Student Senate Agenda

Wednesday August 24, 2011

I.  Call to Order

II.  Roll Call by Treasurer Kipp

III.  Student Opinion Time

·  Larry Overman: Smoking ban “1,100 signatures for smoking ban in 2005”. How can students help?

·  Need additional urinals around campus.

·  Do not agree with student fees. “Need to draw the line somewhere”. Not everybody goes to games, health center. Student fees should be discretionary. Fees are “unfair”, “ridiculous”

·  Senator Mills: Student Center is funded by student fees. Open to all students.

·  Dr. Erwin: PSU not for profit.

·  Senator Haines: School is worth the cost in the end.

·  Director Ismert: Hard part to understand about the Rec. Center is that the staff is needed to maintain the facility regardless of usage.

·  Senator Krumsick: Q: Are our fees “average”. Erwin: A: Yes, about average.

·  Larry Overman: Applying for vacancies.

IV.  Approval of the Minutes

-Minutes approved

V.  Officer Reports

A.  President Jones

·  Thanks to Danielle for assistance during Pitt Cares.

·  Discussing Pitt Points Program tonight.

·  Vacancies due Monday morning. Waiting for new senators before filling committees. 11 openings.

·  Director Ismert: Q: When are interviews? A: Monday afternoon.

·  Senator Kunshek: Q: Interview board? A: Whoever signs up.

B.  Vice President Osborn

·  Vacancy interview committee sign-up in the office.

·  Talking about Pitt Points tonight.

·  Retreat is Sept. 9-10. KMO Ranch is the location.

·  Senator Krumsick: Rumble in the Jungle is the 10th, potential conflict.

F.  Treasurer Kipp

·  Allocations-think about signing up for committee.

·  Will be doing an informational video to aid in process.

VI.  Director Reports

A.  Academic Affairs Director Ismert

·  Met with Dr. Olsen; trying to get online, paperless evaluations. Contacted WSU if they could implement an online system.

·  “Where it’s at Wednesdays”- On Wednesday make the Oval really cool; maybe once a month. FE classes must hear about SGA; need volunteers to present.

·  My EDU. System with scheduling, application to find cheap books. “Facebook for School”. Organizations can sign up for funding; more recruits=more money.

·  Director Fearmonti: Q:My EDU must get ahold of the university for specific information. A: We can already get that information.

B.  Big Event Director Smith

·  April 14 Big Event.

C.  Campus Affairs Director Edwards

·  Light Walk coming up soon.

·  Barb has revamped poster approval process.

·  Smoking ban committee to be chaired by Senator Gregory.

·  CCI project to be determined by December 2011.

D.  Community Affairs Director Fearmonti

·  Sign-up for Highway Cleanup in the office.

·  Paint the Town Red is Sept. 9. Sign-up in office to help.

·  Need help with activities coming up: Great American Smokeout in November.

·  Senator Bilberry: Q: Participating in decoration competition. A: Yes.

E.  Legislative Affairs Director Simoncic

·  Constitution Day is September 16. Would like to do a special election to update our own constitution.

F.  Public Relations Director Geier

·  Advertising forms and publicity request forms due four weeks in advance.

·  Share Vacancy Event on Facebook to increase exposure.

·  Activities Fair is Sept. 7.

VII.  Committee Reports

·  None

VIII.  Advisor Reports

A.  Advisor Adams

·  Sept. 16 CAC will have an open house from 12-3. Showcasing Student Center.

·  Chamber Coffee tomorrow.

·  Global Leadership Institute applications are available on CAC website.

B.  Advisor Erwin

·  Important to have vacancies filled quickly. First home game is Sept. 10. CCI work will be done here shortly.

·  Senator Mills: Q: Parking fee for football games? A: Yes, for Big Brown Lot. $5.

·  Senator Schmitz: Q: Alternatives to parking in Big Brown for on-campus students? A: Yes, orange and blue usually clear out during the weekend.

·  Larry Overman: Q: Where do those parking fees go to? A: Funds security for crowd control. Purchases recycling containers.

IX. Unfinished Business

·  None

X.  New Business

·  None

XI.  Open Forum

-  Pitt Points Demonstration

·  Encourage students to attend athletic, music, and other events.

·  Keep track of Pitt Points on GUS. Each event is tagged with a certain number of points. Award for most active students (athletic gear packs, etc.).

·  In the process of determining the amount of points to allocate to each event.

·  Senator Ward: Q: Are SAC or SGA members ineligible? A: No, still eligible.

·  Director Ismert: Yielded time to Larry Overman.

·  Larry Overman: Q: How are we going to promote it? A: FE video, posters, etc.

·  Need to develop a logo.

·  Senator Ward: Q: If a student is not full-time do they still get full points? A: No.

Q: Can Ticket Office help administer program? A: We will have to see.

-  Student Fees

·  Senator Schmitz: Funding from State is decreasing. Need to raise tuition and fees to supplement for this.

·  Senator Mills: University is not making profit from these fees.

·  Director Ismert: Question to Larry Overman – What action do you want to see? Answer: I do not know.

·  Advisor Erwin: Student fees are levied on the students by the students. There are student opinions that go into this process. Process is not arbitrary.

XII.  Announcements

·  President Jones: All senators need to fill out grade checks.

·  Senator Mills: Phi Sigma Kappa is doing trampolineathong next week in oval. Please support.

·  Director Simoncic: SAC has Self-Defense tomorrow. Jungle Nights 10-12 on Friday.

·  Director Fearmonti: Chamber Coffee tomorrow morning at Alumni Center. Toastmaster Wednesdays at 5:30 at Names & Numbers.

XIII.  Adjournment

·  Senator Wetzel: Move to adjourn.

-  Seconded.

-  Passed.