The Way to Patience
By Sharon Riddle ©2003 Olive Leaf Publications
Bible story teacher: Today our fruit of the Spirit is PATIENCE. It’s never easy to wait a long time for something we want, but God can help us learn how to do it. Let’s tune in to see who’s trying to make us give up “waiting” on God.
Demon 1: Walks in with briefcase, sets it down and takes out several manila folders. Picks up telephone and dials.
Yes, I’d like to speak with Hermese. Thank you. Sorry I’m getting back to you later than I thought, I got caught in traffic.
Demon 2: I didn’t think we had to worry about congestion on the freeway.
Demon 1: Oh no, that’s no problem for us. What I meant is that I got stuck in spiritual warfare. I had planned to call you at 8am, but some Christian got up at 4 to pray and I’ve spent all this time just going in circles. Finally though they had to go to work and I got a break. I hate it when those Christians pray.
Demon 2: I’m so excited. I’ve been waiting decades for this kind of assignment. When do I get to begin?
Demon 1: I’m planning on 4 PM today, but with the “traffic” you never know.
Demon 2: Oh yeah. Who is my assignment?
Demon: 1: You’ve been assigned to a Miss Beth Riddle. She’s 11, the daughter of a pastor, and currently enrolled in Vacation Bible School.
Demon 2: What’s my assignment?
Demon 1: The usual. God has already stated in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has good plans for her life… and that these plans will give her a future and a hope. That can’t be changed. You and I both know that when God says someone, He will bring it to pass.
Demon 2: Oh yeah. I hate that about Him.
Demon 1: She’s already prayed to ask Jesus to be her Savior, so we know that He will never leave her or forsake her. We know that He’ll never give up on her, or run out of forgiveness for her. It’s a settled fact that because she’s a child of God, He will always provide everything that she needs. And we know for certain that because her mother and father pray for her all the time, that eventually she will become extremely powerful in influencing others to follow Christ.
Demon 2: This is the case you’ve assigned to me? I mean, why even show up to work if all this is “settled knowledge”. I’m going to have a tough time motivating myself to try and “make a difference”.
Demon 1: Get over it, Dude. If we let little things like these interfere with our work we’d all be unemployed. Just because God said it and plans to fulfill doesn’t mean there’s not a place for us to cause some trouble.
Demon 2: So you’re saying that even though I can’t change the final outcome, I can still stir the pot? Rattle her cage? Wreak a little havoc?
Demon 1: Exactly. Your job is to, make Beth want to give up on her Christian walk. We may not be able to change the fact that God won’t give up on her, but we can certainly try to make Beth give up on God.
Demon 2: So what do you suggest?
Demon 1: I’ve been studying this case for quite a few years and I think I have a winning strategy. Beth has already received quite a bit of brainwashing through her Sunday School and the Christian school she attends. Through VBS she’s already planted much of God’s Word in her heart. I don’t believe we can ever convince her that God doesn’t exist, or that He’s not powerful. She’s already seen a lot of miracles, even in her young life, so I don’t think she’ll fall for that one.
Demon 2: So… what are we going to do? How are we going to change God’s plans?
Demon 1: Be careful, the last group that said someone like that ended up being cast into a herd of pigs that ran off a cliff.
Demon 2: Ooh, I bet that hurt.
Demon 1: We don’t ever change God’s plans. Get that? That’s why He’s God. The best we can hope for is to discourage, distort and dishearten. But after studying the candidate for a few years, I have noticed that she has a very quick temper. Unless she learns PATIENCE, I believe we will always have a secret weapon available to assist us in our work.
Demon 2: So, what do you want me to do?
Demon 1: I’m thinking that a three-fold attack will be effective. Get her to become impatient with herself. Because she’s a kid, she’s bound to make a few wrong choices. It will be your job to exaggerate these in her mind. Make her believe she’s the most hopeless kid that has ever lived. You’ll have a little help from others because since she’s a pastor’s daughter, there will be people who have unusually high expectations for her behavior. Have a few of these give up on her and predict failure for her future. Then, try to get her to become impatient with others. Her sister will be an invaluable help in this. Suggest creative ways for her to irritate her sister. Oh and don’t forget to use her mother. She’s a little uptight anyway, so have her ride her child with the discipline of a drill sergeant. Finally, try to get her to become impatient with God. Have her become discouraged of waiting for God to fulfill His promises in her life.
Demon 2: But you already said that when God promises something, that He can’t break His word and they WILL BE FULFILLED.
Demon 1: Of course they will. God cannot lie. Everybody knows that. But if people don’t see God working for a long time, if we can get them to tire of waiting for what God has promised, and if, through a little use of mirrors, we can distract them and get them interested in other things…then we can assure that valuable time and resources can be used up.
Demon 2: It almost seems like a hopeless cause.
Demon 1: It’s the best we can do.
Demon 2: Do you foresee any trouble?
Demon 1: Only one. The people at her church are beginning to learn about the power of… I always hate to even say it…. PRAYER. They have begun to see what happens when they hold God to His Word and hang on His promises. I’ve had to give up working Thursday nights altogether, because they hold a regular prayer meeting that night. I can’t get anything done on Saturday night for the same reason. Sunday mornings, Tuesday morning and Wednesday night it’s the same thing. As long as they are praying, our hands are tied.
Demon 2: So you’re telling me that if these people are really serious about seeing kids follow God and fulfill His purposes for their lives, that they’re going to have to do more than prepare snacks and games every night at VBS… that after they leave this place each night, dog tired, that they’re going to have to commit time to get away with God and cry out to Him for help in getting a hold of their hearts?
Demon 1: That’s right. And that, brother, is why we do what we do… It’ll never happen. (Hideous laugh.)