> Anita Archer:Diane, how did seminars go on this topic?
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:Hi Anita, the discussions have been wonderful! Lots of trying out all of the strategies suggested and good dialogue about viewing the video clips!
> Anita Archer:Great. Send me any questions that I should cover in our third webinar.
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:Questions for the discussions included automaticity, foundation skills needed, retrieval practice, taking it up a notch, etc.
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:One participant asked about using retrieval in other content areas along with necessary facts.
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Elvis is in the building! :)
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:Hi Warren, I had to laugh about your analogy made about the Simpson's.
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Diane, Dunno why, but that episode has always stuck with me. Probably because of the number of musical instruments I've owned but not really played...
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Anchorage is on break now.
> Gregory and Amy (2):Got in with Sound!!!!
> Anna Marie Swoffer:FNSBSD is next week
> Stefanie (1) Romig Middle School:My audio and video feed is breaking up a lot. It could be my home connection since I am connecting at home instead of school this time.
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:Stefanie are you able to call in?
> Stefanie (1) Romig Middle School:can you give the call information again?
> Amardeep Kanwar: It is
> Amardeep Kanwar:Phone number - 1-866-826-8609
> Amardeep Kanwar:Conference code 4459604113
> Gayle, Voni & Fannie:Gayle, Voni, and Fannie are here. Went to the worng room first.
> Stebbins:we are here from Bering Strait: Karen B Karen R and Eric
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:code: 4459 604113
> michelle Halpain 1:michelle 1
> Linda Guthrie:Linda Guthrie 1: Valdez
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:achieve automaticity
> Amelia Savinova:protect from forgetting,
> Angela Busch Alston (1) Brevig Mission School:automaticity
> Amelia Savinova:improve transfer
> Amber Brewer (1) Juneau:transfer
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:transfer knowledge
> Dawn Pomrening:automatcity
> Richelle Lay, 1, JBER AK:automaticity
> Stefanie (1) Romig Middle School:Okay, I am on by phone
> Ryan O'Sullivan:Ryan O'Sullivan: Manokotak (6)
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):Teacher states in A the things required by the student
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:B requires the student have the plan handout
> colleen castaneda:I had trouble getting on, but all seems to be operating well now.
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:With A, you have a purpose.
> Carrie Dawley:A gives students a goal. A target for learning. The teacher tells the students on what, specifically, they should focus their attention.
> Gregory and Amy (2):no specific skill in B
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:A gives details about specific things to look for/practice
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:A guides them through the process better
> michelle Halpain 1:The student has no ideas of how to improve the paragraph
> Linda Guthrie:A Is more specific.
> Richelle Lay, 1, JBER AK:"A" will improve the minimum competency expected of the paragraph
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Wiggins: tangible and transparent (A)
> Marge D:The detail enables the deliberate practice; otherwise it's just "practice"
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):A states who does what concerning the telling...
> Stebbins:retrieve
> Carrie Dawley:A provides an opportunity for engagement for all students. All students are given the opportunity to practce rather than just half the class.
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:Having to retrieve information.
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:Students will have more to say (and more meaningful things to say) with A. They have something prepared and have thought about it.
> Richelle Lay, 1, JBER AK:They have a chance to transfer the skill of what they wrote down on their paper over to telling about it to a partner
> colleen castaneda:Specific for students to reach beyond the obvious.
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:one thing at a time: retrieving before presenting (A)
> Gayle, Voni & Fannie:A is more deliberate than B because the students are told to make a list.
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:B is to broad, there is no starting point.
> Stefanie (1) Romig Middle School:A allows the students to retrieve and solidify their thoughts which makes the sharing more effective
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):Deliberate practice is like having a rubric for the students at the begining of the lesson, not just when you are grading
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:continuing from my prev comment: avoiding cognitive overload
> colleen castaneda:B
> Stefanie (1) Romig Middle School:B
> Gayle, Voni & Fannie:B
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:B becuase they have to see what they remember...then they get feedback
> Anna Marie Swoffer:C
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:C reminds them they have done this before and thus can be retrieved
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:A/C remind them...they don't have to go back into the memory bank
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:Maybe A, review then retrieval
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:B. The other two don't ask the student to retrieve the infomoration about how to change a fraction into a decimal on their own.
> Gayle, Voni & Fannie:The other two are not examples of retieval Practice as the teacher does the demonstration first.
> Richelle Lay, 1, JBER AK:I think B because they have a chance to really think and retrieve without having the answer given to them.
> bonnie jennifer:example c
> Amber Brewer (1) Juneau:I think people didn't read the directions. ; )
> Rachel Kohl 5:B, because the teacher is challenging the student to bring it up and monitoring with feedback
> Linda Guthrie:C, because they can see what they did and then work the problem.
