2 pm – 4 pm, Wednesday, 26th November 2003
Boardroom, University House
Present: Pete Starie (Chair), Associate Head of Curriculum Development
Jackie Tapley, Deputy Course Leader, Criminology
Paul McVeigh, Course Leader, Politics & International Relations
Andrew Carter, History & Politics, Year 3
Tom Staite, Human Resource Management with Psychology, Year 1
Jessica Worsley, Psychology with Criminology, Year 1
Emma Playford, English with Psychology, Year 1
Carly Lezer, English & Media Studies, Year 3
Yasmin Shafi, Psychology with Criminology, Year 2
Stephanie Lawrence, Marketing with French, Year 2
Katie Ruff, Marketing and Spanish, Year 2
In Attendance: Elaine Asser, Administrative Officer
1. Welcome and Apologies
Pete Starie welcomed the new members to the committee and expressed his thanks to the Student Representatives for taking the time to attend the SSCC. Students and staff from a range of courses and levels introduced themselves.
Apologies were received from Caroline Strevens, Julie Cherryman, Kirsten Adams, Karl Ives, James Chatt Collins, Alex Meredith and Rubaina Nurmohamed.
2. Introduction
Pete Starie explained to the new members of the committee that the purpose of the SSCC was to review the student experience on the Combined Honours courses.
3. Election of Student Chair
Pete Starie explained that it was normal practice for a student to chair the SSCC and asked if any students might wish to undertake this task. The board accepted a nomination for Alex Meredith, International Relations and Politics. Alex, who was unable to attend due to illness, was elected in his absence and it was agreed that Pete Starie would chair the meeting in process.
4. Notes of Meeting held on 30th April 2003
The notes of the previous meeting of 30th April 2003 were accepted as an accurate record.
5. Matters Arising
5.1. Preparation for Semester 2
Pete Starie had investigated the issue of the lack of options in Spanish and reported that the Course Leader, Tony Chafer, had demonstrated that there were several options open to Spanish students.
5.2. Student Comments on Assessment (Social Division & Social Change)
It was reported that the unit co-ordinator had considered the weighting for the unit for presentation, journal and essay to be appropriate, but would keep the matter under review.
5.3. Student Representation on CHMB
It was confirmed that, due to pressure of work for student representatives, with the approval of the Head of Curriculum Development, the SSCC had been reduced to two meetings in the academic year.
6. Review of Student Experience
6.1. Induction
Pete Starie reported that the aim of the ‘home’ departments was to send out induction information 2/3 weeks prior to induction, but this varied across departments. The student representatives considered that this had not always been the case and requested that, in any case, this time period be increased. Pete Starie to discuss with departments.
Action: PS
On the whole, student representatives reported that induction had been a positive experience; ‘taster’ lectures had been interesting and the course information had been clearly stated. The student representatives on Criminology combinations reported very positively on the whole process but the Year 2 representative did request a more formal re-induction.
The Student Representative for the new English with Psychology combination criticised the initial communication links with the Psychology half for both induction and the first week of lectures but confirmed that the course was now running efficiently. An initial lack of books for the unit ‘Early C19th Literature’ had also been raised but the Student Representative confirmed that the course coordinator was aware of this. Pete Starie to confirm that the problems had been resolved with the English department.
Action: PS
The Year 2 students, whose courses involved a year abroad, requested more information at induction. Pete Starie explained that a session in the 1st Semester, Level 2, ‘Residence Abroad and Research Management’, was specifically designed to cover this issue.
The student representative for HRM with Psychology reported that induction had mainly concentrated on HRM and that students wished more time to be allocated to Psychology. Pete Starie explained that, as HRM was the major subject, more time had been allocated to this subject but that he would discuss this with the departments concerned.
Action: PS
The Year 3 representative from History and Politics reported that induction had been trouble free. Besides the year meeting and discussions with supervisors, they had received the re-induction supplement on degree classifications and dissertations.
6.2. Handbooks
Student representatives commented that, on the whole, the information provided by departments had been extensive. They had received University handbooks, course specific handbooks from the ‘home’ department supplemented by ‘away’ information, plus general information on the Combined Honours courses. In the majority of cases timetables had either been sent out prior to induction or were available on induction, but English and Media Studies students did not receive timetables until later. Pete Starie will discuss with departments to ensure that this will not occur in the future.
Action: PS
There had been some confusion with the Marketing and Languages combinations over the issue of placement versus the year abroad. Pete Starie would address this with the department concerned.
Action: PS
6.3. Enrolment
Year 1 students reported that the new process of central enrolment at St Pauls had not been very successful. This was especially the case with students that were due to enrol on the first day. Pete Starie reported that central enrolment had been instigated to facilitate the payment of student loans directly into student bank accounts. The contract with the Student Loan Company made it necessary for returns to be made within 24 hours and the University, in line with many other HEIs, had decided that central enrolment was the most appropriate method. The Academic Registrar acknowledged that there had been ‘teething’ problems but that the situation had improved during the week and the process was currently being evaluated for the next academic year. Student Representatives confirmed that enrolment had improved during the week.
Year 2 students reported that there had been problems with prior instructions for PBS enrolment but that this problem had been resolved. There had also been problems scanning the bar code on the new Student Loan forms for Year 2 and some students had been unable initially to access their student loan. The Marketing and Languages students had found enrolment more difficult, as staff had been unaware of changes in the coding for Marketing and Languages. Pete Starie agreed that it was important that these issues were sorted out for the next academic year and would discuss with Academic Registry.
Action: Pete Starie
The Year 3 Student Representative reported that there had been no problems with enrolment.
6.4. Previous Year
The use of codes rather than names for units and the absence of venues on the timetable for Law with Criminology were raised. Jackie Tapley pointed out that this was a new course and that they would make sure that the problems did not occur next year.
Action: JT
The student representatives on the Marketing and Languages raised several issues of communication over the present and previous academic year. Pete Starie will raise these issues with the departments concerned.
Action: PS
Pete Starie reported that option choice forms would be available across departments in February/March, with choices to be finalised in March/April.
A written submission from the English and Media Studies Year 2 representative requested that handwriting be clearer on students’ essay feedback.
Action: PS
More guidance on transferring from single honours to CH and CH to single honours was requested. Paul McVeigh pointed out that course leaders were the appropriate people to provide this information on an individual basis, as any transfer was subject to course requirements (eg professional body accreditation) and the availability on courses.
Student representatives connected to the Milton site requested that more time be scheduled for transfers to the main site. Pete Starie agreed that the current allocation of 1 hour was inadequate. This would be resolved with the transfer of PBS to the main site in January.
6.5. Others
6.5.1. Dossiers
Student representatives for Marketing and Languages reported that the allocation of 10% of their marks across the 3 levels for dossiers had ceased and requested that this be reintroduced as they had found the dossiers very useful. Paul McVeigh reported that a criticism of previous students had been that the dossiers involved too much work in comparison to the marks awarded. Pete Starie would look into this.
Action: PS
6.5.2. Criminology Seminars
The student representative on the 1st year Criminology combination advised the board that students on one seminar did not have time to write the necessary 500 words required, due to too little time between the lecture and the seminar. Jackie Tapley pointed out that the information in the lecture was already on the WebCT, but agreed that she would discuss this with the unit coordinator to ensure that students were not unfairly penalised.
Action: JT
7. Any Other Business
There were no other matters raised.
8. Dates of Forthcoming Meetings
To be advised.