DVM Program Admission Statistics

Fall 2010- Class of OVC 2014

PLEASE NOTE: There is one deferred admission from the Fall 2009 entry point and one re-entry to first year from OVC 2013 so,although there are 112 new students admitted for Fall 2010, the total class size for OVC 2014 will be 114. These statistics are reflective of the newly admitted students.


Previous University Attended for All Applicants

  • Domestic Undergraduate Cohort (n=247)164 U of G/83 non-U of G
  • Domestic Graduate Cohort (n=20)15 U of G/5 non-U of G
  • International Cohort (n=137)0 U of G/137 non-U of G
  • Total (n=404)179 U of G (44%)/225 non-U of G (56%)

Gender of All Applicants

  • Domestic Undergraduate Cohort (n=247)198 female (80%)/49male (20%)
  • Domestic Graduate Cohort (n=20)18 female (90%/2 male (10%)
  • International Cohort (n=137)102 female (77%)/35 male (23%)
  • Total (n=404)318 female(79%)/86male (21%)

Initial Outcome for All Applicants

  • Domestic Undergraduate Cohort (n=247)184 to be interviewed/ 48 incomplete applications/14 not interviewed
  • Domestic Graduate Cohort (n=20)16 to be interviewed/4 not interviewed
  • International Cohort (n=137)32 to be interviewed/51 incomplete applications/13 withdrew/42notinterviewed
  • Total (n=404)232 interviewed/172 not interviewed


Previous University Attended for Interviewed Applicants

Domestic Undergraduate Cohort (n=184)184 (XXXU of G/XX non-U of G)

Domestic Graduate Cohort(n=16)XX (XX U of G/XX non-U of G)

International Cohort (n=32)32(XX U of G/XX non-U of G)

Total (n=232)XXX(XXX U of G [XX%]/XX non-U of G [XX%])

Gender of Interviewed Applicants

Domestic Undergraduate Cohort (n=184)XXX female/XX male

Domestic Graduate Cohort(n=16) XXfemale/X male

International Cohort (n=32) XX female/XX male

Total (n=232)XX (XXfemale [XX%]/XXmale [XX%)

Final Outcome for Interviewed Applicants

Domestic Undergraduate Cohort (n=184)99admitted/85 not admitted

Domestic Graduate Cohort(n=16) 5 admitted/11not admitted

International Cohort (n=32) 8 admitted/24 not admitted

Total (n=232)112 admitted/120not admitted


Previous University Attended for Admitted Applicants (n=112)

Domestic Undergraduate Cohort (n=99)32 U of G/68 non-U of G

Domestic Graduate Cohort (n=5) XX U of G/XX non-U of G

International Cohort (n=8) XX U of G/XXnon-U of G

Total (n=112)XXU of G [XX%]/XX non-U of G [XX%]

Gender of Admitted Applicants (n=112)

Domestic Undergraduate Cohort (n=99)86female(87%)/13male (13%)

Domestic Graduate Cohort (n=5)4female (80%)/1male (20%)

International Cohort (n=8)8female (100%)/0male (0%)

Total (n=112)98female (87.5%)/14male (12.5%)

MCAT Scores of Admitted Domestic Undergraduate Cohort Applicants (n=99)

MCAT Component: / Verbal / Biological / Physical / Writing
Mean / 8.80 / 9.12 / 7.80 / Q
Median / 9 / 9 / 7 / Q

Marks for Last Two Full-time Semesters for Admitted Domestic Undergraduate Cohort Applicants (n=99)

Range: 76.1%–93.2%; Mean:83.8%; Median:84.0%

Marks for 8 Required Courses for Admitted Domestic Undergraduate Cohort Applicants (n=99)

Range: 75.6%-94.4%; Mean: 84.9%; Median: 85.0%

Interview Scores for Admitted Domestic Undergraduate Cohort Applicants (n=99; maximum interview score = 160)

Range: 93–145; Median: 121; Mean: 117.5

Number of Applications Made by AdmittedDomestic Undergraduate Cohort Applicants (n=99; maximum number of applications allowed is 4)

Application# / # of Students
1 / 69
2 / 20
3 / 8
4 / 2

Number of University Semesters Previously Completed by Admitted Domestic Undergraduate Cohort Applicants (n=99)

# of Semesters / # of Students