Expressing preferences on films and music

Pre-Reading Activity – Mini-Questionnaire

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions with a partner;

  1. Do you prefer to go to the cinema or watch a DVD at home? Why?
  1. Do you prefer watching a film or listening to music? Why?
  1. How would you rate the importance of music in your life? (N.B. 1 – is the lowest rank, 10 – is the highest rank).
  1. How would you rate the importance of music in your life? (N.B. 1 – is the lowest rank, 10 – is the highest rank).
  1. What kind of music do you like? Why?
  1. What kind of films do you like? Why?

Exercise 1: Below is a dialogue amongst friends who are expressing their own ideas about films. Fill in the blanks using the expressions given below.

John: Hello everyone! I was just wondering whether you’re up to something this Friday.

Alison: Well, a)______to watch a film at the cinema, unless all of you would agree. What do you think Jessica?

Jessica: I like your idea. b)______go and watch the new film of Titanic. They said it’s amazing!

Alison: c) ______that even though all those scenes of romance and tragedy make me feel bad.

John: d)______watching a comedy, huh?

William: e)______laugh out loud rather than ending up feeling bad.

William: I couldn’t agree more! I think f)______watch Johnny English Reborn or The Hangover 2. They said they both have a lot of action and comical scenes. What would you say girls?

Jessica: g) ______you’re right! But, h) ______watch The Hangover 2 as I’ve heard lots of good comments too.

Alison: Ok then! i) ______to the cinema!

Exercise 2: Below is a dialogue amongst friends who are expressing their own ideas about music. Fill in the blanks using the expressions given below;

John: Hello girls! I was just wondering whether you can help me out with the music for William’s birthday on Saturday?

Alison: Well, a)______we can have a DJ at the party. We can tell him to play any songs that we all like – hip-hop, trance and r n b. What do you think Jessica?

Jessica: No, b)______that kind of music…I mean most of them repeat the same word and beat. c)______something different. I’m sure that William won’t love listening to the same beat over and over again.

John: I think you’re right. Even though I Iove their noisy tunes and beat!!

Alison: Let’s see what we can do…d)______organising a karaoke night? We could bring our friends over and play all kinds of music. I’m sure our guests would love to have a party with a mixture of dance, pop and rock music. e)______?

Jessica: Great idea! That way we would balance between loud and soft music. The guests can also dance and sing to the variety of music available. Amazing Alison!

Alison: Thanks!

John: Ok, so I will think about the selection of songs myself. f)______hurry! Off we go! Bye!

Exercise 3: Use the expressions from exercises 1 and 2 and list the expressions under the headings below;

Suggestions / Preferences