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):What's a Plicker?
> Carrie Dawley:Kinberly, if it's in reference to what I think it is, Plickers is an app (iPad, iPhone, etc... on iOS. Maybe on Android?) It's basically your SMARTboard clickers or Promethean student clickers. It's pretty awesome!
> Carrie Dawley:There is a website that works with it.
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):Neat - thx!
> Carrie Dawley:Np. :)
> Anna Marie Swoffer:strehens memory
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:The students have to recal the information on their own, so it helps them to really learn the material.
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:with repeated retrieval comes automaticity
> Anna Marie Swoffer:strenthen
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:Support transfer of skills
> Richelle Lay, 1, JBER AK:increases neural pathways
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:Wears down the naural pathways in the forest of your brain untill it is a well worn trail...which makes it easier to find that path again.
> Vicki Prunty:retention
> Amber Brewer (1) Juneau:It's more engaging.
> Anna Marie Swoffer:brain loves patterns
> ebryan (1) Mth. Village Schools:Strengthens memory, easier to retrieve, and Neural Pathways.
> Marge D:Solidifies memory; makes it easier to recall later; strengthens neural pathways
> colleen castaneda:strenths memory, knowledge is easier to remember and retrieve later
> bonnie jennifer:strenghts memory and retieval
> bonnie jennifer:plus you're spot checking to make sure knows it
> Brent:not just putting knowledge in but getting knowledge out
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):recall is individual and retrieval (in practice) seems to engage more at once
> colleen castaneda:I don't see the presentation on the screen any longer. I can see presenter and chat box, and a blank presentation.
> Gregory and Amy (2):flashy flash card?
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:plickers?
> Marge D:4
> Amber Brewer (1) Juneau:4
> Stefanie (1) Romig Middle School:4
> michelle Halpain 1:4
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:4
> Gregory and Amy (2):4
> Vicki Prunty:4
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:4
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:4
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):4
> bonnie jennifer:4 all of the above
> Dawn Pomrening:4
> Gregory and Amy (2):4
> Rachel Kohl 5:4
> Lisa~ Anchorage:4
> Okalena Morgan:4
> ebryan (1) Mth. Village Schools:4
> Anna Marie Swoffer: 4
> matthew - lpsd:4
> Carrie Dawley: <-- Get the app and set your class up!! It's awesome! :)
> colleen castaneda:Connected again and can see the presentation too.
> Carrie Dawley:Also goes along with the importance of immediate feedback for assessment!
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:This will be one of our assignment choices for the class!
> Anna Marie Swoffer:It's free!
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:We will have it posted on the Resources site.
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Writing Frames: 40 activities for learning the Writing Process, by Jean Pottle
> Amber Brewer (1) Juneau:Differentiation
> Anna Marie Swoffer:To get them to write!!!
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:Helps them to structure their paragraph well.
> Gayle, Voni & Fannie: make sure students get critical points
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Workbook with frames;)
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:gets them started, no tabula rasa
> michelle Halpain 1:help them collect thoughts
> Linda Richter 1 LPSD:order and sequencing
> Stefanie (1) Romig Middle School:Engagement
> Vicki Prunty:helps them organize
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:guidance so they don't leave out parts
> Linda Guthrie:Transitions
> colleen castaneda:Asks for an opinion or evidence, and the opportunity to expound upon idea
> Brent:more direction makes is a deliberate practice
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):Takes away chance to be lazy...
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:mt hood: shouldn't the last one be up higher? i would think they'd do their most interesting first and this will mean they repeat (which i guess is retrieval)
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Can we get that powerpoint?
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Resources, thank you
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:Yes on the Resources website Anna Marie.
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Sorry, I meant the writing frame power point? Believe that is something different?
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:Yes it is. We should be able to get it on the site tomorrow.
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):Retrieval practice: renew, reuse, repeat, recycle
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Input=Output
> Anna Marie Swoffer:More effort the better
> Marge D:Output solidified input
> Marge D:Output solidifies input
> colleen castaneda:Reduce forgetfulness and increase memory, therefore commit to practice and remember!
> Gregory and Amy (2):Retrieve and Succeed!!
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:remember endlessly
> Angela Busch Alston (1) Brevig Mission School:Don't just review, retrieve!
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:We can get everyone a copy of the Chat box.
> Marge D:Golden Retrieval
> michelle Halpain 1:Again, again, again so we don't have to begin again
> Gayle, Voni & Fannie:retrieve frequently for retention
> bonnie jennifer:Sucess is bought through practice
> bonnie jennifer:Retrieve and suceeed
> ebryan (1) Mth. Village Schools:Practice makes perfect
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):And you acan have a picture of a dog chasing his tail: Golden Retrieval!
