipal Corporations, Pollution Control Boards and State Governments. Most of the complaints relate to :-

–Unauthorized industries located in residential areas discharging harmful gases and hazardous effluents in the immediate neighbourhood;

–Environmental degradation due to mismanagement of civic amenities like location of waste dump, water logging etc.;

–Poor maintenance of open areas and parks ;

–Commercial establishments operating illegally in the residential buildings causing nuisance to people living in the immediate vicinity.

–Service / pensionary grievances of the serving / retired personnel of the Ministry.

During the year, 75 grievances were received from the general public / personnel of the Ministry, majority of which related to various problems of pollution, conservation etc. or service / pensionary matters of retired personnel.

NGO Cell

The Ministry with a view to handle various matters relating to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) working in various fields of environment has established an NGO Cell.

–Reply to queries of NGOs and to send booklet entitled, “Funding Schemes of the Ministry of Environment and Forests”, to those seeking financial assistance from the Ministry.

–Collection and dissemination of information on NGOs working in the field of environment.

–Co-ordinating with the Planning Commission relating to the creation of database on NGOs, these received grants from the Ministry.

Recreation Club

The functioning of the recreation club of the Ministry is monitored by a Management Committee to be elected by the member of the club for a period of 2 years. The main objective of the club is sto encourage social functions, sports, dramatic, literary and such other activities. During this year, the Cricket team of this Ministry took part in the Nayudamma Tournament held in Hyderabad from 12th to 14th December,2003. The team won the trophy in the tournament 5th time in succession. The following as team this Ministry have also participated in the inter ministry tournaments organized by the Central Civil Services Cultural & sports Board:


–Shooting ball


–Athletics Meet

In athletics the following officials of this Ministry have also participated & were winners of:

1.Shri Hari Ram, SCD1st prize in 400 metermen vet & above walk

2nd prize Event 1500Meter VET

3rd prize 100 (M) Vet& above

3rd Place in 5 Km Walk

in the 25th National Masters attletics

Championship held at by on from 4 March 2004

2.Shri Shamsher Singh,Asstt.2nd prize Event 100 Meter VET & above

In addition Welfare Unit has also organised a medical check up camp which was held for all the officers and staff of this Ministry. A majority of them availed this facility and obtained health cards.

Use of Hindi

In order to improve the progressive use of hindi in the official work in the Ministry, necessary directions were issued to officers by conducting inspections of sections in the Ministry, its subordinate offices and through meetings of Official Language Implementation Committee. The percentage of work done in Hindi during the period in the Ministry remained 61% in Region. ‘A’, 47% in Region ‘B’, 21% in Region ‘C’.

The meetings of the Official Language Implementation Committee of the Ministry were held regularly during the year and important directions were given to the officers regarding improvement in use of Hindi in official work. Actions have also been taken to implement the decisions taken in the meetings.

The meetings of Hindi Advisory Committee of the Ministry were also held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister and necessary follow-up actions have also being completed.

Hindi Fortnight

“Hindi Fortnight” was held in the Ministry between 12th September to 26th September, 2003 with the issuance of an appeal from the Secretary regarding use of Hindi in the official work. The following competitions were also held.

–Essay Competition

–Noting/Drafting Competition