> Marge D:Suzuki: "We practice to make it easier."
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:The *strong black *retriever put some *effort into getting her *stick out in the pond, but stopped *repeatedly to check out her *reflection, and was *strengthened so it was *easier on the next throw
> Marge D:Nice!
> Brent:How far back does research on spaced practice go? I have hear that this discovery was made in the 19th century
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:This is why we tell our students not to cram for tests!
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Wouldn't learning styles have impact?
> michelle Halpain 1:Shouldn't we try to touch on all the different learning styles to reach all of our students
> Gregory and Amy (2):??
> Brent:Willingham says differentiate by content NOT by student learning styles.
> Gregory and Amy (2):With my daughter, I call that expensive practice
> colleen castaneda:Up in space to FLY!
> Marge D:Avoid spaciness by spacy practice
> Stebbins:space it so you don't erase it
> colleen castaneda:Up in space to SOAR!
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:Little at a time goes a long way
> michelle Halpain 1:can't do it all in one day
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:space it out to keep it in (your brain)
> Vicki Prunty:space it retain it...you're a star!
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Practice, Retain, Remain...
> Stefanie (1) Romig Middle School:To avoid spacing out, space it out
> Linda Guthrie 2:Don't cram, space it, so you don't lose it.
> bonnie jennifer:1, 2 quick retieval ; 3,4 revieve some more; 5,6 makes it stick
> Sheila L:Teach, retrieve 1 day, retrieve 3 days, remember 1 month
> Amelia Savinova:Get it, do it and add to it
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Just a cumulation leaves no time for accumulation
> ebryan (1) Mth. Village Schools:Space in, don't space out.
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Hit the space bar or itallrunstogether
> Marge D:Pace and space - no waste
> Brent:interleave supports generalization
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Interleaving: Think of a thatched roof hut: Put the leaves next to each other in rows and it won't keep out the rain as much as if the leaves are cross-hatched. (Can generalize this to grass baskets)
> Marge D:Although your examples so far have all (I believe) been of college students or advanced players, I find the same concepts to be true in elementary teaching. Many teachers resist mixing addition / subtraction practice "too soon" but actually students end up sifting out their concepts and have a stronger understanding if the mix the concepts right off (even though it's frustrating at the time)
> Marge D:You have to suffer through the cognitive dissonance
> Gayle, Voni & Fannie:??copy + ing does not equal coping
> Marge D:She's just coping!
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Don't cop to making a mistake! :)
> Polly Sawyer (1) Russian Jack Elementary:It seems like interleaving would make your brain more flexible? You have to think differently and more thoroughly.
> Warren Rhodes (1) Bartlett High School:Don't cluster, buster! Varying is very good. Don't take it, interleave it.
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:Mix it up to make it stick!
> Leah Heiman (1) FDMS Juneau:Variety is the spice of practice.
> Brent:interleave your troubles behind
> Marge D:Neopolitan, not Vanilla
> Vicki Prunty:retrieve and interleave
> Linda Guthrie 2:Mix, attend and win.
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):Interweave it!
> Gregory and Amy (2):Mix it up and make it stick
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:vary first, then mix it up
> Marge D:You can't cook a cake if you don't mix the ingredients
> Amanda - GLV staff - 12:Checks Mix
> Gregory and Amy (2):mix, mix, mix make it stick
> colleen castaneda:Learning is like a mixer...it comes all mixed up and we practice taking it apart, then integrate!
> Sheila L:Mix it up, make it your own, apply again
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:Great!
> Amelia Savinova:Really Interesting!
> Diana Kurka Anchorage:Thanks Anita!!
> Stebbins:thank you!
> Linda Guthrie 2:Thanks!!!
> Kaia Henrickson (1) Kodiak Middle School:Thank you!!
> Lisa~ Anchorage:Thank you!!
> Gayle, Voni & Fannie:Thank you for a great class.
> Stefanie Wall (1) Romig Middle School:Thanks
> Nancy Mason, 1, Kaltag School:Thank you, Anita.
> Kimberley Knight (Manokotak):thanks!
> Anita Archer:Thanks to all of you. A delightful group.
> ebryan (1) Mth. Village Schools:Thank you for all the new strategies to learn to make it stick.
> michelle Halpain 1:thank you for a greaat class.
> Diana Kurka Anchorage: If you have any questions about the credit class.
> Anna Marie Swoffer:Safe travels, thank you!
> Richelle Lay, 1, JBER AK:Thank you
> Stefanie Wall (1) Romig Middle School:Thanks, goodnight